i kicked out every healer and she works much better, mona + xiangling + zghonli i am using the lava set and that set is suppose to be worse but still 80k damage with ulti between 12k-15k with charged attacks similar to my klee, i need to test her more but she is probably stronger than my klee but i need better artifacts to be sureI don't have her yet, so it's all conjecture, but I think she's meant to play as a fire applicator/sub dps that buffs team crit rate. I don't think she's supposed to be on field carry like everyone seems to be trying to force her into. That's why I actually got interested in her. I don't need another fire carry, but fire supports/lighters are always welcome for the powerful reactions and the usefulness of pyro is in general.
I only wish her crit buff lasted a bit longer.