Resin is used for several things:Got it.
Yeah, I just go around picking everything. I feel like a trash collector.
This is something I still dont understand. the Resin is used for what exactly?
So primogens I should save for worthy banners that I want, pink wishes same. Blue wishes don't matter, just use them.
- Leylines - blue and yellow spheres on the map, they look like glowing tumors in the game world. When you complete them, you get either a decent amount of xp books (blue ones) or a bunch of Mora (gold ones). These are always a safe bet if you're out of time and just need to waste your resin without thinking about it.
- Domains - Talent materials, weapon ascension materials - Some of the domains (diamond and square shape icons in the map) will take you to an instanced zone that you can matchmake and co-op or solo, that will reward talent books (for leveling up character skills) or weapon ascension materials (for leveling up weapons past a threshold). I would recommend not farming these until you have a specific character or weapon to level up. A unique thing about this type of dungeon is that the drops in the domain are real life day specific. So on Mondays, you get certain drops, on Tuesdays, different drops - from the same domain.
- Domains - Artifacts - Another subcategory of the domain, which drops artifacts from specific sets. Think of them like your armor in this game that pump up your stats and give unique effects if you use 2 or 4 pieces from the same sets. There's a lot to consider with artifacts and which ones work well on which characters, but that might overwhelm you for now, so just keep in mind that once you get endgame or at least up to AR 50+, that's when you should start taking these seriously. Until then, just use whatever you want. This is most of the endgame grind.
- World Bosses - Character ascension materials, artifacts - These are circular unique icons for each boss. Certain bosses drop certain elemental ascension materials to break your characters level caps. Higher level = more resources required. Keep these limited to the characters you want to build for now too.
- Mystic ore - weapon xp mats - just no. It's a noob trap and a terrible use of Resin. You can get all of the resources to level up for free just by finding ore in the world and refining it into weapon enhancement material. Don't ever use the recipe with the dark blue ore.
- Weekly bosses - Character and talent ascension materials, artifacts, billets - There are currently 5 of these in the game once you catch up to the current end of the story. They'll unlock slowly as you work your way through the game. You should fight these each 1 time per week since they randomly drop materials that you need to max out talents and skills, and it's the only way to get them. You also have a not great RNG chance to get prototypes for crafting 4* weapons from these bosses.
That's a lot to take in, but a short way to look at it is, if your resin is near the 160 cap - go do some leylines. As you get further in the game and learn more about it, you'll probably be easily able to schedule out what you want to use it on each day.