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Gaming on the road...


My parents decided it would be a good idea to drive from Houston to St. Louis instead of fly. It's a grand waste of 2 days of my Thanksgiving break so I thought I'd make the most of it and play Metroid Prime 2: Echoes in the backseat of our Suburban.

Will the Cigarette Lighter -> Outlet Adaptor support a TV and a GameCube?
What kind of Voltage/Watt(age?) do I need from the thing?
And If I can split the plugs out of one lighter, there are like 4 in my 'burban.


No road gamers?
Will this be enough for a GCN + TV?


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Your parents are wrong.

I know these things. I figured I'd make the best out of a bad thing and play Echoes the whole way there. I was going to bring Konga, but 30 hours of that wouldn't be good for mom and pop.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
How about you play a little game and try not to think about Nintendo for 30 hours straight instead?
1) Cut yourself and leave evidence for them to find.

2) Parents stay home to try and help you in this crisis.

3) Complete Metroid

4) Confess your crime to get off of "suicide watch"

5) Continue until next situation arises.



The burban has a huge ass battery, I'm sure.
My mom ran her laptop and cell phone the whole time during their CO. trip this summer.

I just want to make sure the Wattage/Voltage/Whatever is okay.


I'm sure I'll do more than play Echoes on my trip. I'm bringing along a book I haven't read in ages and I'm sure I'll do a good bit of picture taking and talking with my dad.


go eat paint
Don't play video games in the middle of the road -- it makes it tough for drivers trying to swerve out of your way.

Try gaming on the sidewalk instead.


Can't you check on your TV and GC and see how much power they require? I'm sure you can find that in the manual, or even the back of a TV.


shuri said:
Stay home and bang Elisabeth Kelly Sue Johnson. Or bring her along for the thanksgiving ride and have ninja sex on the backseat

She might come along which might foil my rendezvous with Samus.


Well thats good then. I think the last time I brought a handheld of a long car trip I was about 11 years old. Just enjoy the scenery, and bring your expensive cameras to take pics of the trip. Bring music cds and stuff. I dont know, but I think youve reached the age that planning to play gameboy for the whole lenght of the ride feels kinda meh.


take a bucket in case you vomit.

seriously though, why not just catch up on some GBA love. Import wawaru made in wario. There must be something on it you haven't played?

Is DS out before or after Thanksgiving?
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