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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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She doesn't know realize it yet, but I think she is. She might be childless by the end of the season.

I think that by the end of the season either Cersei or Margaery will be dead and by extension, if one of them dies, so will Tommen.

If Tommen were to die, would Cersei still be Queen? Or would the Lannisters no longer have any claim to the throne.


I'd think Snow would have a shot at dragon powers like Daenerys if he is the son of a Targaryen. But he doesn't. Fire hurts Snow.
No, she's trying to set everyone else up around him.

But she's also too stupid to see the impending doom when she's setting up radical nuts with weapons and power.

She's gonna get her own son killed. For some reason she thinks she is playing that High Sparrow dude, or is at least in mutual understanding of what's going on.

The moment he has the chance to take full control, he's going to go medieval on her ass considering her worst kept secret is that she's fucking her brother and the king is possibly product of that incest.

Yeah she is trying to be like her father and failing miserably. She tried to fuck the high sparrows right hand man, who is her cousin. These guys see sin as a son regardless of who is in power. She dun goofed.
Above all, their quest for vengeance makes no sense. Their father volunteered to duel someone, and he lost. It was a fair fight. His death was his own fault. Why start a war to get revenge against the Lannisters, when the Lannisters didn't kill him? He volunteered to fight The Mountain to the death, and he did. No one interfered.

Yep. Makes no sense. Their aunt was raped and murdered under order of the Lannisters, and their infant cousins had their heads smashed against a wall.
But yeah #GetOverIt
Bunch of Emos
Am I right?


Good episode so far. Loved hearing bits about Ned Starks sisters past and Jon Snow. My question to those that think Jon Snow is thr product of Ned Starks sister abd Rheagar, wouldn't he have had Blonder or silver hair?? Danaerys and her bro had blonder hair. Jon Snow has black hair. I'm just going by the book that all Baratheons born have had dark hair except robert's kids.


"You know nothing Jon Snow"

What' everyone's opinion on this, how would she know to say it? It definitely wasn't a coincidence either.

Yea, I started freaking out when she said that. Does she know that that's what Ygritte used to say or was it just a coincidence? If it's the former, how does she know?

After tonight's episode, how can anyone say King Stannis won't be a worthy King of the 7 Kingdoms of Westeros? I cried like a baby watching that scene between him and his daughter. You can see he still feels guilty for her condition. Folks need to wise up and bend the knee to the one true king. The son of the Andals, the rightful claim to the throne...King Stannis.

Best scene of season 5 imo. I was legit tearing up. What a boss.

I'd think Snow would have a shot at dragon powers like Daenerys if he is the son of a Targaryen. But he doesn't. Fire hurts Snow.

Have we ever seen Jon hurt by fire?


Good episode so far. Loved hearing bits about Ned Starks sisters past and Jon Snow. My question to those that think Jon Snow is thr product of Ned Starks sister abd Rheagar, wouldn't he have had Blonder or silver hair?? Danaerys and her bro had blonder hair. Jon Snow has black hair. I'm just going by the book that all Baratheons born have had dark hair except robert's kids.

Maybe black hair came from Liara. IDK Black gene dominated silver gene
Yea, I started freaking out when she said that. Does she know that that's what Ygritte used to say or was it just a coincidence? If it's the former, how does she know?

There's no way she knew about it, as in, there were no times where she could have heard it, and I don't think it was a coincidence. I do think though that she does know, she either saw it in a fiery vision or something magical.
"You know nothing Jon Snow"

What' everyone's opinion on this, how would she know to say it? It definitely wasn't a coincidence either.

A fucking ghost was farted out of her vagina that murdered someone.

I don't think it's much of a stretch that the God of Light (Or most likely some old crazy wizard who is a pyromaniac) whispered something to make Jon know that she means business.


Yep. Makes no sense. Their aunt was raped and murdered under order of the Lannisters, and their infant cousins had their heads smashed against a wall.
But yeah #GetOverIt
Bunch of Emos
Am I right?

That's not what they talked about. They talked about avenging their father, who died in a duel he volunteered for. If there's a bunch of context not made clear by the show, they should at least mention it as they plot and plan.


👆🏽preview talk should be spoiler tagged

i think that was drogon, the rogue dragon. They mentioned him being seen off the coast before


I would agree that there's tons of evidence that Jon isn't Ned's from the show.

'Not Ned's way', 'left and came back with a baby boy, never said from where', 'the next time we meet I'll tell you about your mother' etc. Those hints have been blatant. But why is it supposed to be Lyanna's? We know fuck all about her other than what we got in this episode, really. I guess that would explain why Ned went and took a child that wasn't his (even though it upset his wife massively) but what else matches up? When was Jon born? Before or after Robert's rebellion? How old is he?

If he's the same age as the rebellion is old then I can understand maybe Lyanna siding with Rhaegar and the Targs, getting killed, and Ned taking the kid to spare it death. But I don't feel like we've actually had any characters say any of that and thus still feel like Jon could be anyone's kid.

He's actually a
"You are a Stark" "You may not have my name but my blood flows through you".

I don't think Ned was lying.


Jon did get burned by the lamp when fighting the wight(wight?) in Castle Black. He's no dragon.

One thing to note - Ser Meryn Trant is "protecting" daddy Tyrell on his trip Bravos, in clear stabbing distance of Arya. Hooray!

Also, Rhaegar apparently was already married to Ellia Martell and he still made this move on Lyanna? What's up with that?


I wouldn't be surprised if the Harpies that ambushed the Unsullied were actually pit fighters. The thing that bothered me about the Unsullied in Mareen is they were still using spears. I don't think they were made for city occupation and were more of a field fighting force, despite being so renowned. Thankfully they got butchered presumably by people who were used to fighting dirty and in close quarters in an ambush..


I wouldn't be surprised if the Harpies that ambushed the Unsullied were actually pit fighters. The thing that bothered me about the Unsullied in Mareen is they were still using spears. I don't think they were made for city occupation and were more of a field fighting force, despite being so renowned. Thankfully they got butchered presumably by people who were used to fighting dirty and in close quarters in an ambush..

It was obviously a close quarters fuck up for the unsullied.


So why did Melisandre ask Jun Snuh if he was a virgin in episode 1 if she already knew about Ygritte?

Also, will there be a single episode this season in which Jun Snuh doesn't defiantly say "I swore a sacred vow! I took an oath!"?


Jon did get burned by the lamp when fighting the wight(wight?) in Castle Black. He's no dragon.

One thing to note - Ser Meryn Trant is "protecting" daddy Tyrell on his trip Bravos, in clear stabbing distance of Arya. Hooray!

Also, Rhaegar apparently was already married to Ellia Martell and he still made this move on Lyanna? What's up with that?

Looks like Arya is going to be able to cross someone off her list. Can't wait!


So why did Melisandre ask Jun Snuh if he was a virgin in episode 1 if she already knew about Ygritte?

Also, will there be a single episode this season in which Jun Snuh doesn't defiantly say "I swore a sacred vow! I took an oath!"?

Maybe she started hearing things from the men?


Looks like Arya is going to be able to cross someone off her list. Can't wait!
I didn't actually realize that. I was too busy laughing at how Master of the Coin Tyrell was basically being led to his death by Cersei and was too dumb to see it.


Also, will there be a single episode this season in which Jun Snuh doesn't defiantly say "I swore a sacred vow! I took an oath!"?

Yeah. Sometimes Jon (and Ned) is basically the westeros Prince Zuko.



Something about this episode just seemed a bit off to me. Fights seemed lame -- Something about the pacing and writing of the ep just felt off.

And the "Sand Snakes" -- They're nice to look at, but I am having trouble taking them seriously. They seem like silly comic book characters, complete with stilted monologues they recite to eachother when a yes or no would have sufficed.

Above all, their quest for vengeance makes no sense. Their father volunteered to duel someone, and he lost. It was a fair fight. His death was his own fault. Why start a war to get revenge against the Lannisters, when the Lannisters didn't kill him? He volunteered to fight The Mountain to the death, and he did. No one interfered.

And he cheated to boot
Jon did get burned by the lamp when fighting the wight(wight?) in Castle Black. He's no dragon.

One thing to note - Ser Meryn Trant is "protecting" daddy Tyrell on his trip Bravos, in clear stabbing distance of Arya. Hooray!

Also, Rhaegar apparently was already married to Ellia Martell and he still made this move on Lyanna? What's up with that?
How do you know this unless you posted preview talk that should be spoilered? Seriously people it's season 5, how hard is it?


How do you know this unless you posted preview talk that should be spoilered? Seriously people it's season 5, how hard is it?

Dude, that was all dialogue in todays episode. I never watch the previews. From the council meeting, Cersi sends Tyrell off to Bravos in the care of Trant. Trant is clearly doing Cersi's dirty work, and has been doing the same for Joffry in the past. Tyrell is a hostage now.

Rhaegar/Lyanna was the story littlefinger was telling sansa.


How do you know this unless you posted preview talk that should be spoilered? Seriously people it's season 5, how hard is it?

Little Finger stated that Rheagar passed by his wife or one can assume that he passed somebody of significance and went straight to Ned Stark's sister, which is a pretty big snub to not give the prize to your wife. Also the Rheagar stories that he was a monster seems to have started by his enemies, I believe his father the Mad King as crazy and sadistic, but Rheagar was caught at the wrong time in the wrong place.
I think that by the end of the season either Cersei or Margaery will be dead and by extension, if one of them dies, so will Tommen.

If Tommen were to die, would Cersei still be Queen? Or would the Lannisters no longer have any claim to the throne.

Stannis would be next in line. When Ser Loras is talking to Renely and says he should be King, Renely retorts that he is 4th in line behind Joffrey, Tommen and Stannis.

Tommen's death would give Stannis a claim to the throne Lannister incest or not.
How the hell did Mace get to live so long as the head of a rich family and be completely oblivious to Cersei's scheming?

I know he's a bit of a plonker, but geez.
Stannis would be next in line. When Ser Loras is talking to Renely and says he should be King, Renely retorts that he is 4th in line behind Joffrey, Tommen and Stannis.

Tommen's death would give Stannis a claim to the throne Lannister incest or not.

Thanks, completely slipped my mind.


Jon's true parentage is pretty obvious based on the way discussion of it within the show is framed, I'm surprised about all of the skeptics. They've haven't laid any groundwork for it to go any other way. Ned and Robert have a particularly suspicious conversation about it in season 1 ep 2.

btw should I be spoiler tagging speculation?


The Unsullied were weak as hell for a group of elite fighters.

I'll take them on a battlefield in numbers but yea, in a small confined space they don't seem that intimidating.

I really hope Dany's story doesn't end in Mereen. If she dies trying to take the Iron Throne fine/


I'll take them on a battlefield in numbers but yea, in a small confined space they don't seem that intimidating.

I really hope Dany's story doesn't end in Mereen. If she dies trying to take the Iron Throne fine/

I view the unsullied the same way as Roman legions. They kick ass in a formation as a unit since they're well-trained, but can easily be taken out in ambushes or 1-on-1 fighting.

Anyone with good combat skills, especially gladiators, should be able to handle them in a fight like that.
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