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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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The friendzone is their natural habitat and Ser Jorah is their patron saint.

This one's my favorite.



Was the amount of soldiers Grey Worm, Daario, and Jorah fought back in Yunkai more than the Sons of the Harpy from last nights episode?
Wait, did this show just borrow a storyline from Troy?

It sounds like, upon 2nd watch of the episode, that Littlefinger was stating that Rhaegar had a thing for Lyanna and after defeating Barristan in combat he presented a gift to Lyanna while bypassing his wife. Then of course Littlefinger gave Sansa a look like, " yeah right " when Sansa mentioned how Rhaegar had raped and murdered Lyanna.

Sounds like to me Lyanna and Rhaegar ran off together, and this is what set Robert Baratheon toward assaulting Kings Landing and waging a war. He lost his woman to another man and went to kill that other mans family and take all power from them.

What a twist that was. Makes me look at Robert completely differently.

Speaking of Melisandre, what was the point of her trying to get in Jon Snow's pants?

She's been interested in him for a long time. Didn't she once say he had power or hidden potential or some shit like that.

That and she was likely just f'in with him to see if she could get him to break a sacred vow. Break one, and you could get him to break others. Who knows but man, I have mad respect for Jon now. No f'in way I turn that down! lol
Really good episode.

Feel bad for Tommen. He isn't ready for any of this. He's too kind. His parents have put him in a fucked up situation.

Melisandre da GOAT. Jon was left shellshocked by all of that. She's the best!!

Stannis has a heart? I'm floored by that scene with his daughter. I expected him to fly off the handle and instead he acted like a father should.

When ever I see the Harpies I think of God of War enemies. They fucked up the Unsullied good and proper. Only Grey Worm and

Sand snakes. Ha. Oberyn's daughters and adopted(?) are a killer set of girls.

Barristan dies just in time for Jorah to simp for his Queen. But, the timing might be too suspect. Hard to get back in her good graces, when the guy she trusts was just ambushed. I don't think things will be as easy for him as he expects.

Now I can go back and read this thread.
Wait, did this show just borrow a storyline from Troy?

It sounds like, upon 2nd watch of the episode, that Littlefinger was stating that Rhaegar had a thing for Lyanna and after defeating Barristan in combat he presented a gift to Lyanna while bypassing his wife. Then of course Littlefinger gave Sansa a look like, " yeah right " when Sansa mentioned how Rhaegar had raped and murdered Lyanna.

Sounds like to me Lyanna and Rhaegar ran off together, and this is what set Robert Baratheon toward assaulting Westeros. He lost his woman to another man and went to kill that other mans family and take all power from them.

What a twist that was. Makes me look at Robert completely differently.

She's been interested in him for a long time. Didn't she once say he had power or hidden potential or some shit like that.

That and she was likely just f'in with him to see if she could get him to break a sacred vow. Break one, and you could get him to break others. Who knows but man, I have mad respect for Jon now. No f'in way I turn that down! lol
But Jon Snu Snu'd Ygritte thereby breaking the vows already. Not sure why the vows have meaning all of a sudden for him. But I guess deep down Melly knows that vows really dont matter to him. He didn't act towards Melly's advances because vows and such. Its because he loved Ygritte (or trying to cling to her mwmory).

But I like it, because it makes him act like a boss.
But Jon Snu Snu'd Ygritte thereby breaking the vows already. Not sure why the vows have meaning all of a sudden for him. But I guess deep down Melly knows that vows really dont matter to him. He didn't act towards Melly's advances because vows and such. Its because he loved Ygritte (or trying to cling to her mwmory).

But I like it, because it makes him act like a boss.

He did that mainly to prove to her and to the Wildlings he was no longer part of the Nights Watch. He had to. But of course he fell in love with her in the meantime so that complicated matters. Usually happens with your first.


But Jon Snu Snu'd Ygritte thereby breaking the vows already. Not sure why the vows have meaning all of a sudden for him. But I guess deep down Melly knows that vows really dont matter to him. He didn't act towards Melly's advances because vows and such. Its because he loved Ygritte (or trying to cling to her mwmory).

But I like it, because it makes him act like a boss.

The whole not sleeping with a woman isn't enforced very stringently in the Night's Watch. Mucking with political affairs of the south is a bigger deal.
Why are people saying Cersei sent Mace Tyrell off to die? Did I miss something?

My read on that scene was as follows:
-The Iron Bank has called in one tenth of the debt. This is a big deal. They are testing the Lannisters' current liquidity. They need to be paid or they will back Stannis. You absolutely cannot fuck with these people.
-Neither Cersei or her council understand this because they are stupid.
-Cersei compounds this mistake by sending an incompetent buffoon to negotiate with the Bank, thus weakening the capital and the Lannisters and strengthening Stannis. The Bank will not take kindly to Mace's bluster.
-The scene functions as another illustration of the Lannister dynasty coming off the rails, of Cersei's idiocy and lack of 'view of the pieces on the board' and of the balance of power therefore swinging towards Stannis.

She can't stand the Tyrells, she hates their family, and her stupidity blinds her. I can see why other people think she's going to at least keep the father hostage, because she already went after the brother. Cersei is RULED by her fears and her insecurities. She thinks all her kids are going to die before her, and she thinks she's smarter than she actually is. That's why she hate Tyrion so much on top of Tyrion being the "reason" her mother died. Tyrion had Tywin's acumen and Cersei does not. I think people are seeing her sending off one of the Tyrel's with a snake of a Kingsguard as Cersei intending to kill that guy because she's not smart enough to do anything else. She doesn't care that they owe money, she doesn't really care about anything except getting her daughter out of Dorne and killing Tyrion.


its much easier to just substitute everyones names e.g

the one true king stan and his friends dave and melly.
king tom and his wife marge
harry and her mentor jack
mother of dragons dany with her friends missy, sir barry, greyworm and darren


Cersei is a complete bellend. As a matter of fact, she already went as far as to jail the heir to the Tyrell dinasty because she didn't want to marry him and felt the Tyrells were having too much influence on sweet Tommen. I'm gonna guess she already got Granny Tyrell foaming at the mouth.

Bitch is playing with fire.

I don't see why it can't be both. She sends Mace to settle finances but has probably told her thug to kill him on the way back and make it look like an accident or blame it on Braavos.

Her main goal now, especially that we see her remembering the prophecy, seems to be to cause as much as pain as possible to the people tearing her family apart. Deep down she has to know Tyrion had nothing to do with Jofferey's death and has to suspect the Tyrells. She wants them gone but not before she uses their money.

Of course and hopefully Arya can change all that. And now Margery and her grandma are going to get in on getting back at her.
I don't see why it can't be both. She sends Mace to settle finances but has probably told her thug to kill him on the way back and make it look like an accident or blame it on Braavos.

Her main goal now, especially that we see her remembering the prophecy, seems to be to cause as much as pain as possible to the people tearing her family apart. Deep down she has to know Tyrion had nothing to do with Jofferey's death and has to suspect the Tyrells. She wants them gone but not before she uses their money.

Of course and hopefully Arya can change all that. And now Margery and her grandma are going to get in on getting back at her.

Cersei would be dense enough to think no one would think anything of it if he does die " accidently ". Not a single soul would believe it was an accident and not a straight attack on the Tyrell family by Cersei. But really, im so fucking tired of Cersei it is ridiculous. The last good scene I think she had is when she was sitting down with Robert and they were joking how their marriage was what was holding the kingdoms together. I really want her to fuck up royally at this point and it looks like that may actually be happening. She just doesn't have the foundation laid to make the moves she is moving. Her foundation was Jamie and Tywin and the influence and power they had along with the ( supposed ) family fortune. Now the Lannisters can't even pay half of a 10% debt that has been called upon. Tywin is dead. Jamie has absolutely no influence anymore. Tyrion is gone. Tommen is ridiculed by the public and shows tremendous weakness to his wife and mother behind the scenes.

Jjust no foundation for these moves by Cersei. No fallback.

After that and since, can't stand her at all.


Cersei would be dense enough to think no one would think anything of it if he does die " accidently ". Not a single soul would believe it was an accident and not a straight attack on the Tyrell family by Cersei. But really, im so fucking tired of Cersei it is ridiculous. The last good scene I think she had is when she was sitting down with Robert and they were joking how their marriage was what was holding the kingdoms together. I really want her to fuck up royally at this point and it looks like that may actually be happening. She just doesn't have the foundation laid to make the moves she is moving. Her foundation was Jamie and Tywin and the influence and power they had along with the ( supposed ) family fortune. Now the Lannisters can't even pay half of a 10% debt that has been called upon. Tywin is dead. Jamie has absolutely no influence anymore. Tyrion is gone. Tommen is ridiculed by the public and shows tremendous weakness to his wife and mother behind the scenes.

Jjust no foundation for these moves by Cersei. No fallback.

After that and since, can't stand her at all.

Well that's why Margery is going into full scheming mode. I do find it dumb that up to now Margery has been doing nothing but fucking Tommen and being naive enough to let Cersei just run the Kingdom.


But Jon Snu Snu'd Ygritte thereby breaking the vows already. Not sure why the vows have meaning all of a sudden for him. But I guess deep down Melly knows that vows really dont matter to him. He didn't act towards Melly's advances because vows and such. Its because he loved Ygritte (or trying to cling to her mwmory).

But I like it, because it makes him act like a boss.

No no, Sam came up with a loophole. Wrap your tool and it's all cool.

Although in regards to Jon's case the spirit of the law is not to have any attachments outside the night's watch, either kids or lovers. Fucking for physical release like they do in Mud town is fine though.

She sends Mace to settle finances but has probably told her thug to kill him on the way back and make it look like an accident or blame it on Braavos.

I don't think Cersei's going to kill Mace but use him as a hostage. Just not so subtly mention he's within sword range of a kingsguard when Marge comes at her with her counter.


What is the status of the Baratheons at the moment?

Stannis has the rightful claim to the throne - we know that. His brothers Robert (the old king) and Renly (a pretender) are dead. Robert's kids either aren't his (Myrcella, Tommen) or are bastards (all murdered save Gendry). Renly did not have children.

Does this mean that Shireen is really the next in line to the 7th of the kingdom that the Baratheons rule? (I don't know what that land is called but assume it's near the north) If so then she might be a really important piece on the board. The Baratheon bannermen are (assumedly) supporting Tommen as king (as they think he's a Baratheon) but if it comes out (properly, at trial) that Tommen is illegitimate then Stannis and Shireen are what's left.

Considering that I believe that Stannis isn't going to make it out of this season alive (or the beginning of the next one, anyway) that means that marriage to Shireen could be a huge, huge deal.

In fact, if Jon was somehow released from his vows at the Night's Watch and made a Stark again, then Shireen would be an almost perfect match. Starks and Baratheons together again, like Robert and Ned. If Stannis could choose someone for his daughter, he'd choose Jon or someone just like him, of that I've no doubt. The fact that she's too young is irrelevant, too, as the betrothal itself is the political pact that matters, the marriage can wait years if need be. This could also apply to Bran or Rickon, wherever they are, though it's not clear if Bran would be able to get married / consummate a marriage or not.

There are multiple ways Jon could 'get out of' the Night's Watch vows or just abandon them.
-Jon changes his mind and agrees to Stannis' offer after the fact
-Stannis becomes king, disbands the Night's Watch for whatever reason (likely because he'll be sending a proper army up there to wipe out the others once and for all)
-Stannis doesn't abandon the Night's Watch but releases them all from their vows
-The others overrun the wall, retreat is necessary or Night's Watch destroyed, Jon survives
-Jon is somehow exiled by the other brothers and has to go on the run back to Stannis or Winterfell
-Melly gets into Jon's pants and puts a spell on him or some such

Anyway, the point is that Shireen is actually quite important, and someone needs to wake up and realise there's a lot of power on offer there if they take her hand. Unless I'm completely wrong about the current family tree, of course. And I guess if Stannis doesn't die you'd have the father-in-law from hell... And the mother in law from a place below hell... And an 'aunt' who is a literal manifestation of a fiery, shadowy hell... Hmmm... But if all of them were to die then it's a great idea!!!

The reason I thought of Shireen getting married in the first place is because I feel like at this point a little princess having a fairytale ending would be one of the most subversive and unexpected plot lines they could do. I mean, any time anything nice happens at this point 75% of the fan base says 'yeah he's dead'. So it would be an about face.

She's totally going to be sacrificed and her father will die fighting the Boltons :(
The Sons of the Harpy aren't the former slavers, they are men loyal to the slavers. Possibly most of them were pit fighters like Dario who are unhappy with Dany not letting them fight in the pits, it's not that unbelievable that a large group them can take down a small patrolling group of Unsullied.
fuck that was a good episode. bit of a heartbreaking end and a little shame the storyboarding didn't show off how such amazing warriors could've been defeated by the sons of the harpy but still, awesome stuff. dany gonna' be pissed.
I always thought Stannis was too much of a hardass until that scene last night. Very powerful scene.

I feel like that Red Witch and his Wife are going to try and make Stannis sacrifice the daughter eventually. The mother didn't want her to come along but the witch insisted. She's got a thing for Royal blood and she's told Stannis his path will be difficult and he'll have to be strong to be King. I'm thinking this scene with his daughter might be the first real indicator that he won't turn on her if he has too.

Well that's why Margery is going into full scheming mode. I do find it dumb that up to now Margery has been doing nothing but fucking Tommen and being naive enough to let Cersei just run the Kingdom.

Her naivety is thinking her husband could control Sersei. She's made efforts to control the kingdom through him but failed. Sersei is scrambling though. She's got very few people who will support her now, including her own family.


So, how fucked is Littlefinger after he arrives in king's landing? I think there is a pretty good chance that Cerci at least suspects that Littlefinger is double crossing her, and I also think the religion loonies won't be to kind to the owner of those brothels. To make things worse for him, those religion loonies are very unpredictable and his normal way of dealing with these kind of situations (using schemes, lies and false promises to get himself safe) probably won't be as effective with them.
So, how fucked is Littlefinger after he arrives in king's landing? I think there is a pretty good chance that Cerci at least suspects that Littlefinger is double crossing her, and I also think the religion loonies won't be to kind to the owner of those brothels. To make things worse for him, those religion loonies are very unpredictable and his normal way of dealing with these kind of situations (using schemes, lies and false promises to get himself safe) probably won't be as effective with them.

Yeah, why is a man like him dumb enough to go back there? He must have a card up his sleeve or something. It seems like the easiest trap of all time.
People saying that Barristan went down easy are crazy, he was fighting what seemed like 10 opponents, would've been ridiculous if the old man got out of there, unless I missed something he's not supposed to be invincible or have super powers.
I doubt he died, would make the scene of Greyworm saving him pretty damn pointless.
I agree that the unsullied went down too easily though, I know Greyworm is supposed to be their best fighter but he killed as many or more than all the others combined.

The scene with Stannis and his daughter was very nice.

Cersei is desperate and it'll probably backfire soon, Marge was naive in thinking that Tommen could persuade her to return to Casterly Rock or manipulate her at all through him.
What is the status of the Baratheons at the moment?

Stannis has the rightful claim to the throne - we know that. His brothers Robert (the old king) and Renly (a pretender) are dead. Robert's kids either aren't his (Myrcella, Tommen) or are bastards (all murdered save Gendry). Renly did not have children.

Does this mean that Shireen is really the next in line to the 7th of the kingdom that the Baratheons rule? (I don't know what that land is called but assume it's near the north) If so then she might be a really important piece on the board. The Baratheon bannermen are (assumedly) supporting Tommen as king (as they think he's a Baratheon) but if it comes out (properly, at trial) that Tommen is illegitimate then Stannis and Shireen are what's left.

Considering that I believe that Stannis isn't going to make it out of this season alive (or the beginning of the next one, anyway) that means that marriage to Shireen could be a huge, huge deal.

In fact, if Jon was somehow released from his vows at the Night's Watch and made a Stark again, then Shireen would be an almost perfect match. Starks and Baratheons together again, like Robert and Ned. If Stannis could choose someone for his daughter, he'd choose Jon or someone just like him, of that I've no doubt. The fact that she's too young is irrelevant, too, as the betrothal itself is the political pact that matters, the marriage can wait years if need be. This could also apply to Bran or Rickon, wherever they are, though it's not clear if Bran would be able to get married / consummate a marriage or not.

There are multiple ways Jon could 'get out of' the Night's Watch vows or just abandon them.
-Jon changes his mind and agrees to Stannis' offer after the fact
-Stannis becomes king, disbands the Night's Watch for whatever reason (likely because he'll be sending a proper army up there to wipe out the others once and for all)
-Stannis doesn't abandon the Night's Watch but releases them all from their vows
-The others overrun the wall, retreat is necessary or Night's Watch destroyed, Jon survives
-Jon is somehow exiled by the other brothers and has to go on the run back to Stannis or Winterfell
-Melly gets into Jon's pants and puts a spell on him or some such

Anyway, the point is that Shireen is actually quite important, and someone needs to wake up and realise there's a lot of power on offer there if they take her hand. Unless I'm completely wrong about the current family tree, of course. And I guess if Stannis doesn't die you'd have the father-in-law from hell... And the mother in law from a place below hell... And an 'aunt' who is a literal manifestation of a fiery, shadowy hell... Hmmm... But if all of them were to die then it's a great idea!!!

The reason I thought of Shireen getting married in the first place is because I feel like at this point a little princess having a fairytale ending would be one of the most subversive and unexpected plot lines they could do. I mean, any time anything nice happens at this point 75% of the fan base says 'yeah he's dead'. So it would be an about face.

She's totally going to be sacrificed and her father will die fighting the Boltons :(
I'm actually convinced that Stannis will be King. I think he will end up sacrificing everything, from his daughter to possibly Davos to get it as well however. He saw it through the fire, and the Lord of Light seems legit.

He might have a horrific death shortly afterwards like Danny burning him alive which would be an interesting ending to him considering what he does to his enemies.

That's why I'm hoping the Boltons get KO'd by episode 5-7 quickly through Sansa, and he takes down Kings Landing like season 2 Blackwater battle but wins and burns Tommen alive by ep 9-10. The two big things I expect at the end of the season is Stannis the Mannis taking over Kings Landing, and the White Walkers attacking the Wall. A third might be Danny deciding to go to Westeros.
So, how fucked is Littlefinger after he arrives in king's landing? I think there is a pretty good chance that Cerci at least suspects that Littlefinger is double crossing her, and I also think the religion loonies won't be to kind to the owner of those brothels. To make things worse for him, those religion loonies are very unpredictable and his normal way of dealing with these kind of situations (using schemes, lies and false promises to get himself safe) probably won't be as effective with them.
Littlefinger is very fucked. He is the one guy who escapes everyone but still lives among them because reasons. I dont think he's gonna get lucky this time, as Cersie is being truly paranoid of any danger, percieved or otherwise.


People are being hard on Inquisitor Cersei but as someone who roots for her it was good to see her strike back against Margaery, even if she did just put King's Landing on the fast track towards becoming a theocracy. Clearly she's not only underestimating the High Sparrow, but her hatred for the Tyrells along with a burning desperation to stay in a position of influence has completely clouded her better judgement. Kinda goes back to Tywin's main knock on her which was she's not quite as clever as she thinks.

As someone fascinated with the crusades, it would be really cool to see a full fledged holy war break out in Westeros with Stannis, flying the flag of the Lord of Light, having to take the throne from the High Sparrow who dispatches the Lannisters and claims the crown in the name of the Seven.


I'm actually convinced that Stannis will be King. I think he will end up sacrificing everything, from his daughter to possibly Davos to get it as well however. He saw it through the fire, and the Lord of Light seems legit.

He might have a horrific death shortly afterwards like Danny burning him alive which would be an interesting ending to him considering what he does to his enemies.

That's why I'm hoping the Boltons get KO'd by episode 5-7 quickly through Sansa, and he takes down Kings Landing like season 2 Blackwater battle but wins and burns Tommen alive by ep 9-10. The two big things I expect at the end of the season is Stannis the Mannis taking over Kings Landing, and the White Walkers attacking the Wall. A third might be Danny deciding to go to Westeros.

That sounds far too quick for me (from an epidosde to epdisode point of view), but the general outline is something I could see happening over this and the next season. It would be the most heartbreaking thing in GoT history if Melisandre and his wife convinced him to sacrifice Shireen. That would be utterly unbearable.
That sounds far too quick for me (from an epidosde to epdisode point of view), but the general outline is something I could see happening over this and the next season. It would be the most heartbreaking thing in GoT history if Melisandre and his wife convinced him to sacrifice Shireen. That would be utterly unbearable.
I thought there would be 7 seasons for the series to finish? Seems like a logical step since one would imagine the White Walker war should be the focus of the story for the end.


Cersei's implosion is going to be glorious, I can't wait. I hope that she doesn't take Tommen in her way down, I kinda like the kid.
Wait, did this show just borrow a storyline from Troy?

It sounds like, upon 2nd watch of the episode, that Littlefinger was stating that Rhaegar had a thing for Lyanna and after defeating Barristan in combat he presented a gift to Lyanna while bypassing his wife. Then of course Littlefinger gave Sansa a look like, " yeah right " when Sansa mentioned how Rhaegar had raped and murdered Lyanna.

Sounds like to me Lyanna and Rhaegar ran off together, and this is what set Robert Baratheon toward assaulting Kings Landing and waging a war. He lost his woman to another man and went to kill that other mans family and take all power from them.

What a twist that was. Makes me look at Robert completely differently.

She's been interested in him for a long time. Didn't she once say he had power or hidden potential or some shit like that.

That and she was likely just f'in with him to see if she could get him to break a sacred vow. Break one, and you could get him to break others. Who knows but man, I have mad respect for Jon now. No f'in way I turn that down! lol

I imply it as robert and ned didn't know lyanna ran off with rhaegar, and when ned found out he never told robert. He also gave the crown to Robert so maybe as a guilt thing... but obviously this is all speculation if jon was lyanna kid or whatever.

With how this show is this could be all for lulz and means nothing.
Pretty interesting to finally see a crack in Maergery's cool and composed upper-hand demeanor. It was just a brief blip...she realized it and recovered rather quickly, but maybe she's capable of making an emotional mistake, too.

I thought King Tommen and Queen Margery would make for a tough out for anyone claiming the throne, but that might've been a bit of a quick judgement on my part. Stannis would steamroll 'em.
But Jon Snu Snu'd Ygritte thereby breaking the vows already. Not sure why the vows have meaning all of a sudden for him. But I guess deep down Melly knows that vows really dont matter to him. He didn't act towards Melly's advances because vows and such. Its because he loved Ygritte (or trying to cling to her mwmory).

But I like it, because it makes him act like a boss.
I honestly think that Jon realizes that Melly's fire crotch would just melt off his penis.


Wait, did this show just borrow a storyline from Troy?

It sounds like, upon 2nd watch of the episode, that Littlefinger was stating that Rhaegar had a thing for Lyanna and after defeating Barristan in combat he presented a gift to Lyanna while bypassing his wife. Then of course Littlefinger gave Sansa a look like, " yeah right " when Sansa mentioned how Rhaegar had raped and murdered Lyanna.

Sounds like to me Lyanna and Rhaegar ran off together, and this is what set Robert Baratheon toward assaulting Kings Landing and waging a war. He lost his woman to another man and went to kill that other mans family and take all power from them.

What a twist that was. Makes me look at Robert completely differently.
Like someone mentioned above, Robert probably thought she was kidnapped. I'm not sure of the timing of everything but I think the war didn't start until the Mad King killed Ned's father and brother.
Does anyone remember if Bealish knows who Tommen's real daddy is? I wonder if Cercei has thought about the religious militant finding out 🐸☕️


I'm not sure why Olenna and Margaery are letting Cersei fuck them up so bad. As Cersei destroys herself she's destroying the Tyrells, as they are dependent on Lannister power. If Tommen is outed as illegitimate and Stannis marches on King's Landing then the Tyrells are going to be shit out of luck.

Maybe Stannis will pardon some of them but Margaery's run as queen is going to be short, and she won't be happy. She won't get the chance to marry a 4th king, that's for sure.

The leadership vacuum among the Tyrells at the moment is crazy. They can't just sit around and wait for Tommen to grow up while Cersei turns the capital into a frothing madhouse. Now would be a good time for an assassination. They can't use Cersei's sins against her because that hurts Tommen's claim, which their power rests on. It's all quite convoluted.

I honestly think that Jon realizes that Melly's fire crotch would just melt off his penis.

That's why Melly needs a Targ, and Jon's the Bob for the job.
This thread has turned to shit.

Both what littlefinger said to Sansa and what was going to happen to loris were "theorised" in this thread, then the mod comes in and says for book lovers to stay out of here.

I'm pretty sure I know what is going to happen to cercei and Jamie and myrcella as well, because people can't help themselves.

And Jon is part targaryan was also "theorised" early on this season and now that looks likely too considering what Sansa said and ned coming back from the war with a kid and melisandre feeling something special with him.

I'm out of this thread now, too many people getting their theories right.
Does anyone remember if Bealish knows who Tommen's real daddy is? I wonder if Cercei has thought about the religious militant finding out 🐸☕️
If a sellsword like Bronn knows, why wouldn't Littlefinger, whose entire survival is built trading secrets? There is a reason why he runs brothels. It's not because he likes being a pimp, but because he knows people let out secrets in such places especially the high ranking ones. Obviously no one can do anything about it now. Ned Stark was the best person who could've made the charges stick. It all died with him.
This thread has turned to shit.

Both what littlefinger said to Sansa and what was going to happen to loris were "theorised" in this thread, then the mod comes in and says for book lovers to stay out of here.

I'm pretty sure I know what is going to happen to cercei and Jamie and myrcella as well, because people can't help themselves.

And Jon is part targaryan was also "theorised" early on this season and now that looks likely too considering what Sansa said and ned coming back from the war with a kid and melisandre feeling something special with him.

I'm out of this thread now, too many people getting their theories right.

I get a little suspicious of people who just post random theories that really don't have a lot to do with the current central plot of the series or what happened in recent episodes. I guess we can't just ban theorizing altogether, but it might help.


I get a little suspicious of people who just post random theories that really don't have a lot to do with the current central plot of the series or what happened in recent episodes. I guess we can't just ban theorizing altogether, but it might help.
Sam will be king.
If a sellsword like Bronn knows, why wouldn't Littlefinger, whose entire survival is built trading secrets? There is a reason why he runs brothels. It's not because he likes being a pimp, but because he knows people let out secrets in such places especially the high ranking ones. Obviously no one can do anything about it now. Ned Stark was the best person who could've made the charges stick. It all died with him.
Ned had too much dumb honor to do what Baelish told him to do. The same with Rob and Roose.
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