This game maxed out on PC is beautiful.
It really is. This might actually be the high water mark for graphics and art.
This game maxed out on PC is beautiful.
You talking about something that was in gears 2 for like 4 months. They took out the harlem shake quickly after launch... and who camp in the middle of jacinto.. lmfaoGears 2 nostalgia
camping in the middle on Jacinto with smoke tags that knock you to the ground down the stairs, doing the harlem shake on the ground and dudes running around with that trash hit diection
Keep Gears of War 2 where it belongs
I actually threw up in my mouth a little reading this post, like on some Dodgeball shit
You talking about something that was in gears 2 for like 4 months.
You know you aren't really making any points beside posting that same picture and screaming Gears 2 was trash.playing gears 2 for 4 months
I snapped the fuckin disc way before that, friend
Apparently all I needed to do was post on GAF.I'm playing through the Campaign on Insane and am stuck on a part in Act 3. Any pointers on how to beat theWhenever I get one down, it's the next phase that screws me one way or another.3 pouncers?
So you probably had a host from this country, any ranked or public match had someone from probably Jupiter with the lag it hadDid you dislike Garden as well then? Because it had the gas room.
The shield glitch was fixed tho.
Plus majority of my time playing Gears have been private matches so we actually got rid of mortar every time.
Does anyone know of a good way to find Horde teammates?
I'm on PC. GT: sincasirum
I'm not the best at Gears, so Normal mode is my go-to.
Does anyone know of a good way to find Horde teammates?
I'm on PC. GT: sincasirum
I'm not the best at Gears, so Normal mode is my go-to.
Does anyone know of a good way to find Horde teammates?
I'm on PC. GT: sincasirum
I'm not the best at Gears, so Normal mode is my go-to.
It's not your its my fault for qutting a game before they fixed the trash netcode, the crazy glitches, kung fu flip, invincible meatflags, roading running scorchers, awful hit detection, fuckin Gnasher and Boomshot randomly firing into the ground when hipfired, half the maps being awful(including Blood "everybody camp at the top of the stairs" Drive weirdos like for some reason), OP proximity grenades, taking forever to get into games with no penalty for qutting, standbyers, ugly ass models and color schemes, chainsaw duels wonky detection, busted weapon spawns, smoke stuns, etc etc
game was g a r b a g e. I rebuke all nostalgia for that game. In the NAME of black Jesus. Amen.
All y'all saying gears 2 is trash.... Are correct! I still have nightmares about the netcode. Took them like a year to make it decent. And it had the worst story of the original 3 games. (never bothered starting judgement after being disgusted by its terrible multi-player, and I'm only in chapter one of gears 4).
There's a note about it in the official forums somewhere. It didn't happen to me so I don't know how to fix it though. Sorry.Hit a spot at the end of act 3. Keep getting stuck on a loading screen. Anyone know a way around it?
Hit a spot at the end of act 3. Keep getting stuck on a loading screen. Anyone know a way around it?
How is the competative scene on PC so far? Does it seem like it will die pretty fast?
The big oil elevator part? If yes, you have to reset that chapter, and do not deploy the manned turret during the horde.
Credits to a post here somewhere. And i think in OP.
I'm gonna say it goes;
Gears 1
Gears 4
Gears 3
Gears 2
Judgmental One
However I was never a super competitive player in Gears as I find the gnasher cover jumping cool to watch but meh to play so I can't really say much about that side of it.
I like social versus for what it is. Spent some time in coop versus too and the AI put up a decent fight and it feels good. Other players are a bit 50/50 on the matter.
Where it comes in for me is story replayability, difficulty and horde mode as well as other PvE stuff, all of which Gears of War 4 excels in as far as I'm concerned. However it would be nice to have the option to select which enemy type to fight as opposed to both factions.
Gears 1 was such a cool thing back when it came out. I'm not sure it will ever be beaten within the series. I played the Xbox version, GFWL version and the UE version of it and still enjoy it to this very day, something I expect Gears 4 to do as well.
Amazing new characters with the addition of theand the banter in between them really makes them feel alive throughout the campaign and grants them some personality and bond, which is very much needed in the Gears story.old guard
Ranking the campaigns I'd say:
Gears 2
Gears 4
Gears 1
Gears 3
Acts two through five in Gears of War 4 are truly excellent and match (if not surpass) anything we've seen in the franchise to date.
I'd also say the Swarm are way more fun to fight than the Locust (and tough as old boots on Hardcore). As someone who has played all the games recently, the AI is a giant step up too.
However, Gears of War 2 remains my favourite because not only was it an enormous step up from the original with new enemies and weapons, it also boasted some really memorable levels.
One minute you were exploring an abandoned research facility in the mountains the next you were battling your way through the Locust stronghold.
You take charge of Brumak, chainsaw your way out of a giant worm and take on a giant fish after a high speed boat chase.
The variety in locales really is top notch.
The original Gears of War is lots of fun, if a little bit simple by today's standards.
It has a unique tone that none of the others have really gone for and also has some really great encounters.
The entirety of act two will forever be one of my favourites in the franchise.
Gears of War 3 is a bit too long for it's own good, a little bloated. By making areas larger to accommodate four people, you lose the intimate violence that is the series' biggest strength.
Mechanically it stands well above one and two, but it's a game that shows how important pacing is.
It's still got some cool battles though and is bags of fun alone or with friends, but generally, I think it's the least enjoyable.
Cracking MP though.
gears 2 was aids to the franchiseYou know you aren't really making any points beside posting that same picture and screaming Gears 2 was trash.
Your argument regarding Gears 2's is invalid if you are only basing it on what you played near launch...especially when you are replying to people who are basing their opinions on the updated game.
To be fair levels mean nothing since you get xp for everything you do including losing, I fear level ones more due to people that make new accounts for their precious kdr.I know the Social Mode is suppose to be random but it really sucks getting teamed against people leveled 30 and up and having your team with level 1s.
Quoting myself from a few dozen pages back.
But adding to my original assessment, I think Gears of War 4 might be the most well-rounded entry.
Every encounter feels hand-crafted with a wide composition of enemies, meticulous cover placement and tight combat arenas.
It combines all the mechanical improvements made in Gears of War 3 (while adding a few cool ideas of it's own) with the intimate design of the original.
There's also a greater variety of encounters and less filler.
The, particularly the second one, destroy any similar scenarios in the previous games.'escape' sequences
I think The Coalition has got MP right too (mostly). It feels consistent (again, most of the time) and weapon balance feels great to me.
I can't comment on Horde yet, but I'm sure I'll have a blast.
I'm really impressed.
The pounchers, juvies, carriers, snatchers etc. really reinvigorate combat for me in the campaign.
While the overkill, enforcer, dropshot, buzzkill and embar all feel right at home in MP.
Is there anyone else here playing through the Campaign solo on Insane?
'Cause I am losing my patience at Act 3.Chapter 3, At the Doorstep. I'm at theMuseum checkpoint, with the mounted chain gun and we have to defend. I'm lucky if I can get past the first wave of Juvies. Del/Kait are absolutely worthless and the Juvies two-hit me. There's no room to escape and there winds up being so many.
I have a Retro Lancer and a Gnasher. I'm not so good hip-firing the Gnasher, so that doesn't help. And the fact that there isn't a checkpoint in sight throughout that whole part makes it even more frustrating.
I could be wrong, but I don't ever remember the checkpoints being so sparse and far apart in previous Gears.
I may have to drop the game down to Hardcore to make it through this part. I hate to, but it's such an uneven and unfair fight. And I've long lost my patience (which is rare for me when playing games on the hardest difficulty).
I'm not looking at the strategies as I'm looking to do a solo insane run myself (thanks for the spoilers tags) but I will say there was the odd encounter where I'd die only to have to restart a lengthy, multi-phase encounter again.
It was a bit annoying.
Hardcore was tough enough for me, I can't imagine what insane is like.