A couple quick questions, I've been curious about this as only my friends know how to buy and I don't smoke enough, so these would be important to know:
1) How long does weed last in the freezer in a ziplock bag?
2) How can you defrost / thaw? How long?
3) Can you pre-roll and then put into the ziplock bag / freezer?
4) What would you give the shelf life for it in the freezer?
The idea is to be able to preserve for as long as possible.
Praise the lord. I have one or two more days of community service and then my final drug test next week on wednesday. Then i'm gonna get myself a medical card here in California and give no fucks ever again. Fuck you Georgia. Fuck you and your backwards drug laws. You tried to put me on a diversion program with the hopes that you would rehabilitate me and you failed.
Backstory: I was arrested right in Georgia before I moved to California.
Shit sucks bro, I've been hit with paraphernalia in the past, but got it deffered and will expunge it once I'm 21.
Yeah man this diversion program was such bullshit. All because I was next to a buddy back in december who had less than a gram on him. I had to pay 400 bucks in court fees, attend a MADD seminar (i wasnt even driving wtf), take 3 drug tests a month apart, do 50 hours community service, and do a drug and alcohol evaluation to make sure I wasn't a drug addict.
It was a 3 month process and i'm finally almost fucking free. At least on a first offense in Georgia they give you the option of diversion so you don't get a criminal record once you complete it. When it comes to tree laws California is probably one of the best. Less than an ounce is just an infraction with a 100 dollar ticket and that's only if the cop is an asshole. Most cops don't care enough usually. And i'm gonna get a med card anyway. I just have to make sure I don't get put in handcuffs ever again but seeing as how the worst thing i've ever done is smoke pot I doubt that will ever happen here in Cali.
Wow feel so good right now. This is why I smoke.
Rolling Stones station on pandora.
Dark room
Wow It feels great in this bed.
I'm high on some adderall right now.
I love to drink with adderall and smoke cigarettes (well, electronic cigarettes now). The ecstasy is just overwhelming.
The only problem is that I fap alot when I take adderall. It feels so good so I fap for hours not wanting to climax. Super weird. It's such a pleasureful drug, and I love abusing it once or twice a month.
it's absolutely incredible with weed too, but I stopped smoking weed since I have an addictive personality so that clashes with it unfortunately.
I legitimately have ADHD (and have a prescription for adderall), so it doesn't amp me up--it makes me super calm and euphoric. I just like abusing it once in a while (I've taken like 200mg spread within a two day period). Only side-effects I have are hyper-sexuality, frequent urination, and thirstiness.Ughhhh Adderall. How that shit is legal and helps people "study" is beyond me. I hate uppers but I'll go on a 2-3 day binge once a year usually. About two weeks ago I got my hands on five 20 mg Adderall and took them all within a day.
Needless to say I was twacked out for like two days. I had some valiums to calm me down, but Adderall is legal meth essentially. I kind of enjoyed it but the come down for uppers is something I cant handle.
If I'm going prescription pills give me a Vicodin, Norco or Percocet. At the end of the day some people enjoy "upper" drugs and some people prefer "downer" drugs. I need shit to calm me down, not amp me up.
I legitimately have ADHD (and have a prescription for adderall), so it doesn't amp me up--it makes me super calm and euphoric. I just like abusing it once in a while (I've taken like 200mg spread within a two day period). Only side-effects I have are hyper-sexuality, frequent urination, and thirstiness.
I read that people who don't have ADHD typically feel amped up on adderall, but I'm not sure where I read that or whether it's true.
Yeah I absolutely see where you're coming from. Everyone's brain chemistry is different so everyone reacts differently to specific drugs.
I'm prescribed Valium for anxiety but I only use it when I absolutely have to due to my addictive personality. On those Adderrals the hyper-sexuality was something else. I think I fapped like 5 times within a 3 hour period which I didn't think was humanly possible, haha. I enjoyed it, but I'm a miserable person during a Adderall/Meth/Coke comedown so I try my best to avoid them.
Yeah, dude, the come-down is pretty awful. It's really tough to go out in public during those times, and I sometimes binge on adderall but can lay off it for months despite my addictive personality.
You're pretty lucky to have that valium prescription even though anxiety is the absolute worst feeling ever (and an adderall comedown almost always makes mine worse). I used to take ativan for anxiety.
Back in my younger days (16-22) I would drink alcohol after a night of coke or ecstasy to help with the comedown, but it would always make my anxiety and comedown worse. I would party for 2 days then lock myself in my room for 2 days.
I've learned the last two years that benzos are a great tool to help with the anxiety but you have to make sure of two things:
1.) Do not mix coke, alcohol and Xanax(Valium, Ativan). Never, ever mix Benzos and Alcohol, period. Its really a deadly combo, and I saw a potential NFL prospect who went to the same high school as me (he was a senior when I was a freshman) die from Xanax and alcohol.
2.) After a night being coked out, have your miserable three-five hour "sleep" and pop a Valium/Xanax/Ativan in the morning and smoke some weed.
Another basic rule is if you're going to party like that make sure you don't have work or school the next day. This is hard, I admit, but it can fuck up your life severely. Let the benzos calm you down, smoke some bud (you won't get anxiety from the bud due to the benzos) and just relax for the day.
I think the hardest drug I'd ever try is coke in moderation, but that's about it.
How does coke feel compared to adderall? I've heard of shady dealers that sell people fake coke (actually adderall). So I'm guessing the effects are somewhat similar.
I'll try that, thanks!GrassCity, perhaps?
Coke dealers are as shady as they come, up there with Meth dealers. They will cut that shit with dishwasher detergent just to make a little extra profit. You can tell how good your coke is by getting a little on your finger and putting it on your gums. The more numb your gums get, the better quality.
As for the highs it all depends on the person but Adderall and coke both fall under the upper category so they're somewhat similar but also different IMO. I prefer coke because its more natural and you don't get the hyper-sexuality you get with Adderall or Meth. Meth will keep you up for days whereas a coke high doesn't last as long and you get a bit sick of it after a couple of hours. This is only my personal experience though.
Anyone got tips for Amsterdam or strain suggestions ?
6.99 at the container store. i open it maybe zero to twice a day and that big nug has been in there for 2 weeks and it's still sticky and soft.
and it does well with travel.
On the comedown of my first LSD trip, i can't even begin to describe what happened...
How does coke feel compared to adderall? I've heard of shady dealers that sell people fake coke (actually adderall). So I'm guessing the effects are somewhat similar.
Who else's eyes go completely red when smoking? Mine get as red as a lobster. Makes stealth smoking impossible, so annoying.
Doing much better tonight. Still kept the dosage light but I'm enjoying the feeling right now. It's nothing debilitating like getting drunk. I feel nearly as capable as I would be if I were sober. Now what I described as short term memory loss doesn't seem to be there anymore. Well that's not quite right...it still is there. It's just that I'm perceiving it differently than I was previously. I feel mellow, relaxed, and not nervous or agitated. It's a nice, relaxing feeling. If I can reliably get these results it seems like this would be a great way to wind down on stressful days.
Oh, and apparently the strain I'm smoking is called Master Kush.
A couple quick questions, I've been curious about this as only my friends know how to buy and I don't smoke enough, so these would be important to know:
1) How long does weed last in the freezer in a ziplock bag?
2) How can you defrost / thaw? How long?
3) Can you pre-roll and then put into the ziplock bag / freezer?
4) What would you give the shelf life for it in the freezer?
The idea is to be able to preserve for as long as possible.
Do you use eye drops? My eyes are almost always already red so nobody thinks anything of it. Vaping though, no redness![]()
Err.. no? Does that help?