GT forums used to be quite something as well
God damn it, I remember lurking on Gametrailers forums and finding that thread by accident.
God, I laughed way too much.
GT forums used to be quite something as well
I've already started mining the gold.
From a Little Big Planet video, it became the meme of GT:
The nostalgia
There we go. Get the domain for and letz go.
I dunno, they all seemed kinda nervous about that meeting the other day, pretty much every show mentioned it.
So is the site being taken down at the end of the day? Are we losing everything?
I know a gaffer is working on archiving everything on YouTube (thank you!) but will they be able to finish before the YouTube channel is taken down?
If we lose any of the entire archive of Final Bosman I will go ape shit.
Lol, yea that was something alright. GT was my NeoGAF before I discovered NeoGAF. Had their own memes, known members, etc.
Ah the memories.
Media Human YouTube downloader. It's $20. I am downloading via play list.
aw maaaaaan
Someone please make a torrent of all the videos and share them with me.
I don't have the connection to download the whole videos before the takedown.
The nostalgia
THIS. I back Kinda Funny, I back SIFTD, I will back GT. They should stay together. Put your $ where your keyboards are GAF.
THIS. I back Kinda Funny, I back SIFTD, I will back GT. They should stay together. Put your $ where your keyboards are GAF.
Is there any reason it can't continue on YouTube?
GameTrailers was delisted from the Defy media website months ago:
I think from their end, this was sudden at all. But it really does feel like GT was out of the loop.
What the heck, I just found out just now. What happened? This is so out of nowhere. Why are they shutting down?
Thanks Ian.
GT forums used to be quite something as well