So uh...
Did Dany just leave her squad there to die?
It seemed to me that Davos left shortly before it happened. If he gets word of it before he reaches The Wall, that message will not be delivered.
Newsflash: The CGI compositing in a 10 hour season of television might not be quite as good as what you see in a $250m movie.
If the dude burns his own daughter alive, what wouldn't he do? I'm intrigued to see how far this fucker will go now.
But did she die (specifically this exact scenario) like that in the book? We can't say it was for Hollywood shock value unless it is different to the book in this regard.
I've always disliked this cunt of a man. Since day fucking uno. I never understood why anyone would back this jackass who ain't shit without an evil sorceress. I mean for fucks sakes, his most prized ally is an EVIL SORCERESS. HOW DID YOU NOT SEE HE WAS A CUNT?!
Man, I am so livid right now. Hearing that sweet girl scream like that. Fuck Stannis.
It seemed to me that Davos left shortly before it happened. If he gets word of it before he reaches The Wall, that message will not be delivered.
I got the feeling he kind of knew something was going to happen, why give a gift?
I'm glad we can all agree that Brienne is the one true savior of Westeros.
I thought they were going to do a swerve with who gets burned.
Well, Stannis downfall probably just begun.
Is there any power that a symbol of the Baratheon being burnt with her can do?
As a father the man makes my blood boil. I always had hoped that he was just trying to take what he thought was his and would never cross a line this deep in the sand. Milesandre is just evil, evil evil. Now, we have psycho Boltons against daughter killing Stannis. Do I want cancer or alzheimers? Jesus!
Liked Stannis prior to this episode, thought he was the true King, but I can't respect this. Waaaay too monstrous.
Liked Stannis prior to this episode, thought he was the true King, but I can't respect this. Waaaay too monstrous.
The only way I will be satisfied is if they kill each other off, with the final blow being Stannis and Ramsay stabbing each other.
I swear, if this cunt Olly kills Jon Snow...
I'm going full Team Night King if that happens.
Liked Stannis prior to this episode, thought he was the true King, but I can't respect this. Waaaay too monstrous.
I swear, if this cunt Olly kills Jon Snow...
I'm going full Team Night King if that happens.
That's almost getting off too easy, IMO. I want to see the giant Jon brought in pickup Stannis and then beat Ramsey with him. Both end up unable to walk or use their arms so they just put them up in the town square for the rats to slowly eat.
I swear, if this cunt Olly kills Jon Snow...
I'm going full Team Night King if that happens.
I'm hopping he tries to do it, then Jon slits his throat.
Let's not forget the 'Lord of Light' did resurrect a dead dude the Hound practically sliced in two. And that wasn't the first time. And assinated Renly with a freaking shadow sex-baby wraith lord.
I mean Stannis is a bastard but it's not like his belief is unfounded.
Let's not forget the 'Lord of Light' did resurrect a dead dude the Hound practically sliced in two. And that wasn't the first time. And assinated Renly with a freaking shadow sex-baby wraith lord.
I mean Stannis is a bastard but it's not like his belief is unfounded.
When Olly glared down Jon I actually shouted "MAN FUCK YOU OLLY YOU LITTLE SHIT" at my TV
I still can't get over how many people were going to bat for this fucking dude, avatars and all LOL (and most of them shitting on Dany of all people in the process. Ha! But I'll leave that alone).
This is the same guy who burned his relatives alive because they disagreed with his new religion. The same guy who cheated on his wife acting like he's so god damn honorable 24/7. The same guy who assassinated his brother. The same guy who was willing to sacrifice his nephew to kill his enemies. The same guy who takes orders from an evil fire witch.
And now he's the cunt who burned a sweet little girl alive, his own daughter, for a better shot at a crown he doesn't deserve, and is no more entitled to than some others (Dany, Gendry, Jon(if the theory holds), off the top of my head)
Fuck Stannis Baratheon
Wait I just noticed.Jorah touched Danny while getting off the plat form. Or did he have a glove on?
I got the feeling he kind of knew something was going to happen, why give a gift?
His name is Maryn "Fucking" Tranti really hope Arya doesn't lose her v-card to maryn trant