Na, winter happens randomly because every now and then someone shakes the snow globe.
Winter happens because of an island with a mysterious smoke monster and "magnets."
Na, winter happens randomly because every now and then someone shakes the snow globe.
It's been thrown out in this thread for the past year basically.
After LF talked to Sansa about how the rebelion started (Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna Stark), coupled with the honorable Ned Stark coming home with a bastard boy with Stanis outright saying it wasn't his style to bang random whores, there is more than enough evidence that Jon is the offspring of Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark.
Ned doesn't kill kids, he didn't support assassination Danny in Season One and it's well within Ned's moral code to come back and be labled an adulterer than give up the fact that Rhaegar had a kid and have Robbert kill the kid. It's why Lyanna's death has basically been left to speculation, she probably died giving birth.
Hence Ned Stark's last words to Jon, "You don't have my name, but you have my blood".
Also I missed it but from now on I'm definitely skipping the recaps at the start of the episode.
La la la la la...not listening, not listening. *sticks head back in sand*
What if the White Walkers are actually??the valyrians
What if the White Walkers are actually??the valyrians
It doesn't even matter for the war against The Walkers.
He isn't immune to fire, he burnt his hand way back. The only thing his possible offspring status will grant him is political opportunity after the war, which wouldn't fit his character as he had perfect oppourunity to be an official Stark.
"Oh wait, I'm Targaryen! That house that's basically dead and my father destroyed? Sure, I'll go break my oath as Lord Commander and be a Targaryen, even though I've never gave a shit about that family and will basically be spitting on my families grave"
I feel like this whole theory/plot line is a red herring. I can't see it logically doing anything or causing anything that wouldn't happen anyways. What, is Danny only going to help the Nights Watch because she (somehow) figured out that Jon is her brother?
If I had a guess, it's a guise of plot armor. "Oh, he's Targaryen, that means he's fitting into a bigger picture down the road, nothing can happen to him!"
He would actually be her nephew if the theory is correct.
We don't really know how the white walkers and the zombies work. In this episode the king raised the dead but in an earlier episode the dead crows came back to un-life spontaneously, seemingly following standard zombie lore. Does everyone they kill come back as a zombie eventually and the king just accelerated the process? Or does he actively raise the dead, and the zombie crows either played dead or were raised long distance somehow? Can he raise any dead, or just those the zombies killed? They really are a mystery, which is as it should be considering they were considered a myth until recently, but they will have to fill in some gaps eventually otherwise the audience will be lost.Who are the whitewalker leaders, and how did they come to be? I just want to know so much. Too bad they cant send a recon team into wherever the hell they came from to see the day to day life of the Whitewalker. Do they just walk all damn day? Clearly the leaders are capable of intellectual thought. Do they get bored walking all day?
Is there anything cooler than friggin' skeleton warriors? I don't think so.
All this makes me wonder how the white walkers were beaten before.
We don't really know how the white walkers and the zombies work. In this episode the king raised the dead but in an earlier episode the dead crows came back to un-life spontaneously, seemingly following standard zombie lore. Does everyone they kill come back as a zombie eventually and the king just accelerated the process? Or does he actively raise the dead, and the zombie crows either played dead or were raised long distance somehow? Can he raise any dead, or just those the zombies killed? They really are a mystery, which is as it should be considering they were considered a myth until recently, but they will have to fill in some gaps eventually otherwise the audience will be lost.
All this makes me wonder how the white walkers were beaten before.
And part of me thinks that even though Job did some good they might not let him back into the castle and strand him on the other side.
Forget Oberon, forget Jamie... this is the new Swag of the Seven Kingdoms.
Im a little confused. Spoilers ahead for the 8th episode!
When John Snow deflected the White Walkers strike with the sword and then killed him, did he use his own sword? And if so, does that mean his sword has the same dragon stuff in it that the dagger Sam found had? Sorry if this question is confusing lol
Gotta love the mamouth armour on the giant.
Ramsay reminds me of Bronn. Didn't Bronn tell Tyrion " give me 20 good men and some spiked shoes and I'll penetrate the bitch. " in response to Tyrionn saying no army has penetrated the walls of the Vale? Something like that.
Ramsay is probably going just to break the moral of the army even more then it already is. He isn't going to try and kill everyone. That's just dumb. I really hope real bad things happen to him but doubtful
They ran out of olive's for their martini's, they need to get to past the wall to get some more.Wonder what the White Walkers' motive is.
Wonder what the White Walkers' motive is. Surely there's something beyond them being the baddies, right?
While I can suspend disbelief enough to accept armies of the undead, I have a tough time understanding how people in furs are going to survive being drenched in Arctic seas. They'd be hypothermic by the time they got to the boats.
Best episode this season by far.
Now we know Danerys' political goals, it will be really interesting to see how helpful Tyrion can be. He was always focused on manoeuvring politics rather than outright overturning them.
I'll spoiler this just in case. But in regards to this sword by chance I ended up watching the "history & lore" stuff on the bluray extras so it just popped back into my head:
In the history & lore section of the bluray for season 4 I believe they had a part with Jorah talking about a bit of history and in it he talked about how when he shamed his family name he left behind the sword to go to a more worthy successor.
Now is anyone else going to watch that last 20 minutes again real soon? I know I plan to tonight, got me all hype.
They have ships so they're just sailing around the wall. He couldn't get trapped on the other side.All this makes me wonder how the white walkers were beaten before.
And part of me thinks that even though Job did some good they might not let him back into the castle and strand him on the other side.
Wasn't the wall built by men? Bran The Builder and all that.The Children of the Forest and The First Men. CotF had ass loads of magic, it's how they built that wall of ice and why the White Walkers can't get past it, it's imbued with magic, most likely the same shit that wizzard who controls the crows uses in his cave.
They have ships so they're just sailing around the wall. He couldn't get trapped on the other side.
Wasn't the wall built by men? Bran The Builder and all that.
They have ships so they're just sailing around the wall. He couldn't get trapped on the other side.
Wasn't the wall built by men? Bran The Builder and all that.
Hmm. I thought the First Men were at war with the Children of the Forest and practically wiped them out. Then built the wall later.Yea, It was built by the first men (Bran the Builder), Giants and imbued with magic from the Children of the Forrest.
Hmm. I thought the First Men were at war with the Children of the Forest and practically wiped them out. Then built the wall later.
Forget Oberon, forget Jamie... this is the new Swag of the Seven Kingdoms.
I was under the impression there was a truths between the First Men and CotF and they fought the White Walkers together.
I like how his head spikes resemble a crown. Awesome design.Seems like a cool guy.
Tyrion and Dany finally plotting together was already good enough, but then they take my favourite part of this series - Jahn Snahw - and send his tale into overdrive. Absolutely fantastic episode.
Who else has a Valyrian sword?
Here's an image with a list of Valaryian Steel swords both known and lost to time someone made a few seasons ago.
Not posting the image itself in case it's considered a spoiler just to be safe.
Who else has a Valyrian sword?
...Little Finger maybe?I like how his head spikes resemble a crown. Awesome design.
I love the idea that there could be human agents of the white walkers infiltrating the Eastern and Western kingdoms, creating discord. It would be cool to learn that the white walker leadership has been also playing the game of thrones to keep the kingdoms weak.