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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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How the hell did Mace get to live so long as the head of a rich family and be completely oblivious to Cersei's scheming?

I know he's a bit of a plonker, but geez.
It's pretty clear the women are the real power within the Tyrells. Lady Olenna is the head of the family.
The Sons of Harpy had the element of surprise and were still all killed. Grey Worm is just a scrawny figurehead, not the best of the best like if he were the Khal. Barristan is old and wasn't properly armored. Their encounter went pretty much exactly as could be expected.


The Sons of Harpy had the element of surprise and were still all killed. Grey Worm is just a scrawny figurehead, not the best of the best like if he were the Khal. Barristan is old and wasn't properly armored. Their encounter went pretty much exactly as could be expected.

Gotta give Barristan credit though, he almost pulled it off.


How the hell did Mace get to live so long as the head of a rich family and be completely oblivious to Cersei's scheming?

I know he's a bit of a plonker, but geez.

His mom is the real power of the family. She may have found it easier to just make him malleable while she focused on making Maergery her true heir. His naïveté is a bit surprising though.


Something about this episode just seemed a bit off to me. Fights seemed lame -- Something about the pacing and writing of the ep just felt off.

And the "Sand Snakes" -- They're nice to look at, but I am having trouble taking them seriously. They seem like silly comic book characters, complete with stilted monologues they recite to eachother when a yes or no would have sufficed.

Above all, their quest for vengeance makes no sense. Their father volunteered to duel someone, and he lost. It was a fair fight. His death was his own fault. Why start a war to get revenge against the Lannisters, when the Lannisters didn't kill him? He volunteered to fight The Mountain to the death, and he did. No one interfered.

Yeah I'm not really sure what's going on there either.


Question, so at this point do the Second Sons have to stay by Dany? I mean she is clearly a sinking ship.

I was just wondering exactly where they are getting paid from. They have been in her service for a while, and I'm pretty sure they were mercenaries. Has Dany been able to collect taxes or did they just pillage their way to mereen?



One of the most touching scenes this season I think.


What the hell was Bronn's reaction when Jamie referred to Myrcella as is niece? At first I was all "oooohhhh, truth comes out", but then I realized, "no wait, people are SUPPOSED to think she's his niece, she's actually his daughter". So why did Bronn give him the questioning look?


Agreed, I had him in a different light after we weren't introduced to his daughter until season three. That scene showed me a different side of him and I can feel for his character again.

Same. But when a character starts giving me feels, I start worrying for them...


What the hell was Bronn's reaction when Jamie referred to Myrcella as is niece? At first I was all "oooohhhh, truth comes out", but then I realized, "no wait, people are SUPPOSED to think she's his niece, she's actually his daughter". So why did Bronn give him the questioning look?

It was more of a orly face because who is he to lying to there?
What the hell was Bronn's reaction when Jamie referred to Myrcella as is niece? At first I was all "oooohhhh, truth comes out", but then I realized, "no wait, people are SUPPOSED to think she's his niece, she's actually his daughter". So why did Bronn give him the questioning look?

He probably was hoping Jaime would be real with him.
That's not what they talked about. They talked about avenging their father, who died in a duel he volunteered for. If there's a bunch of context not made clear by the show, they should at least mention it as they plot and plan.

Their father died trying to get vengeance and they said they want vengeance for his death, so its all the one death wish.
No need to pull a list of names out like Arya and read out each enemy and their crime.


Stannis also burns people alive for heresy or just when he feels slighted. Fuck him

When a King makes law, those that disobey get executed. If he don't, then he will be perceived weak, and folks will try to overthrow him. It's the same reason why Jon Snow beheaded that dude in the previous episode.

Look at this episode with King Tommen. He showed that he was weak. The word spreads quickly. It's obvious he won't be King for very long.

Oh yes. Agreed 100%.
*bro-fist* :)


G***n S**n*bi
That scene with Stannis was legit. Tear-Jerk city.

He still ain't shit. Burning his relatives alive. Locking his only child in a god damn room and visiting every once in a while. He's also simping for a crazy witch lady and would be straight fucked right now without Devos truly running things.

Just like Jamie Lannister; I don't care how many touching scenes he has, this is still the motherfucker who pushed a 9 year old out a god damn window. And Stannis is still the motherfucker who is guilty of all that shit above. Fuck 'em.

There are still much worse prospects for the throne though, I'll grant the Stannis stans that much. But only that.
I've been having trouble sizing up Stanis from the very start, and this makes it no more clear.

I have a personal theory about why Stannis is the way he is...

Spoilered just in case:
I think he's dying. A few times in the series he's stated that he's "running out of time" in regards to getting on the throne.


That scene with Stannis was legit. Tear-Jerk city.

He still ain't shit. Burning his relatives alive. Locking his only child in a god damn room and visiting every once in a while. He's also simping for a crazy witch lady and would be straight fucked right now without Devos truly running things.

Just like Jamie Lannister; I don't care how many touching scenes he has, this is still the motherfucker who pushed a 9 year old out a god damn window. And Stannis is still the motherfucker who is guilty of all that shit above. Fuck 'em.

There are still much worse prospects for the throne though, I'll grant the Stannis stans that much. But only that.

LOL! I disagree, but I love your blatant honesty! :D
I have a personal theory about why Stannis is the way he is...

Spoilered just in case:
I think he's dying. A few times in the series he's stated that he's "running out of time" in regards to getting on the throne.

What would getting on the throne solve? Will the iron in the throne heal him? Why doesn't the red god heal him?


Did anyone else catch Stannis mention the stone men living in Volantis (I think)? They were mentioned in the previous episode too. It seems you can live with the disease but I wonder what you finally turn into. According to Gilly it turns you completely feral.
What would getting on the throne solve? Will the iron in the throne heal him? Why doesn't the red god heal him?

To ensure a legacy and a future for his daughter? Or maybe Mel's magic is slowly sapping the life from him? I don't know, I've just always found his comments intriguing.


Did anyone else catch Stannis mention the stone men living in Volantis (I think)? They were mentioned in the previous episode too. It seems you can live with the disease but I wonder what you finally turn into. According to Gilly it turns you completely feral.

Valyria, I think.
Maybe... I got the impression cersei sent Trant to off tyrell, so arya may not have a chance

Yeah, the way that scene played out looked like Trant about to take him out back to the shed to shoot him. Straight up killing a Tyrell would be pretty bad though. And he's stupid enough that removing him from the small council permanently would not require a great deal of effort. He's just not worth killing. But Cersei is an impulsive idiot and Trant is a dumb yesman so I wouldn't expect any actual foresight on their end.


What the hell was Bronn's reaction when Jamie referred to Myrcella as is niece? At first I was all "oooohhhh, truth comes out", but then I realized, "no wait, people are SUPPOSED to think she's his niece, she's actually his daughter". So why did Bronn give him the questioning look?

Even the peasants in this episode were giving Tommen shit about him being born of incest.

Which makes the whole discussion about Cersei being in deep shit when the head of the Seven Sons finding out about it all the more laughable. Errbody knows.

The Real Abed

Tommen is definitely not Jeoffery.

Not at all. Jeoffery would have had them all dead before he even got to the stairs.

Hopefully he learns over time.


Tommen is definitely not Jeoffery.

Not at all. Jeoffery would have had them all dead before he even got to the stairs.

Hopefully he learns over time.

I don't think Tommen wussed out, so to speak, I think he actually exercised some wisdom. Massacring all those church people in front of a bunch of peasants probably wouldn't play well.

Their father died trying to get vengeance and they said they want vengeance for his death, so its all the one death wish.
No need to pull a list of names out like Arya and read out each enemy and their crime.

In all the scenes with Sand Snakes and Mama Sand Snake (don't recall her name) they talk about getting revenge for Oberyn.. They haven't mentioned anything else. I'm just saying it makes them seem a bit crazy, since he died in a voluntary and fair duel. I recall in the previous episode Dr. Bashir actually kind of pointed this out, and I was still having trouble putting it all together -- Why MSS would start a war between nations to avenge the results of a voluntary duel.

I also think MSS is sort of evil, because she wants to harm Cercei's daughter (an innocent) to get revenge. Incidentally, Bashir seems to share Oberyn's morality (who once said "We don't hurt little girls in Dorne").


I have a personal theory about why Stannis is the way he is...

Spoilered just in case:
I think he's dying. A few times in the series he's stated that he's "running out of time" in regards to getting on the throne.

I think that has more to do with the fact that winter is coming and you can't exactly fight an offensive war in a harsh winter and it's a logistical nightmare to keep your army fed, warm, and keep the morale high. We don't know the extent of winter in this universe, but it sounds a lot worse than a normal winter and we know how bad weather has stopped much better operations in real life.

Also, there's a lot of people going for the throne so it's important to get there and win over the people as the true legitimate heir. He knows about Dany gaining a lot of support in Essos and he doesn't know about her issues over there like we do (insurgencies are always fun) so he needs to unite Westeros ASAP.

Even if he becomes King, I can't see him lasting for too long besides fighting off winter and the white walkers if they ever come. He's always felt like a middle man and not the end game to me. Melisandre is using him to spread her religion (possibly bullshit) and will use anyone else she can if it furthers her cause, whether that's Stannis or not. I just think Stannis went from a just character that abides by the law to a guy that is slowly being perverted by a woman using temptation and tricks to win him over and advance her own beliefs on the rest of Westeros at the expense of Stannis's popularity. All the shit he's done will come back to bite him at some point. Melisandre is like one of those archbishops back in the Medieval Ages that would turn their kings into their puppets. Melisandre doesn't have as much power as them yet, but she's pulling a lot of strings while letting Stannis feel in charge.


Tommen is definitely not Jeoffery.

Not at all. Jeoffery would have had them all dead before he even got to the stairs.

Hopefully he learns over time.
Learns what? To behave like Joffrey? No, that would be terrible and pretty boring to be honest. We've had one cartoon level villain already and he didn't even die a satisfying death. I hope Tommen actually brings change to the realm while he has the power. Or at least the Lannisters.


Learns what? To behave like Joffrey? No, that would be terrible and pretty boring to be honest. We've had one cartoon level villain already and he didn't even die a satisfying death. I hope Tommen actually brings change to the realm while he has the power. Or at least the Lannisters.

I don't think Tommen will be alive long enough to bring about anything.


Based Stannis. Best king, best father, best character.

"You know nothing Jon Snow"

What' everyone's opinion on this, how would she know to say it? It definitely wasn't a coincidence either.
Because she's crafty as hell. Obvious fan callout, but also "Hey, I know the saying that only you and the woman you loved shared. I'm special like that." Glad to see the nudity is well on display with this one.

Jorah brought knowledge, and it's pretty obvious that guy who wants to bring back tradition is behind it, along with the false madem.
Yeah, they have brought it up more than once now.

I honestly just think that Sansa has falling for Peter. I've felt like this since the end of last season though
Yeah, the kiss by Littlefinger and the comment by her, not verbatim: "I'll be a married woman by the time you return." Like this low broil that's gonna get put on high when the North shit gets sorted out and Littlefinger returns. At least that's what I think.

After tonight's episode, how can anyone say King Stannis won't be a worthy King of the 7 Kingdoms of Westeros? I cried like a baby watching that scene between him and his daughter. You can see he still feels guilty for her condition. Folks need to wise up and bend the knee to the one true king. The son of the Andals, the rightful claim to the throne...King Stannis.
Bolded, true true.




One of the most touching scenes this season I think.
:'( :'(

He probably was hoping Jaime would be real with him.
That's what I was thinking. Shame for Jaime, I suspect Cersei is bringing them to ruin.


I think that has more to do with the fact that winter is coming and you can't exactly fight an offensive war in a harsh winter and it's a logistical nightmare to keep your army fed, warm, and keep the morale high. We don't know the extent of winter in this universe, but it sounds a lot worse than a normal winter and we know how bad weather has stopped much better operations in real life.

Also, there's a lot of people going for the throne so it's important to get there and win over the people as the true legitimate heir. He knows about Dany gaining a lot of support in Essos and he doesn't know about her issues over there like we do (insurgencies are always fun) so he needs to unite Westeros ASAP.

Even if he becomes King, I can't see him lasting for too long besides fighting off winter and the white walkers if they ever come. He's always felt like a middle man and not the end game to me. Melisandre is using him to spread her religion (possibly bullshit) and will use anyone else she can if it furthers her cause, whether that's Stannis or not. I just think Stannis went from a just character that abides by the law to a guy that is slowly being perverted by a woman using temptation and tricks to win him over and advance her own beliefs on the rest of Westeros at the expense of Stannis's popularity. All the shit he's done will come back to bite him at some point. Melisandre is like one of those archbishops back in the Medieval Ages that would turn their kings into their puppets. Melisandre doesn't have as much power as them yet, but she's pulling a lot of strings while letting Stannis feel in charge.
I think this is a very plausible outcome, one that I outright reject. It feels like tragedy could be looming for Stannis. Meli trying to get the Snow seed and speaking of bringing life into the world was telling. When she said she only wants to serve her Lord, double entendre between Stannis and the Lord of Light I assume, and surely she meant the latter. And finally hints at sacrifice, and the tear jerker between Stannis and his daughter. A lot of build up, I can only imagine something must happen, and soon. And I don't like it one bit.

Dany's situation is abysmal right now. Also noticed the same prostitute was in on the killings. So both Second Sons and Unsullied have been murdered. She definitely has a ways to go. Hard enemy to root out though.

The Dorne situation is annoying. Trial by combat, willing participant. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


Not trying to be hyperbolic but this girl just gave one of the best performances in the show's history, and she hardly said a word.

Her reaction to her father's words, her face gradually lighting up with tears of happiness. Some of the very best acting I've seen from a young actress.


I view the unsullied the same way as Roman legions. They kick ass in a formation as a unit since they're well-trained, but can easily be taken out in ambushes or 1-on-1 fighting.

Anyone with good combat skills, especially gladiators, should be able to handle them in a fight like that.

Basically this. Spears are terrible for Close Quarters Combat whilst Daggers and short swords are highly effective.

The Sons of the Harpy also outnumbered the Unsullied about two to one which certainly doesn't hurt your chances.

I don't really want any of Dany's small council to die but she really needs to learn to compromise. If one (or two) of the has to die to get her to do that then I suppose that's for the best.

If Stannis or his daughter die I will not be happy :(

I've been on #TeamStannis since Season 2, glad everyone is now finally seeing the Light.

With Stannis set to march South, do you think we'll see the Brotherhood without Banners come north to meet up with Stannis at some point? They both worship the Lord of Light and Melisandre did meet up with them in a previous season.


Shit is finally getting real.

High Sparrows and Sons Of The Harpy - what a bunch of crazy-ass fanatics. Cersei is plotting like a maniac and I think the backlash will happen soon; there is no way giving such power to a group like the High Sparrows will bring any good to King's Landing. In fact since they give no fucks about the king and the peasants on the streets seem to know about Tommen's real parents, I can see them turning on Cersei as well for exactly that. Right now they are powerful in the boundaries of the current political system, but I think they will grow past that.

And the Sons Of The Harpy scene was great as well. In terms of action choreography there have been too many cuts and jumps in my opinion, but I still liked it. No clue why the Unsullied think it's a good idea to bring spears into narrow alleys while facing off enemies with daggers and short-swords. While the Sons Of The Harpy seem pretty mediocre at combat, it's their network and knowledge that is truly terrifying. Not only are they able to cause shit at seemingly every spot in the city without being seen, but they also know all the secret paths and shit.

Ser Berry and Greyworm dying wasn't shocking me like other deaths did but still left their mark; even though in Berry's case it makes sense since I assume Tyrion will take his spot. Makes you think about what would have happened if Berry was still alive and would have been at the first meeting as well.

But yeah, now comes the true test for Dany. Fucking up some other semi-important stuff is one thing, but now she has to show that she can withstand a menace like this. While she went through a lot of struggles in the past she more or less got a lot of stuff handed to her, and now there is the potential that she'll get back into Khalessi-mode and destroy those pieces of shit. It's weird that I always moaned when I saw Mereen in the opening credits and now I want to see what her response to that will be more than anything else. Get out there Dany, get your dragons, teach them, and then let those Harpy assholes suffer.

The Dorne scenes were cool and I think the three new chicks made a good first impression, but nothing too mindblowing. Hope to see more of Dorne in the future, and appreciate that we got the first meaningful chapter in the Jaime/Bronn bromance.
The Stannis scene with his daughter was truly beautiful. He does some fucked up shit at times, but scenes like these redeem him for me. My king tbh.


Sort of live tweeting this as I watch it late. Avoided reading any spoilers.

- A bit convenient these things falling into place for Cersei. Too predictable and easy. Feels out of place.

- Stannis acts a big game. Speaks of oaths and rights. Meanwhile his wife's words and needs are like distant meaningless thoughts while Melisandre plays him like a puppet. All that fake strength. I see things ending horribly for him.

- Melisandre once spoke of the power of kings. Interesting how a following scene featuring her timely arrival includes her in it once again, this time preaching to Jon Snow. She's speaking of returning kings to their rightful place (in a fashion). Heavy-handed foreshadowing I guess. Now she tempts him, and Snow keeps his oath, unlike Stannis. Mark of a king, or at least something greater? She seems pleased with his actions despite her words.

- So Stannis cares for his daughter at least? Interesting. But it seems he only cares out of pride for his name. At least until he embraces her. So there's a decent man in there yet.

- Sansa honoring the dead in a moment reflective of her actual self and not what she's pretending to be. Little Finger appears and she transforms instantly while listening to his spiel. She's more cunning than the she leads on. Makes Little Finger's speech seem a little impotent. Though I doubt he's actually betting on Stannis. He's betting on some long game where he gets to place Sansa on the throne with neither Stannis nor the Boltons as obstacles. Sansa gave a knowing look at the end.

- Bronn and Jaime buddy cop movie yay

- Sand Snakes. They lived up to expectations.

- This is why Peter Dinklage earns his money. And why Tyrion is proving his own worth to a monarch without knowing it

- Snooze, more Daenerys scenes. Much ado about nothing. Meaningless dialog followed by more grunting and swordplay that seems to matter for nothing. Wow. I take that back. Paid off. Ser Barristan the Bold indeed.
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