Alhaitham looks pretty cool, but the attacks feel slow compared to Keqing/Ayaka/Ayato, as a sword user. Either way, it's our first proper Dendro DPS, so I'll be rolling.
Yaoyao's attack animations are great. Not sold on that animal shitting out candy though. I don't want to have to chase the candy, hope it's more reliable when enemies are around than it was in that video. I know leakers are sometime low IQ, but to throw it off the edge and not be able to find it for a while...
Just noticed these:
So his elemental skill cooldown is 18 fucking seconds, until his C2.
Then his burst is 70 fucking energy.
It's like they wanted to make anti-fun Keqing. I fucking HATE long cooldowns and high energy costs. They pulled a Childe on him for his elemental skill, though not quite to the same degree.