This ep on its own was a more compelling zombie movie than WWZ.This episode definitely out Dead the Walking an LARGE amount!
So why did the cool fighting lady just decide to get eaten again? Yes they were kids and she's a mom but come on. She still could've seen her kids after the fight. That didn't cross her mind?
This ep on its own was a more compelling zombie movie than WWZ.
So why did the cool fighting lady just decide to get eaten again? Yes they were kids and she's a mom but come on. She still could've seen her kids after the fight. That didn't cross her mind?
I really, really hope after escaping that battle the season doesn't end with the kid pulling an Omar.
So why did the cool fighting lady just decide to get eaten again? Yes they were kids and she's a mom but come on. She still could've seen her kids after the fight. That didn't cross her mind?
Shit, maybe the white walkers deserve Westeros.
Clear Leadership.
Inspires unprecedented amounts of loyalty...
So that's where this season's money went.
In Today's Game of Thrones
Jon Snow
(replace car with wildlings)
But how can you rule without devotion?
Boy, did the budget kick in this episode or what? Good shit after a rather boring season.
Guess I'm in the minority who thought this episode sucked too. Awful season so far.
Care to elaborate?Guess I'm in the minority who thought this episode sucked too. Awful season so far.
To be fair she was a Mom clearly she'd completely abandon all and any rationality & just take it the moment Kids come into the picture.
Guess I'm in the minority who thought this episode sucked too. Awful season so far.
I wonder if the four horsemen each have their own powers? That guy with the crown looking head can raise the dead, would be interesting to see what else they can do.
It would be tough though. Imagine having to fight a terrifying undead army, and then seeing your best friend, face half-rotted away, running at you with a rusty axe. Then you remember you had to leave him behind after he got lost in the woods, and you could have stopped him turning into the wretched creature he is now.
Forget Oberon, forget Jamie... this is the new Swag of the Seven Kingdoms.
Not really a sword or a named weapon but there should be a valyrian dagger floating around in Winterfell. I decided to watch a couple season one episodes today. The dagger they took off the body of the assassin who tried to kill Bran in episode 2 had a valyrian blade. I have to imagine that is still around somewhere (unless Cate took it with her to try to prove that the Lannisters were behind it all, in which case it could be anywhere, I gotta watch more of the season to see if she took it with her). Edit: nvm I guess. The dagger was brought to King's Landing at the beginning of episode three and was shown to Varis and Littlefinger. Guess it's not in Winterfell anymore.Jon - Longclaw
Brienne - Oathkeeper
Tommen - Widow's Wail
House Tarly (Sworn to House Tyrell) - Heartsbane
House Corbray (Sworn to House Arryn) - Lady Forlorn
Haven't seen or heard much of the last two though. There's also a few that have been lost over the years, whether in a battle or some other method.
i thought he would fuck with the wind and the ocean and have all the ships and boats start drifting toward him and then cut to black as they get closei thought this guy was going to freeze the ocean Aokiji style.
Guys, make your Olly predictions:
They're building him up as a wild card -- what's Olly's end game purpose this season?
With the amount of crazy things that happened this episode, this show has taught me the most important was the chat between Sam and the kid. That's all I can think about. Talk about nasty foreshadowing - this is like the third or forth time he's brought up his slaughtered village.
I really, really hope after escaping that battle the season doesn't end with the kid pulling an Omar.
this would be way betterThis is partially based on the preview so it's in spoilers.
In the preview you see Thorne acting like he won't let Jon and the wildlings in, so I think Olly will defy Thorne and open the gate.
I wonder if this was a call back to the first scene of Game of Thrones. Looks like the same character to me.
Season 1, episode 1.
Season 6, episode 8
I don't remember the exact words but he made it sound like this blacksmith was one of a kind since he knew how to reforge Valyrian steel.
We've also seen how powerful Brienn's sword is. She cut through a solid tree trunk and then she shattered someone's sword.
It was mentioned in the S4 extras in the Valyrian Steel special that while the secrets of forging new Valyrian Steel have been long forgotten, there exist a few people that can reshape a Valyrian sword.
It would be tough though. Imagine having to fight a terrifying undead army, and then seeing your best friend, face half-rotted away, running at you with a rusty axe. Then you remember you had to leave him behind after he got lost in the woods, and you could have stopped him turning into the wretched creature he is now.
What else is made with valyrian steel?
I remember Stark's giant execution sword was melted for something...
Yea, the two new swords.
One for Jamie, who gave the sword to Brienne. One for Joffery who promptly got offed with the sword going to the grave with him.
couldnt stay up to watch this yesterday but everyone was saying it was the best episode in a long time, holy shit they weren't kidding - 5cc fantasy injection right there.
jon vs icy geralt of rivia, what more can you ask for.
embrace the lord of light or pray to the dragons otherwise yer fucked