Is Jorah just a creepy old man?
It's more than a little disturbing that he's fostered such an obsessive romantic love for a girl that's literally young enough to be his granddaughter and whom he basically raised as such.
Is Jorah just a creepy old man?
More an overzealous religious convert who is in love with his messiah.Is Jorah just a creepy old man?
It comes down to his honesty. It broke that trust. What's to say he won't hide something else from her down the line? He didn't tell her out of shame, he didn't confide in her until she MADE HIM. That is not honorable, that is not trustworthy. He fucked up and she can no longer trust him without second guessing everything he says. I get that you want happy endings for everything, but she can't risk that for someone she can't trust.
Have you missed the whole point that the White Walkers descent south correlates with the coming of winter? It's never been explicitly stated but I assume they only do so as winter comes, so it all makes perfect sense.I guess so.
It irks me that this big baddie has moved virtually zero miles since season one and now all of a sudden is shown to be really damned fast. Not to mention they can add to their numbers in seconds, don't need a supply line, etc.
My issue with Dany is that she's never shown any ability to take care of the people closest to her. She stood back and watched her own brother killed--who was vile as shit yes, but family, and protected her. She threw Jorah to the bushes. She's locked her own kids in the basement.
It's because he kept it a secret from her. He didn't trust her, and Tyrion basically explained it in his advice. It was hard advice to give but it was his first act at being her advisor that needed to be taken. If he'd softballed it she would have killed them both.
I predict that when Ramsay leads his raid against Stannis Melly Sanders sees him but does nothing in order to allow Stannis's daughter to be killed rather than killing her herself.
Ramsay and 20 hand picked soldiers gonna take them all out.
Return of Ramsay in battle, the hype is real.
More an overzealous religious convert who is in love with his messiah.
I agree with you Future Phaze, Dany's motivations again Jorah are daft.
Btw, why there was a hooded guy on the boat that Jon Snow was boarded to? I was expecting him to be a zombie/whitewalker until the end.
Yeah I was suspect of him the moment they started getting on that boat.
Yeah well it's not hard to guess what it will be. The Boltons (Ramsay elite troup) versus Stannis.I just caught up.
I'm in awe.
But what is more amazing is that historically speaking Episode 9 is the one when SHIT GOES DOWN. Ned's beheading, the battle of the Blackwater, the red wedding and the assault on Black Castle all happened at the ninth episode of their respective seasons. If the tradition holds...
Bruhs. Hold me, bruhs.
It's more than a little disturbing that he's fostered such an obsessive romantic love for a girl that's literally young enough to be his granddaughter and whom he basically raised as such.
book reader leading question
the thing that bothers me is that there was still a boat left there to begin with. With million wildlings freaking out and trying to bolt, I would assume every boat would definitely be gone, even if they had to kill someone trying to protect one and keep it there for Jon
Yes I thought that as well. But Jon has become too important to kill off. Then again, it is GoT after all...I'll be real pissed if little farmer boy kills Jon snow. Considering they have revisited his characters motivations , I think it will be highly possible.
Yeah well it's not hard to guess what it will be. The Boltons (Ramsay elite troup) versus Stannis.
I just caught up.
I'm in awe.
But what is more amazing is that historically speaking Episode 9 is the one when SHIT GOES DOWN. Ned's beheading, the battle of the Blackwater, the red wedding and the assault on Black Castle all happened at the ninth episode of their respective seasons. If the tradition holds...
Bruhs. Hold me, bruhs.
If that happens, I'm done.I'll be real pissed if little farmer boy kills Jon snow. Considering they have revisited his characters motivations , I think it will be highly possible.
I'll be real pissed if little farmer boy kills Jon snow. Considering they have revisited his characters motivations , I think it will be highly possible.
Yeah but last season shit happen all throughout it. And wasn't it episode 10 that was the big one last year?
But yeah...things are crazy. And if that wasn't the big
It's more than a little disturbing that he's fostered such an obsessive romantic love for a girl that's literally young enough to be his granddaughter and whom he basically raised as such.
It's more than a little disturbing that he's fostered such an obsessive romantic love for a girl that's literally young enough to be his granddaughter and whom he basically raised as such.
I didn't know there was that much of an age difference. It definitely doesn't show with the actors in the show imo. How old are they both supposed to be?
It's more than a little disturbing that he's fostered such an obsessive romantic love for a girl that's literally young enough to be his granddaughter and whom he basically raised as such.
I hope the surviving Night's Watch members that went to Hardhome help show how right Jon was. There's no way anyone can disagree with him now that they saw the horror that is the White Walkers first hand.
The CGI was incredible in this episode.
Surpassed any skeleton/undead CGI I've seen in any film. The White Walkers looked and behaved in a genuinely frightening way.