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Games you couldn't play for any (moral) reason


This is too funny, what are they going to do if Sony or Nintendo buys another large software company, never play them either? Do they employ this with everywhere they eat and buy electronics/phones too?
TV? Did they stop watching Star Wars when disney bought Lucasfilm or Monster Inc when they bought Pixar? How about Marvel movies, did they stop then?
Of course not. Never forget that every Sony adquisition is organic.


The Call of duty series.

Since going to college and dating quite a few muslims... the game representation of them in the series just bothered me enough that I lost interest.

Then it came to killing npcs. Fell out of most first person shooters because the killing became less cartoony and became far too realistic and then started bothering me. It the main reason I cannot touch last of us two, besides they massacred my boy.


Gold Member
lol, what are you on about? Ok, so like it’s super complicated, but like trust me it’s true and like the Catholics made it up? This guy, and Gödel would like a word with you.
It's ok if you aren't familiar with the subject. It's no secret, just pull up any lectures on the physics of the early universe. Pope Francis officially adopted the idea of a big bang as canon (the commonly held views of the big bang theory leave a lot of room for a divine creator), I'm not sure why you are uncomfortable with that fact. It was brought up as further explanation to why incorrect conceptions of the big bang are so prevalent.

In the future, try not to let your ignorance on a particular subject stop you from accepting new information. Most people have a skewed understanding of the current models of the early universe, you aren't alone.

Here are two resources produced by Nobel Prize winning physicist. I recommend educating yourself before speaking about a subject you presumably know little of.

Edit: I'm not a huge fan of Dr. Penrose cyclical universe hypothesis, but he is well versed in early universe physics and has a wealth of knowledge on the subject.
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The Fuzz damn you!

Gold Member
Where have you been all those months? Let me help you, and have a good laugh
I’ve been around. I don’t recall anyone ever claiming that “every Sony acquisition is organic”. I recall Jim Ryan talking about “organic growth AND select acquisitions,” and contrasting their approach against MS’s buy-the-biggest-publishers approach, but your comment seems like a pathetic strawman thrown into the fray so that you can claim a cheap “win” to me.


I dont Support any Games that Falsely Advertise Graphics in there Marketing.

Never Played GOT or TLOU2 for this reason. Was a huge TLOU 1 fan too :(
But Im just plain sick of it.

Fingers crossed on that TLOU2 PS5 version.
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Gold Member
Physics gets pretty crazy when you look at it from a subatomic level. Everything is made up of particles/waves.
As far as we can tell, particles/waves simultaneously. The universe has no obligation to make sense to us. It is widely accepted though that the reason we come across these inconsistencies is due to the equipment we use to probe the subatomic realm. In order to observe a subatomic state, we must interact with it. Interacting with a subatomic system requires applying forces which disrupts it's initial state.


I think hegel discussion on being, and how something came from nothing, is the most accurate explanation of how nothing can birth something. I would not be surprised if reality was birthed from a contradiction reconciling with itself.
Lmao. I'm an atheist (or agnostic/whatever, dont care) and i find hilarious how little thought modern atheists put into these questions.

Such a simple thing to ask "can you prove god doesn't exist" with a fairly simple answer and explanation (and no, its not you can't therefore god), yet no one so far has been able to give a minimaly reasonable answer.

I cant help but think people just become atheists/agnostics these days cause its trendy.

Lol hm. I usually see reasonably decent effort and logic still.

If im ever talking to a theist, I usually have the conversation by discussing what we understand about our own psychology. Human beings natural tendencies. And how we deal with emotional convenience, bias, and the concept of no longer existing, and how we deal with that. Are we humanizing the constructs of the universe rather than considering the idea that we are an equal participant to even the smallest dust mite? When you consider even that simple premise, that we are no better than any organism, man based religion falls apart conceptually.

I also notice many religious people assume there is some benefit to being an athiest or agnostic. One dude here said its because "we dont want that authority over us"...

Honestly...it'd be more comforting if there were a god. Morality would be simple. There would be someone to talk to. There'd be hope. However, an agnostic or an athiest, doesnt simply believe in what makes them feel good/we have to consider the potential reality that there is no reward for being "good". That we arent special. And that death is final. That shit is terrifying. But we cant ignore the possibility. Religious people however, choose to ignore thay possibility. And I can't respect that. You are operating off of emptional convenience at that point.

And a god that would be angry at me even pondering that idea, is juvenile. In fact, a being of such power should be insulted at the idea that pne would assume they'd respond in such a human,emotional way.


I’ve been around. I don’t recall anyone ever claiming that “every Sony acquisition is organic”. I recall Jim Ryan talking about “organic growth AND select acquisitions,” and contrasting their approach against MS’s buy-the-biggest-publishers approach, but your comment seems like a pathetic strawman thrown into the fray so that you can claim a cheap “win” to me.
The only difference between MS and Sony, is that one have 10 times the money. I cant do nothing if you are dumb enough to believe all that Jimbo bullshit about organic growth. Be sure that if Sony would have the money, they would have made the same adquisitions that MS. Organic my ass.


That's a misunderstanding of the concept of a big bang. Science educators may allude to such a scenario for simplicity sake, but no cosmologist or astrophysicist believes the series of events you describe.

It is extremely complicated but essentially, the "big bang" is just an artifact of incomplete knowledge. When you take what we can currently observe, apply our known laws of physics and hit the rewind button, it gets to a point where the math breaks down into a singularity. Singularities are not physically real objects, but a mathematical construct. Anytime a physicist encounters a singularity, that tells them that there are variables that are missing.

The idea that this singularity is some sort of real state that the early universe was configured in was adopted by people who actually never understood physics, and by the Catholic church. You will find real science educators use the term "big bang", but it is a metaphor for the earliest state of the universe that we cannot probe with our current incomplete understanding or the laws of nature. There is a reason the holy grail of physics is a grand unifying theory. We know our current two governing rules of the large and small are incomplete (General Relativity/Quantum Field Theory), so why would we believe the obviously flawed outcome that is derived from pushing these two concepts to their absolute extreme?

And as always, the argument you present "who created that spark" is easily dismissed with the question "who created the creator". That viewpoint leads to the inevitable chicken or egg scenario which is unanswerable.

Stephen Meyer (giving the theist perspective) just did a 3-hour interview on Rogan and spent a decent amount of time on Big Bang cosmology if you want to check it out. In the discussion he also mentions a number of high-profile cosmologists/astrophysicists who have been persuaded by the cosmological and fine-tuning arguments for the existence of God.
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I refuse to buy sony products after they supported terrorism in 2020.

Microsoft isn't much better though with all of their soyboy virtue signaling.


Blasphemous seems like a pretty messed up game. I bought it, but haven't played it.
Don't skip it, you'd be missing out.

On topic: I'd feel like a hypocrite if I skipped games because of morals, considering my lifestyle involves much more inmoral stuff, like human exploitation and ecologic destruction. Moral capitalism doesn't exist.

The Fuzz damn you!

Gold Member
The only difference between MS and Sony, is that one have 10 times the money.

Yep, 100% agree.

I cant do nothing if you are dumb enough to believe all that Jimbo bullshit about organic growth.

You mean, the bullshit that he never said? Because that’s your bullshit, not his. If you choose to believe other people’s misrepresentations of his statements, you’re the one who’s believing the bullshit. And that’s something you CAN do something about.

The Fuzz damn you!

Gold Member
I refuse to buy sony products after they supported terrorism in 2020.

Microsoft isn't much better though with all of their soyboy virtue signaling.
Are you talking about “The Interview”? Because referring to that incident as “supporting terrorism” is, imo, a hell of a stretch.

Or was there something else?
I’m curious - what do you think will happen to you if you play those games?

I mean, not wanting to play because you don’t like the subject matter is one thing. But you are explicitly casting this as a moral matter. However, in these games, there is no-one around to possibly suffer any moral consequences except yourselves. So… what consequences are you worried about?

What will happen to me? Probably just annoyed. It's a moral matter only in the sense that Marxists are deeply immoral people even if they themselves don't realize it, and I have no interest in wasting my time subjecting myself to their immoral (and inane) ideology.
Actually I find that game to be extremely pretentious and boring, but now I'm curious about this, can you explain more? I have no interest in playing it more to find out.
5 and a half minutes into their Game Awards acceptence speech they shout out Marx, and Engels for their, "political education."

They also have(had) a portrait of Stalin in their office, which they praised on social media.



And last, but not least they got Chapo Trap House to do the original voice acting before having it recast for the final update.

Now call me crazy, but if a game dev....

Praised Fichte, Riehl, and Spengler for their, "Political Education," at the Game Awards.
Had a stylized portrait of Adolph Hitler in their office, and posted they couldn't do it without him.
Got Richard Spencer, and David Duke to do some pro-bono voice acting work.

...odds are you just assume they're a bunch of Neo-Nazis without giving them any benefit of the doubt.


What will happen to me? Probably just annoyed. It's a moral matter only in the sense that Marxists are deeply immoral people even if they themselves don't realize it, and I have no interest in wasting my time subjecting myself to their immoral (and inane) ideology.
Ehh, I found many of them are good people. It come down to perspective and how you contextualize things. Personally, I enjoy the understanding process of interacting with ideologies, then breaking down why it does not work or make sense, and ponder how people become entrapped in them and what pull the ideals have.


Gold Member
Stephen Meyer (giving the theist perspective) just did a 3-hour interview on Rogan and spent a decent amount of time on Big Bang cosmology if you want to check it out. In the discussion he also mentions a number of high-profile cosmologists/astrophysicists who have been persuaded by the cosmological and fine-tuning arguments for the existence of God.
I hear that a good bit (regarding the cosmologist who find God), but have actually never came across one over the 2 decades I have followed the subject. I'm sure if I specifically went hunting for an example, I would find one, but I don't find it that interesting. The are many reasons why one may become a believer.

Edit: yeah I just saw that Stephen Meyer is a literal intelligent design promoter. I would take his info with a large chunk of salt. He isn't exactly going to be looking at the data objectively. It would be impossible when he already believes that God is the answer, everything would be filtered through that viewpoint.
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Ehh, I found many of them are good people. It come down to perspective and how you contextualize things. Personally, I enjoy the understanding process of interacting with ideologies, then breaking down why it does not work or make sense, and ponder how people become entrapped in them and what pull the ideals have.
They might be "nice", but no, they aren't good. Good people care about the actual consequences of the ideologies they support, beyond that it makes them feel good.


Every EA game. Started after the whole Battlefront 2 controversy and haven't bought any game of them since. I played EA games already in the PS One era, so that says a lot.

The last of us 2. Mostly because druckmann is simping for Anita Sarkeesian and calls attractive female protagonists mysoginostic and went even as far to making female character less attractive to not offend trannies. He also proudly inserts his own political beliefs in games.


They might be "nice", but no, they aren't good. Good people care about the actual consequences of the ideologies they support, beyond that it makes them feel good.

You can say this for every economic system, every religion, every belief or social stance. How you arrive to an idea is what matters, not necessarily what the idea is.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
I cannot believe this fucking thread exists.

I play games for fun. They could hire the reanimated brain of Adolf Hitler to do their graphics for all I care. 'Religious reasons'. Give me a fucking break.

When did people become such utter, utter pussies?


So we all agree the big bang was what started the universe before time, space and matter. And the big bang came to be due to a spark. Who created said spark I wonder 🤔
Then who created God?

There are books on how to deal with children who constantly ask, 'but, why?'


I cannot believe this fucking thread exists.

I play games for fun. They could hire the reanimated brain of Adolf Hitler to do their graphics for all I care. 'Religious reasons'. Give me a fucking break.

When did people become such utter, utter pussies?
Is it hard to understand that people have, sensibilities and preferences? There a game that exist called rape lay, wouldn't touch that garbage. Would you?


I hear that a good bit (regarding the cosmologist who find God), but have actually never came across one over the 2 decades I have followed the subject. I'm sure if I specifically went hunting for an example, I would find one, but I don't find it that interesting. The are many reasons why one may become a believer.

Edit: yeah I just saw that Stephen Meyer is a literal intelligent design promoter. I would take his info with a large chunk of salt. He isn't exactly going to be looking at the data objectively. It would be impossible when he already believes that God is the answer, everything would be filtered through that viewpoint.
Idk, I think it might be a little naive and ad hominem to think that theist scientists can’t make evidentially-based arguments that can be taken seriously. To put the shoe on the other foot, who’s to say that a prior commitment to philosophical naturalism or scientism doesn’t make one biased to looking at the evidence in good faith? These are arguments that many scientists, philosophers, etc have in fact taken seriously. See Anthony Flew’s story for example.


I really look forward to seeing answers from gaffers.
For me, the reason is mainly my Faith - some may be surprised, but I am a devoted Catholic, traditional Catholic, not like Joseph Biden.

1. That is why I never could really play GTAV, since it is just brutal and promotes crime. Period.
2. I bought CP77 day one on GOG, played like 1 hour, until I realized there is an occult stuff there, in regard to Tarot. Dumped game and never booted again. Shame since it looked attractive!
Is this a joke post?

For me it’s all the waifu pandering crap with 1000-year old dragon being a 10-year old girl with a short skirt.


Oh he exists.
OK, prove it then.

If y'all want to believe all the amazing systems we live in/with that could not be created from scratch by man or any creation nor even cloned was done by sheer coincidence.... Everything in and around us working in harmony, all by coincidence....
Nothing was "created from scratch". Everything is a product of evolution. Things evolve or get destroyed according to the environment and physics around them. It's a long game of trial and error. Things that exist can't just disappear because "the system isn't thought out". They have to work and evolve in some way. And if the physics were any different, many things would work and look differently but they would still exist/work in some other way and you would still probably say the same thing if you were there.

Not to mention how a creator doesn't really explain anything. You still have to wonder, if "a man" created everything then who created this man? Where does this wisdom, knowledge and intelligence comes from? You use a creator to explain how a bunch of rocks and gas came to be but you also replace them with an even more complex entity that you never think about how that came to be. And, ofc, no proof to your claims either.

You're either playing a fool and you know he exists but you simply reject him because you don't want that all-powerful authority over you, and you think it gives you a false sense of freedom
No it's the other way around. It's you who desperately need him to exist because he gives you a false sense of security and eternal justice, not to mention the promise of eternal life of some sort. See people don't like the concept of not existing in some form. It's both because of our huge ego and/or grave fear of death. So we created the concept of afterlife and "the soul" with some creator who always watches over us and protect us. You believe god exists because it makes you feel more secure about your mortality, you need him to exist otherwise death is final and existence seems futile.

And i get it, i would also love for him to exist because i also like existence and experiencing things. I would love to see what happens in 500 years from now, whatever. But i can't just fool myself and believe in fairy tales just because i don't like the idea that soon this will all be over and i will go back to the state of not existing, just like before i was born. Truth isn't something that works for our convenience, sometimes it's harsh.

And you don't need to look hard. You just look at yourself and how you were made. Everything about you. Flesh, bones, soul, organs, etc.
Exactly. Our own bodies are a prime example of a product of evolution, with many remnants of trial and error, not to mention many duds as well.

And if we don't know/have the answer to some things, it doesn't mean those things don't exist. Then science would've fallen apart straight away. It just means we don't have that knowledge yet.
But you seem you do. God. That's the answer to everything for you. You seem to have figured it out. There's no other answer or mystery because "God works in mysterious ways" or "he is beyond our understanding" or "our feeble minds should not challenge God and his perfect creation" and other stuff like that. You already given up on trying to find answers about the physical world.

200 years ago you would see a lighting on the sky and you would explain it with "god is angry" or something. Theists always have things figured out until science proves them wrong. It has always been this way.
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That's certainly true. Something that setup a situation that was really creepy would probably result in a refund request. Most mainstream games will try to create a scenario that tries to make the playable character not seem as bad. Even in the Hitman example most of the targets are always underhanded criminals in their own right, which stopped the game from getting a lot of push back. Though there was that one mission where the bride had you take out her groom and her father so she get a big inheritance. :messenger_tears_of_joy: Probably some other problematic ones in there as well.
It's hard to play an absolute psycho with 0 relatable qualities. Even GTA protagonist tend to be nice people who fell into their circumstance, the player going on a rampage is more of something you can do but not designed into the narrative. I think it's cool to use gaming as an outlet, like doing a full kill run in Skyrim can be entertaining. But theres a reason most games with kids block you from harming them...some actions, even if done in fantasy shouldn't be given as an option imo with the defense of "escapism".


So we all agree the big bang was what started the universe before time, space and matter. And the big bang came to be due to a spark. Who created said spark I wonder 🤔
Quantum fluctuations will do that by themselves, or there a few multidimensional hypotheses in string theory. It's very hard to know.


5 and a half minutes into their Game Awards acceptence speech they shout out Marx, and Engels for their, "political education."

They also have(had) a portrait of Stalin in their office, which they praised on social media.



And last, but not least they got Chapo Trap House to do the original voice acting before having it recast for the final update.

Now call me crazy, but if a game dev....

Praised Fichte, Riehl, and Spengler for their, "Political Education," at the Game Awards.
Had a stylized portrait of Adolph Hitler in their office, and posted they couldn't do it without him.
Got Richard Spencer, and David Duke to do some pro-bono voice acting work.

...odds are you just assume they're a bunch of Neo-Nazis without giving them any benefit of the doubt.

To be frank, I heard about the developers before I heard of the game. All that stuff made me never to want to play their game.


Lmao. I'm an atheist (or agnostic/whatever, dont care) and i find hilarious how little thought modern atheists put into these questions.

Such a simple thing to ask "can you prove god doesn't exist" with a fairly simple answer and explanation (and no, its not you can't therefore god), yet no one so far has been able to give a minimaly reasonable answer.

I cant help but think people just become atheists/agnostics these days cause its trendy.
I mean firstly, proving a negative is roundabout logic, on account of things that don't exist don't leave evidence of their non-existence.

The usual thing is to make positive claim ("that sumbitch stole my car!") and then prove it. Imagine being arrested for grand theft auto and then being told you could only go free if you could prove you'd never stolen a car, ever.

The other problem is ontology: most descriptions of God are so vague it's hard to really prove or disprove anything. When people do make specific claims, you can easily tackle them: the claim that "god is infinitely just and infinitely merciful" for example is contradictory. An infinitely 'just' God always metes out justice, an infinitely merciful God always forgives without punishment. Mercy is by definition the suspension of justice.

The more detailed a description of God is, the easier it becomes to discredit, because they become positive claims and positive claims are much easier to test.


- Games made specifically in china or russia.
- Games heavily infected with the woke virus.

Other than that I'll play anything, I don't care about making fun of religion of excessive violence.


Gold Member
Games like gtav full of crime or versions of cod simulating world wars that actually took place don't appeal at all to me.

Shooting space aliens or other teams in mp space simulations bring it on


I'm a socialist. I play a lot games that have a pro-capitalist, war-glorifying, pro-western ideology built into them. It's not a bad thing to engage with ideas you don't agree with.

I'm also an atheist that manages to read the Bible and Qur'an without being outraged or converted.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
Is it hard to understand that people have, sensibilities and preferences? There a game that exist called rape lay, wouldn't touch that garbage. Would you?
Absolutely. Was anyone actually raped during the making of it? No? Then it's just an extremely tasteless thing that I thoroughly enjoyed laughing at.

We used to know the difference between media and reality, but it seems that people have forgotten that distinction.
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