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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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You know what is funny, "only" three Starks died (Ned, Robb and Catelyn) and I think more Lannisters died (The twins, Tywin and Joffrey who is basically a Lannister).

Starks are strong, I mean Sansa can manipulate so much right now, Arya is learning how to be an assassin, Bran is learning how to use his gift, rickon is alive and Jon Snow is the commander of the Nightswatch and hopefully in the future the warden of the north.

lolRickon. His only claim to fame is that he isn't dead yet.
With my expectations for death in this show, I honestly thought she was gonna toss Needle away.

Not yet, I guess. But Needle's days are (probably?) numbered.

My guess is that at some point Arya realizes she's half-assing her training and not fully committing to the Faceless Men stuff and eventually goes back and chucks it, signifying her complete disconnect from her previous identity
I dunno, the whole reason she wants to be a faceless person is because she wants revenge. I don't think Arya can separate her need to avenge her family vs the need to shed her very being to become a great assassin. I don't see how she can be one without the other.


My guess is that at some point Arya realizes she's half-assing her training and not fully committing to the Faceless Men stuff and eventually goes back and chucks it, signifying her complete disconnect from her previous identity

Or she abandons the training and continues on her 'revenge' path while leveraging a reasonable amount (not overpowered) of assassin skills from her incomplete training. But yeah, something's gotta give and it could definitely go either way.


lolRickon. His only claim to fame is that he isn't dead yet.

I really thought they were going somewhere with Rickon after he dreamt of Ned's death, same as Bran. He does have the coolest direwolf, though, even if he did give it a ridiculous fucking name. At this point it's probably too late in the game for him to do anything super meaningful, but I could see him and the Umbers playing role in the chaotic political landscape in the North.


I dunno, the whole reason she wants to be a faceless person is because she wants revenge. I don't think Arya can separate her need to avenge her family vs the need to shed her very being to become a great assassin. I don't see how she can be one without the other.

Revenge is an acceptable reason for joining the Bigger Brothers, but is it enough to join the Faceless Men?



Really Really Exciting Member!
I really thought they were going somewhere with Rickon after he dreamt of Ned's death, same as Bran. He does have the coolest direwolf, though, even if he did give it a ridiculous fucking name. At this point it's probably too late in the game for him to do anything super meaningful, but I could see him and the Umbers playing role in the chaotic political landscape in the North.

Isn't he in the best place to become the ruler of the North, considering the "rules" of the world of GoT?

1. He's a man.
2. He's not a bastard.(even if Stannis make Jon a Stark, what power does he hold when he's not officially crowned king?)
3. He's not a cripple lost somewhere north of the Wall.


Isn't he in the best place to become the ruler of the North, considering the "rules" of the world of GoT?

1. He's a man.
2. He's not a bastard.(even if Stannis make Jon a Stark, what power does he hold when he's not officially crowned king?)
3. He's not a cripple lost somewhere north of the Wall.

I think people would accept Stannis' legitimization of Jon if it suited their interests. Westerosi nobility can be pretty pragmatic :p


I've seen the latest episode go up on HBO Go a few minutes before it starts airing on the east coast, pretty sweet.


Killed by Martoks(?) after Jaime killed one of them during his escape attempt.

Jaime killed his cousin Alton Lannister. He then killed Karstark's son Torrhen Karstark in order to escape captivity.

Martyn and Willem Lannister were killed by Rickard Karstark and several of his followers.


Isn't he in the best place to become the ruler of the North, considering the "rules" of the world of GoT?

1. He's a man.
2. He's not a bastard.(even if Stannis make Jon a Stark, what power does he hold when he's not officially crowned king?)
3. He's not a cripple lost somewhere north of the Wall.

His claim is better than Sansa's and Jon's but not as strong as Bran's. Granted we don't know if Bran is able to sire children after his 'accident' or what condition he'll be in after his Gandalf training etc..


I cannot wait to see Sansa and Reek interact.

As much as I want to Sansa to murder Reek in his sleep for betraying her family and as far as she knows killing her younger brothers, I fear she's going to take pity on him. Reek deserves no pity.
As much as I want to Sansa to murder Reek in his sleep for betraying her family and as far as she knows killing her younger brothers, I fear she's going to take pity on him. Reek deserves no pity.

I think with Reek, Sansa will see what happens when you play the game and lose big time. From that, i can see her sympathizing.


then couldn't you argue that she would sympathize with Reek because being under the rule of a psycho is something she can identify with? :p

Yeah that might be what does it. Either way I can't wait to see her coming to the realization that she's been promised to someone who makes Joffrey look like Podrick.


As much as I want to Sansa to murder Reek in his sleep for betraying her family and as far as she knows killing her younger brothers, I fear she's going to take pity on him. Reek deserves no pity.

Oh god them falling in love and Sansa causing Reek to redeem himself would be the biggest middle finger ever.


As much as I want to Sansa to murder Reek in his sleep for betraying her family and as far as she knows killing her younger brothers, I fear she's going to take pity on him. Reek deserves no pity.
Killing Reek would be pity. Letting him continue to live like this is about the worst you could do to him.


does she know that he betrayed the family though?

As of season 3, every corner of Westeros was told that Bran and Rickon Stark had been burnt alive.

However, Roose and Ramsay were informed last season that neither of them was actually killed.

In any case, there's no shortage of people who know about Theon taking Winterfell.


I dunno. He seems like Gollum to me.

Gollum was influenced by the corrosive magic of the One Ring to murder his friend. Reek was just a dick searching for daddy's approval.

does she know that he betrayed the family though?

I'd assume so. It would be hard to believe she'd gotten detailed information about the Red Wedding but was oblivious to what went down at Winterfell after all this time.

Oh god them falling in love and Sansa causing Reek to redeem himself would be the biggest middle finger ever.

Unless Sansa wants to live the rest of her days as The Virgin of Winterfell, falling in love with Reek wouldn't be the best idea -- but I could totally see her using him to help take down the Boltons from within.

Killing Reek would be pity. Letting him continue to live like this is about the worst you could do to him.

True. But without Ramsay around to reinforce his training, there's a chance Reek could be rehabilitated to an extent, maybe even find some happiness in life which should never happen
This whole Theon/Reek/Sansa thing makes it really difficult for me in terms of sympathy.

On one hand It's really hard to sympathize with Theon because he betrayed his family. Yeah, they were his family, he was a prisoner of war but for the most part they treated him like one of their own and gave him a life that (from little we've seen) was better than the one he would have had if he'd stayed with his father.

On the other hand, reek has gone through hell and back and it's really hard not to have sympathy for him.

Personally I don't see Sansa forgiving him, maybe in the short term but in the long run if she gains the power and control she won't hesitate to kill him once she's used him to get her revenge.
I don't remember Reek-Sansa backstory or why there is so much anguish on Reek's face. All I know is that Robb sent Reek (at his request) to that iron castle place to bring back a military force/banner. But Reek gets bullied into staying there by his family. Is he distraught because he saw the sister of the would-be king he betrayed?


I still think Jon made a mistake. Bad things happen to those who instigate beheadings:

Jon Snow?

Same can be said for any of the other executed, really.


I was just quoting Sam from a couple the previous episode.

I think Jon will have no ill consequences because of this, no one liked Slynt. If anything it'l do them good, unless they forget to burn the body and next week he comes back to life and kills Jon.



I was just quoting Sam from a couple the previous episode.

I think Jon will have no ill consequences because of this, no one liked Slynt. If anything it'l do them good, unless they forget to burn the body and next week he comes back to life and kills Jon.
Didn't he get votes in the election?
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