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Games you couldn't play for any (moral) reason

Mr Hyde

Not into porn games, fan service games like Senran Kagura, or VNs with overtly sexual themes. I think games like that are super cringe and all around embarrassing and it does not get me off one bit. I don't have anything against them, so wouldn't say it's because moral grandstanding. It's just different tastes I guess. But I would probably side eye the fuck out of anyone playing it though.


Well, I don't have any morals so I can play pretty much anything. I guess the most "morally objectionable" (by the definition of society) game I have played was Manhunt 2. But I mean, I also play as the Nazis in Hearts of Iron (with mods) and commit genocide there, so...

That being said, the last game that I stopped playing because I just didn't find the depiction of violence tasteful/fun/engaging/justified by the story was The Last of Us 2. For me, all the violence felt like cheap shock moments.
I don't really have standards in that topic. I can play games I have a moral opposition to. But it doesn't mean I ignore what I'm opposed to.

There's a lot of stuff in Yakuza and Persona games, for example, that I have disgust or dismiss for.
Treatment of certain characters of a certain gender/sexuality/identity, or general moral stances that I think are mind-numbingly stupid.

But I think that's part of appreciating art. Appreciating the good, discussing the bad. Not excusing it, not ignoring it.
Discussing it. With yourself or other people.

It's one of the reasons I don't like censorship. The, in my opinion, bad aspects of Persona/Yakuza, are a part of it, and I want everyone to see it, discuss it, shit on it, or praise it.

Anyway... I never really dropped a game because of a moral difference.
But I can see why people do.


While the game mechanics of Ravenous Devils sound cool (in terms of running a business in a historic setting in short bursts of gameplay), just reading about the game completely put me off:

"Ravenous Devils tells the story of a serial killer tailor and his loving chef wife who both want to get rich no matter the cost. This game is as disturbing and gory as it sounds – you see the brutal killings, the chopping of the bodies, and witness story moments that are downright chilling."

No thanks. I'm good.

John Bilbo

I don't know man. I find supporting some causes financially a bit disgusting but I try to separate the art from the artist and judge the game on its merits.
I never played Manhunt because I just found the fact it glorified violence stupid. The gameplay didn't even seem that compelling and it felt like it was just using controversy for marketing.
Not really. Manhunt was so great because of the atmosphere not because of the violence.

Playing It with my TV and headset was an awesome experience.


Not really. Manhunt was so great because of the atmosphere not because of the violence.

Playing It with my TV and headset was an awesome experience.
I don't know, the gameplay wasn't that great from what I saw. Seemed more like they were going for shock factor and to stick it to Jack Thompson at the time who I also didn't like.


Idk, it would probably have to be something that very blatantly and earnestly promotes objectively evil things like racism or pedophilia, or attempts to spread and promote anti-intellectual ideologies and conspiracies that are harmful to the society like the flat Earth or other dumb shit like that. But in all honestly, I'm yet to see a mainstream video game that would do something like that.
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Idk, it would probably have to be something that very blatantly and earnestly promotes objectively evil things like racism or pedophilia, or attempts to spread and promote anti-intellectual ideologies and conspiracies that are harmful to the society like the flat Earth or other dumb shit like that. But in all honestly, I'm yet to see a mainstream video game that would do something like that.
Weren't you bothered by a shapeshifting druid?


I don't avoid games for moral reasons, but I do avoid stuff that just disturbs me.

For example, while the chaotic nonsensical sandbox bullshit you can cause in GTA is a great time (especially back in Vice City), the storylines started to actually disturb me by how much of a piece of shit your main characters always are - combined with not being able to get over the fact that they're parodying real world criminal shit that actually exists and I don't want to immerse myself in it, no matter how "comical" they try to portray it. Organized crime, casual cold blooded murder, drugs, and other degeneracy aren't "fun" storyline objectives I want to engage in any more, even if it's just a stupid game. I don't watch TV shows or movies in those categories either.

Then there's other stuff, games like Hatred that are just psychopathic grimdark murdering of innocent people simulators. I'm fine with them existing (freedom of speech and all) but man you can keep that shit, I'll be playing something else.

EDIT: I'm also starting to think that Sony exclusive IPs are going on my "shit sux" list because of their aggressive attempts to ruin their franchises lately by pandering to ideologies and trying to "shock" their players instead of making actually good games (looking at Naughty Dog mainly here)
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If your religion is preventing you from enjoying a video game you'd otherwise enjoy (or food, or whatever), then I guess it's time to change religion...

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Games are fantasy. Escapism. No reason to not play any game. I mean.....I don't condone killing people but I can handle playing a shooter. One is real, one is fake. This is why legislators have it all wrong with violence and video games. Gamers know the difference and don't aspire to be mass killers.
Any game like Hatred where you run around committing murder for no reason is beyond something I'd play for entertainment. Some concepts should only be used in a psychiatric setting. Like unless a therapist says this will genuinely help your mental state in a controlled setting maybe...but games like that for entertainment is a huge red flag.
I’d probably not play a game completely on moral grounds if I found out one or some of the main dev(s) were pedophiles or something. At that point though if that came out the game would probably be pulled. It’s not like a similar industry just lets pedos keep working or anything.

A game isn't real life, therefore I can be Agent 47 in a game and not feel bad about it, the atrocities I commit in an imaginary game world don't keep me up at night.
I do think some imaginary actions do have a limit on what can be deemed morally acceptable. I mentioned hatred which is designed aroung being a mass murderer who is killing innocents people for revenge. Or some japanese light novels which push the boundaries of pedophilia. I don't think "its imaginary" is the end all be all for what personal line is.


I do think some imaginary actions do have a limit on what can be deemed morally acceptable. I mentioned hatred which is designed aroung being a mass murderer who is killing innocents people for revenge. Or some japanese light novels which push the boundaries of pedophilia. I don't think "its imaginary" is the end all be all for what personal line is.
Hatred was basically a troll game with some of the most edgelord shit in the history of video games. It was impossible to take any of it seriously because it had the same level of writing as your average death metal lyrics.
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Hatred was basically a troll game with some of the most edgelord shit in the history of video games. It was impossible to take any of it seriously because it had the same level of writing as your average death metal lyrics.
Yea, but the intent doesn't change. I think most people have a moralistic line, again a game centered around being a pedo most normal people will pass on.


There are a few cases.
  1. Upon finding out that a game has been censored, my buyer's remorse goes through the roof and I loose all interest on buying or playing it. I feel like i should experience the way the developer intended. I've abandoned Ninja Gaiden Sigma and I stayed away from Street fighter 5 and DMC5 until recently. There are more examples but i can't remember atm.
  2. Xenosaga 2. I always wanted to get into the series, but the way this was released in Europe pissed me to no end. I've re evalued my stance in Piracy and naturally I never played that ridiculous release, as it lacked both a beginning and a finale.


Yea, but the intent doesn't change. I think most people have a moralistic line, again a game centered around being a pedo most normal people will pass on.
Well, yeah, sure. But I was talking about Hatred. I think that game was made like that just for shock value, but it doesn't even have enough wit behind the writing to come off as anything more than laughable.

The ending song is pretty dope, though.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
If a game looks good I will play it. Don't give a shit about the content or the creator behind it. That goes for any form of media. I have no morals when it comes to this shit. Its just a piece of fake media.


Interesting. Can you provide evidence god doesn't exist?🤔

This is a trick question. It's impossible to prove that something doesn't exist. You can think of any random creature living on any random planet in any random galaxy. It's impossible to prove it doesn't exist.

That's why the burden of proof falls to the person who made the original claim. Which is the person who believes a god exists.


Any games afflicted with the woke virus.
Any game that tries nowdays to show inclusiveness and half-shaved-headed women makes me roll my eyes so much I can see the inside of my brain having a seizure.
Needless to say it flies to the bottom of my lists.


So we all agree the big bang was what started the universe before time, space and matter. And the big bang came to be due to a spark. Who created said spark I wonder 🤔
And who created whoever created said spark?

See, you think you have the ultimate answer for everything but all you do is creating more questions.

The real answer is, we don't know for sure. We know the Universe exists but we can't make any sense of it or how it started.

Maybe some day we will answer that but until then, a magical man who came out of nowhere isn't a logical answer.
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This is a trick question. It's impossible to prove that something doesn't exist. You can think of any random creature living on any random planet in any random galaxy. It's impossible to prove it doesn't exist.

That's why the burden of proof falls to the person who made the original claim. Which is the person who believes a god exists.
It is perfectly possible to prove something doesn't exist. One common way to do so is by contradiction. You can prove for example that a set that contains all sets that are not a member of themselves doesn't exist.


The only game I wouldn't play is postal. I think that's it. It's just a mass shooting game. Really poor taste.

Besides that I have no moral objections to any games. I know mofos are gonna be butt hurt when 6 days in fallujah comes out cause they can't handle a realistic military shooter


Super Mario.

He promotes shrooms.

So we all agree the big bang was what started the universe before time, space and matter. And the big bang came to be due to a spark. Who created said spark I wonder 🤔
It is unknown where the AllSpark originally came from, though some sources say that it was created by a mysterious power for an unknown reason. The AllSpark was responsible for creating the planet Cybertron, and the Transformers that inhabited it.
Even the Transformers don't know.
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