The Horror the horror
From Last Month's Thread:
*Instead of using member avatars like last month's chart, I figure this way it's easier to search for names/games (CTRL+F), plus the page now loads faster.
Top 3 Most Beaten Games from October 2017
My November conquests:
Metal Slug 3
Lego City Undercover
Dead Nation
║ [B]GAF Member[/B] ║ [B]Games Beaten in October 2017[/B] ║
║ abracadaver ║ The Typing of the Dead: Overkill ║
║ ║ The Evil Within 2 ║
║ ║ Wolfenstein 2 ║
║ ║ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered ║
║ ║ Road Redemption ║
║ Alebelly ║ Nier: Automata ║
║ appaws ║ Ultimate General Civil War Union Campaign ║
║ ║ Ultimate General Civil War Confederate Campaign ║
║ ║ Wolfenstein: Old Blood ║
║ ║ Ys 8 ║
║ Blam ║ Cuphead ║
║ ║ Destiny 2 ║
║ ║ Uncharted: Lost Legacy ║
║ ║ Injustice 2 ║
║ ║ FFXV ║
║ BTHR Zero X ║ Marvel Heroes Omega + Spider-Man DLC ║
║ ║ The Walking Dead + 400 Days DLC ║
║ ║ Until Dawn ║
║ ║ Game of Thrones ║
║ ║ Energy Cycle ║
║ ║ Orc Slayer ║
║ ║ NBA 2K18: The Prelude ║
║ ║ Mr. Massagy ║
║ ║ Energy Cycle ║
║ Charlton3k ║ Gone Home ║
║ ║ Turing Test ║
║ czk51 ║ Super Mario Odyssey ║
║ Danjin44 ║ Evil Within 2 ║
║ denpanosekai ║ Suikoden Tierkreis ║
║ ║ Dragon Quest Builders ║
║ Dr.Brobotnik ║ Bioshock: Infiinite ║
║ ehead ║ Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ║
║ Enclose ║ The Evil Within 2 ║
║ ║ Shadow of War ║
║ ║ Wolfenstein II ║
║ ║ Destiny 2 SP ║
║ Falchion ║ Uncharted: The Lost Legacy ║
║ ║ Mirrors Edge ║
║ ║ Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington ║
║ ║ Data Wing ║
║ ║ Assassin's Creed Syndicate Season Pass ║
║ ║ Halo Reach ║
║ fast_taker ║ Gone Home ║
║ ║ Turing Test ║
║ franknbeans ║ Wolfenstein: The New Order ║
║ ║ Assassins Creed Syndicate ║
║ Futaleufu ║ Overlord II ║
║ ║ Enclave ║
║ ║ Two Worlds II ║
║ g11 ║ Mafia III ║
║ Genio88 ║ The Evil Within 2 ║
║ ║ Mario Odyssey ║
║ heckmanimation ║ Golf Story ║
║ HOTDOG ║ Skyforce Anniversary ║
║ ║ Neon Chrome ║
║ icam_17 ║ Mario Odyssey ║
║ JohnSpartanLee ║ Mega Man X ║
║ KLoWn ║ Cuphead ║
║ ║ Super Mario Odyssey ║
║ ║ Danganronpa V3 ║
║ kunonabi ║ Metroid: Samus Returns ║
║ ║ The Conduit ║
║ ║ Lost in Shadow ║
║ ║ Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop ║
║ ║ Elebits ║
║ ║ Soul Calibur: Legends ║
║ ║ Excite Truck ║
║ ║ Excitebots: Trick Racing ║
║ ║ Escape From Bug Island ║
║ ║ Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident ║
║ Leonidas ║ Motocross Madness ║
║ ║ Bloodborne ║
║ Lionel Richie ║ Yakuza Kiwami ║
║ ║ Blast Corps ║
║ ║ Rime ║
║ marcincz ║ Final Fantasy XIII-2 ║
║ ║ Gran Turismo 6 ║
║ MaximusPayne ║ The Evil Within 1 ║
║ ║ The Evil Within 2 ║
║ Nester99 ║ South Park, fractured but whole ║
║ ║ Shadow of War ║
║ Nikana ║ Super Punch Out ║
║ ║ Destiny 2 ║
║ Nitty_Grimes ║ Gone Home ║
║ Ocirus ║ Battle Chasers: Nightwar ║
║ ║ Super Mario Odyssey ║
║ Print_Dog ║ Final Fantasy XV ║
║ ║ Wolfenstein: The New Order ║
║ ║ InFamous: Second Son ║
║ Qwan3356 ║ The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt ║
║ ║ Legend of Zelda: BOTW ║
║ ║ Golf Story ║
║ Reckless Abandon ║ ClusterTruck ║
║ ║ Heavy Rain ║
║ RobRSG ║ Super Mario Odyssey ║
║ ║ Super Mario World ║
║ ║ Super Castlevania IV ║
║ ║ Aladdin ║
║ slosherbomb ║ Cuphead ║
║ ║ Sonic Mania ║
║ ║ Borderlands a tell tale story ║
║ Sosokrates ║ Inside ║
║ ║ Gone home ║
║ SpiceRacz ║ Super Mario Odyssey ║
║ ║ Cuphead ║
║ St3v3 ║ The Evil Within 2 ║
║ The Horror the horror ║ Thimbleweed Park ║
║ ║ Sonic Mania ║
║ ║ Puyo Puyo Tetris ║
║ TheHellsLord ║ Secret of Mana ║
║ ║ Dishonored ║
║ Tohsaka ║ Blue Reflection ║
║ ║ Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony ║
║ ║ Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online ║
║ ║ Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash ║
║ ║ Warriors All-Stars ║
║ tsab ║ ACA Neo Geo Metal Slug 1 ║
║ ║ ACA Neo Geo Metal Slug 2 ║
║ ║ ACA Neo Geo Metal Slug 3 ║
║ ║ ACA Neo Geo Metal Slug X ║
║ ║ Super Mario Odyssey ║
║ Typhares ║ Steamworld Dig 2 ║
║ ║ Hue ║
║ Vkandrew ║ South Park the Fractured but Whole ║
║ watdaeff4 ║ Resident Evil 0 ║
║ ║ Cuphead ║
║ ║ Destiny 2 ║
║ ║ Metro 2033 ║
║ ║ Metroid Zero Mission ║
║ XcL_ ║ South Park: FBW ║
║ ║ Virginia ║
║ ║ Steam World Dig 2 ║
║ ║ Sonic Adventure DX ║
║ ║ Firewatch ║
║ xviper ║ The Evil Within 2 ║
*Instead of using member avatars like last month's chart, I figure this way it's easier to search for names/games (CTRL+F), plus the page now loads faster.
Top 3 Most Beaten Games from October 2017
- Mario Odyssey
- The Evil Within 2
- Wolfenstein II
My November conquests:
Metal Slug 3
Lego City Undercover
Dead Nation