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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I agree it should be Stannis, which means it's not going to be Stannis. I predict he'll be defeated by the Boltons.

I just don't see how this is possible. Stannis has the men, and Roose's troops are of shaky allegiance, as 'the North Remembers' - many have not forgiven the red wedding. The Lannisters aren't going to send troops up to help Bolton even if they could, which they can't. Stannis has men, and possibly Wildlings if that works out. The Boltons' only advantage is that they're inside two forts that should be fairly easy to defend. That's a fair advantage, but it's all they've got as far as I'm concerned. Stannis should rout them.

I hope it was Tyrion. Jon Snow is too righteous to function as king, Daenerys is proving she has the tact and subtlety of a spoon, Stannis is a religious nutjob; really, most of the potential candidates are just terrible. I'd actually rather Tommen than most of them.

Tommen's not going to last two weeks. (Two episodes?) He's just too young and too soft and sweet. He's probably going to die in some appalling manner that he doesn't deserve at all due to the sins of his parents and brother. Shit, one of Cersei's plans gone wrong will probably cause it. I really hope I'm wrong, but can't see any other way. We all know that Tommen ain't going to end up on the throne, plus there's that prophecy.

Nope, he's fucking shit up doing his thang

I expect some of this season to be a little slower when compared to the last season. Season 4 and 3 were the culmination of many plot threads and story arcs. I think we are getting a soft reset with things for now and building it up again.

Yeah. So much got reset and wrapped up last season that of course it's going to take some time to reset the pieces on the board. No doubt some will freak out about that - I certainly didn't relish it after book 3 which is why I stopped there, but I find it much more palatable in TV form. But I agree, it'll be a slow season.

That ship has long sailed I fear. There's no one left to kill that would avenge Ned Stark. Joffrey's dead, Tywin's dead, the Hound is MIA, The Mountain is basically dead, Jaime's ok again, even killing Cersei woudn't help.

The revenge list is getting so big there doesn't seem to be a point any more.

Arya still has her list though, right? That has to mean something. That's would be a form of revenge.

So what do you guys thinks is going on with Mr Mountain? You think that black robed wizard dude is gonna turn him into some kinda zombie?

It that's the case, I just hope its consistent with whatever magic is behind the white walkers.

Definitely a Frankenstein type deal, and yes it does seem out of place with the rest of the show. The thing is, I believe, that for some reason magic is coming back into the world, which is why all of this magical shit is happening. Whether the birth of Dany's dragons was the cause or just another effect is unknown, but it seems clear that more and more magic is possible all the time in Westeros.

I say, if Daenerys doesn't find the knowledge on how to train your dragon, she's fucked.
Her ancestors rode on dragons and she can't even taim them. Clearly, there must be a secret on how to taim the dragons, but I don't know one person who could know that.
Aemon Targaryen
, who kinda seem like he could know something, is dead or is he ? I am confused right know, haven't read the books !!

I hadn't thought of Aemon. He would almost certainly know that kind of thing. You might have nailed it there, man. Good shout.

I don't see it like that. They give up their freedom or they give up their lives. Winter is coming and they can't survive beyond the wall.

Mance was an idiot for not bending the knee, because of his selfish desire for freedom he could have potentially killed hundreds of thousands. If he had accepted Stannis as his king then at least the rest of the Wildlings would have had the option to fight for Stannis or stay behind and die in the winter. Now, because of Mance's actions they might not be given the opportunity to fight, they might just be left to die.

Mance was an idiot. There was nothing heroic in what he chose at the end. He and his men fought bravely and lost -fair enough. Instead of being killed or imprisoned they are offered the very thing they wanted and fought for (a life south of the wall) for the same cost everyone else pays (the requirement to fight for your lord) and he turns it down. Just a stupid, stupid man.
That's assuming the Wildlings can't win without him. Stannis can't stay in the North forever; he has to move South to defeat Bolton and then further to begin the process of regaining the kingdom from Tommen. Stannis has the only force in the North capable of defeating the Wildlings. As soon as Stannis leaves, the Wildlings can have their freedom and their life. Mance did what was best.

That's a very good point, Stannis has to leave at some point. But I still don't think Mance did what was best, because he essentially denied the Wildlings of their freedom to choose, now it's up to Stannis to decide if they can cross the wall or not. For all we know Stannis might order a mass genocide against the Wildlings before he leaves. I doubt it, but you never know.


Don't understand why Stannis "I'm so full of shit" Baratheon needed to burn Mance alive? He needs the wildlings in order to have a sufficient force to march on the Boltons. It's not like the wildlings are going to join him after he just roasted their leader. Dude needs to chill out with his self righteous schtick.

"They call you the King beyond the wall. Westeros only has one king."

What the fuck are you talking about you daft idiot? These people weren't part of the bloody realm by virtue of being on the other side of the wall. I would love for Ramsey to get his hands on this prick.
Its his new religion. They kill everybody by fire as shown earlier.

I would also argue that the Wildlings main goal is to get on Westeros soil. I doubt most of them would turn down stannis' offer.


Are you going to say no to GOD DAMN STANNIS? No, of course not.

Also cut out the head of wildling leadership and place yourself there. It works.


That's assuming the Wildlings can't win without him. Stannis can't stay in the North forever; he has to move South to defeat Bolton and then further to begin the process of regaining the kingdom from Tommen. Stannis has the only force in the North capable of defeating the Wildlings. As soon as Stannis leaves, the Wildlings can have their freedom and their life. Mance did what was best.

You really think Roose is going to let the Wildlings settle in the North?

Their choice is between routing the Boltons with Stannis and gaining legitimate title to land or fighting him on their own and, if they win, facing years of war as successive leaders of the North try to drive them off the land.


That's assuming the Wildlings can't win without him. Stannis can't stay in the North forever; he has to move South to defeat Bolton and then further to begin the process of regaining the kingdom from Tommen. Stannis has the only force in the North capable of defeating the Wildlings. As soon as Stannis leaves, the Wildlings can have their freedom and their life. Mance did what was best.

I don't think Stannis is going to up and leave the Wildlings there.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Stannis is the one true king. All heathens will see the light.

Stannis gets shit done. I think what I like most about his character is that he does not hide his intentions and so far has been the one taking the most action.
It's his ego-to-idiocy that drives me nuts. Because he is, otherwise, a good leader. When he first entered the picture I was rooting for him, because he was no nonsense about the whole thing. Fuck the blondes. Fuck their inbred bullshit. Brother was murdered, time to fuck them up. But he has such a stick up his arse about rightful kingship and expects everyone to kiss his arse that it just rubs me the wrong way. More or less anybody who thinks they have a right to the throne and expects everyone to assume that too rubs me the wrong way.

Basically he doesn't have shit, doesn't have a right to shit, and I'd respect him more if he understood this and factored it into his diplomacy.
Lawful neutral don't give a fuck about diplomacy.


That's assuming the Wildlings can't win without him. Stannis can't stay in the North forever; he has to move South to defeat Bolton and then further to begin the process of regaining the kingdom from Tommen. Stannis has the only force in the North capable of defeating the Wildlings. As soon as Stannis leaves, the Wildlings can have their freedom and their life. Mance did what was best.

You're assuming that the Wildlings will all just flock to some new leader and stay united as one concerted force to invade Westeros. Typically in history when traditionally nomadic tribes are united under a charismatic leader they fall apart quickly on the death of that leader.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
You really think Roose is going to let the Wildlings settle in the North?

Their choice is between routing the Boltons with Stannis and gaining legitimate title to land or fighting him on their own and, if they win, facing years of war as successive leaders of the North try to drive them off the land.

Roose doesn't have the necessary troops. Mance is followed by 100,000 wildlings. Even though many of these will be children and the elderly, we'll assume something like a 5% mobilization rate. That's 5,000 fighting men. Robb's army was 22,000 men; we know this from S2. He also raised every military fighter in the north to the point the fields were going untilled. Unless you assume that Lord Bolton has a quarter of the entire levy of the North, Roose has can't take the Wildlings.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
I don't know about Stannis. I like the get shit done approach he has going but I'm against religious nuts. I hope it's just a face to use Melisandre's power somehow.

It's his ego-to-idiocy that drives me nuts. Because he is, otherwise, a good leader. When he first entered the picture I was rooting for him, because he was no nonsense about the whole thing. Fuck the blondes. Fuck their inbred bullshit. Brother was murdered, time to fuck them up. But he has such a stick up his arse about rightful kingship and expects everyone to kiss his arse that it just rubs me the wrong way. More or less anybody who thinks they have a right to the throne and expects everyone to assume that too rubs me the wrong way.

Basically he doesn't have shit, doesn't have a right to shit, and I'd respect him more if he understood this and factored it into his diplomacy.

I agree. I kind of hope every player that's seeking power because "it's my birthright" dies or gets sidelined sooner or later.

I can't wait until Littlefinger's master plan fucks everyone in the ass.


Stannis is such an interesting character because despite being utterly ruthless he adheres to a code, and holds himself to a certain standard of honor. He's not one to engage in all the lying, scheming, and backstabbing most who play the game wield so freely. Even amid committing atrocities like burning people alive, killing his own brother, or using blood magic he's been nothing but straightforward and honest, almost always telling people precisely where he's coming from before offering them a single out. Only when they refuse to follow his orders or persists in standing against him does he [openly] pledge their destruction.

And can you really call someone a religious nutjob when their God is proven to be real entity who answers their prayers, shows them the future, and intervenes on their behalf? Not condoning setting people on fire but The Lord of Light demands sacrifices for his favor... that's how it works.


I think Stannis is the most boring person on the show.

There! I said it!

Yes, he has his code and gets stuff done, but he's not charismatic and burning people alive won't win over the hearts and minds of Westeros.


I think Stannis is the most boring person on the show.

There! I said it!

Yes, he has his code and gets stuff done, but he's not charismatic and burning people alive won't win over the hearts and minds of Westeros.

Crucial bit bolded, but I agree.

Without Davos, I wouldn't give a fuck. Melisandre can get lost too.
I think Stannis is the most boring person on the show.

There! I said it!

Yes, he has his code and gets stuff done, but he's not charismatic and burning people alive won't win over the hearts and minds of Westeros.

Stannis doesn't need to be charismatic. He has a number of people around him he do that for him. Stannis is there to be respected, not enjoyed.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Jon Snow is infinitely more boring than Stannis. He's like someone crossed Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom, gave them a sword and brooding looks, and then topped it off with an invisible magic fedora. Only Fedorah Mormont and Samwell 'Neckbeard' Tarly beat him out.

Funky Papa

Jon Snow is infinitely more boring than Stannis. He's like someone crossed Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom, gave them a sword and brooding looks, and then topped it off with an invisible magic fedora. Only Fedorah Mormont and Samwell 'Neckbeard' Tarly beat him out.

Jon Snu became much more enjoyable when his balls dropped during the assault of Castleblack.

Jorah Fedora remains the most boring character so far, specially now that he doesn't even serve as meme relief. He's of no use.
Jon Snu became much more enjoyable when his balls dropped during the assault of Castleblack.

Jorah Fedora remains the most boring character so far, specially now that he doesn't even serve as meme relief. He's of no use.

Agreed on Snow. Do you think Jorah's still in the show, or is he just another castaway like Gendry, Osha and Rickon?

Funky Papa

Agreed on Snow. Do you think Jorah's still in the show, or is he just another castaway like Gendry, Osha and Rickon?

He's probably drowning in his own self pity. I bet he'll come around later in the season to backstab/woo Dany for the last time (and die trying like the chump he is).

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Agreed on Snow. Do you think Jorah's still in the show, or is he just another castaway like Gendry, Osha and Rickon?

Gendry got away too easily and with not enough closure for me to believe he is gone. I think we'll see him again.


Neo Member
From the fire trial, they focused so much on Tormund that i think he is gonna stand up as wildling leader and bend his knee to Stannis.

I Might be wrong and Stannis kills all the wildlings, one never knows in this show!


Hope this doesnt count as book spoilers: Is this season going to surpass the books? I had gotten just 20% into the first book before stopping, but I enjoyed it a lot.

I've wanted to start reading the books, but I feel like it wont be worth it since I already watched the show so far... Unless there is a whole lot in the books that is yet to be covered in terms of this season and any other future seasons

How many more seasons are expected?

I'm also wondering, do you guys think we'll see some spin off show sometime? Or even a video game? I'm surprised there isn't some big video game for this yet.

There's gonna be 7 seasons, so two more after this one. That's what they're aiming for, at least.

And there are video games, Telltale's probably being the biggest one. No idea if it's any good, though.

e: wouldn't mind a spin-off show tho
Did you not watch the
S5 trailers?

I had, I just forgot. Thanks for the reminder.

He's probably drowning in his own self pity. I bet he'll come around later in the season to backstab/woo Dany for the last time (and die trying like the chump he is).

I think jorah is doing his own thing on the side to get back into danys good graces only to get friendzoned for the millionth time

Ha, seems like.

Gendry got away too easily and with not enough closure for me to believe he is gone. I think we'll see him again.

Maybe, but so far his entire purpose has been to be used by different people, and I can't think of anyone left to use him or any other purpose he'd fill.
I think Stannis is the most boring person on the show.

There! I said it!

Yes, he has his code and gets stuff done, but he's not charismatic and burning people alive won't win over the hearts and minds of Westeros.

That's good, because they keep killing all the interesting characters. Ned, Robert, Tywin, Oberyn, The Hound (presumably)...

Stannis spent most of season 3 and 4 moping around sure, but now he's back on the front line, he's starting to become interesting again.
I hope we get more of a taste this season of stuff like the fire child vs Stalfos and the King White Walker guy way up in the north. We're at season 5 now and they've been doing a decent job at keeping the "winter is coming" stuff ever present in the back of your mind. I just hope that it isn't all build up with no real payoff, especially if they really are only going for 7 seasons. There are only so many episodes left. Maybe they need to save up money for the CG shots of when we eventually see more than one white walker at once.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Rewatching the S5 trailers... I can't wait to see some of things I saw there to happen now that we have a better understanding of what's to come with the first episode.


And can you really call someone a religious nutjob when their God is proven to be real entity who answers their prayers, shows them the future, and intervenes on their behalf? Not condoning setting people on fire but The Lord of Light demands sacrifices for his favor... that's how it works.
Maybe not. We don't know if Melisandre is typical for a follower of The Lord of Light or if she's a lone fanatic. The priest in The Brotherhood Without Banners seems to have equally impressive power and is much more laid back about his religion. Really we don't know where either of them actually get their power from.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe, but so far his entire purpose has been to be used by different people, and I can't think of anyone left to use him or any other purpose he'd fill.

He's the bastard son of the King, and has a claim to the throne as such. There's definitely people who could use that, by forging a will legitimizing him or some such.
I hope we get more of a taste this season of stuff like the fire child vs Stalfos and the King White Walker guy way up in the north. We're at season 5 now and they've been doing a decent job at keeping the "winter is coming" stuff ever present in the back of your mind. I just hope that it isn't all build up with no real payoff, especially if they really are only going for 7 seasons. There are only so many episodes left. Maybe they need to save up money for the CG shots of when we eventually see more than one white walker at once.

You can look at it another way and think that we're just past the midway point of the series if it only goes to 7 season. Considering how much has happened in the first 40 episodes, I would hope that 30 more is plenty enough to cover everything.


What do you mean consistent? Like they both have the same source of power?

I'm envisioning something similar to the blood magic that the witch did on Khal Drogo to turn him zombie.

Was he really a zombie? I recall him being more more like a vegetable. But yeah it just seems kinda silly to have different magics for the same thing.

I don't want a scenario where it's one zombie hoard Vs another slightly different zombie hoard

Definitely a Frankenstein type deal, and yes it does seem out of place with the rest of the show. The thing is, I believe, that for some reason magic is coming back into the world, which is why all of this magical shit is happening. Whether the birth of Dany's dragons was the cause or just another effect is unknown, but it seems clear that more and more magic is possible all the time in Westeros.

I'm actually hoping for more of a Frankenstein type of deal in his case. Technically he didn't die... He definitely would have died using whatever conventional medicine...

I don't mind the magic we have seen so far at all, since it seems there is always a price for it. You can instantly heal a wound... But you ain't gonna look pretty...

You can bring someone back to life, but they are a husk of their former selves.

You can change your appearance, but it requires some great level of devotion to a code.

I think the show has done a good job having rather grounded magic.


Jon Snow is infinitely more boring than Stannis. He's like someone crossed Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom, gave them a sword and brooding looks, and then topped it off with an invisible magic fedora. Only Fedorah Mormont and Samwell 'Neckbeard' Tarly beat him out.

This show is more full of fedoras than that though. A fedora for Jaime, fedora for little finger, fedora for both Rob Stark, and another for Robbert Baratheon... Despite his womanizing he was seriously obsessed with Ned's sis.

Plus, for Jon, Ygrette was his first and it's not like he immediately proposed to her and jeopardize important agreement that ended with his Direwolf's head sown on to his shoulders because of her.

I, for one like Jon, Snow... So far anyway.

Stannis does have redeeming qualities but that Red woman has lead him into some dark shit... I can't say I blame too much though... I'd follow dat too. :p
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