I've never tried Firecrackers, but I might just do it soon.
Question, though....wouldn't you be left with annoying mj particles all in your mouth after eating them? Or would you be too high to give a fuck?
it doesn't sound appealing but the ingredients burn/melt into whatever you made the center filling. I usually do it with nutella because it's masks just about any other flavor, but it's not like if you use something else you'll be taking a big bite of ash or something. You don't notice much and if you do you may just be looking for it.
It cool to post pics up in here?
Omfg you sold me on it. I really want to make some. Can I use a small convection oven, used mostly for pizzas? Also, ask for crappy regular weed or anything will do? Wouldn't it be better to use strong shit on these?indeed, start off small and work up. When you do work up towards bigger dosages, call me.
I've gotten pretty good at judging what and how much of edibles I can take and I've experienced some incredible things on edibles that are really hard to get into the frame of mind for if you only smoke or vape. It's such a larger and stronger high.
The irresponsible part of me wants to try making croissants, where the final dough is upwards of 30% butter, with this stuff. Haaaah.
I'd suggest trying a regular size oven if you can, but if the convection is all you have available it wouldn't hurt to try.Omfg you sold me on it. I really want to make some. Can I use a small convection oven, used mostly for pizzas? Also, ask for crappy regular weed or anything will do? Wouldn't it be better to use strong shit on these?
I think that would taste awful. The only thing that made the brownie I had palatable is that the chocolate masks the cannabis. Croissants have a pretty light flavor so I don't think they would fare too well.
this is my brain on drugs
I've got the dry blues
and all my friends are out of town
Seriously. I let my guy know I'm trying to get something before next Saturday but he doesn't know if it is going to happen :< It sucks not being in college any more.
I've only got bud and we're not worried about wasting it as we're just doing this out of curiosity. Bud will work fine besides being a possible waste of potential, right?
Also, any experience with the simpler recipes of just cooking some normal oil in a pan for half an hour?
And finally, any recommendations for eating them? I mean how much and with other foods. We figured have one brownie each and wait an hour then go from there.
Okay, so I am planning to make some cannaoil as described above, but I don't have a scale and have no idea how much a gram or any other unit of measure is. Any guidelines I can use in a pinch? This is what I have available:
Sorry, been really busy the past couple days, haven't been able to check the thread. To answer your questions:
Using buds is fine, it's just really expensive relative to using clippings. The problem is that for a batch of canna oil I usually make about 3/4 of a cup of oil and use about half an ounce of clippings in that, which from my dealer costs me rougly $20. Constrast that to if I was to use a half ounce of buds at about $100.
I did a lot of research prior to making my first batch of edibles to avoid waste and this canna oil recipe is what I first settled on. It works really well if made properly so I haven't really had any incentive to try something simpler. I find it to be a fun activity, albeit time consuming. The problem with trying to do what you're describing is that you likely won't properly extract what you need to out of the weed and it will be a waste in that case, especially if you're using buds.
Dosage is always something you need to figure out on your own, because everyone reacts to these things differently. In my case, that 3/4 of a cup of oil I'd use in a batch of cookies that yielded roughly 40. For a first-timer, if you were making the same recipe I'd recommend eating only half a cookie your first time, and WAIT, even if you don't feel anything right away. Edibles are weird in that sometimes they can hit you straight away and others they will take an hour or two (at least in my experience), the worst thing is to OD as it's not fun at all.
My recommendation would be to eat the cookie/edible first on an empty stomach and follow up with other foods as desired. Make sure you have lots to drink, I get thirsty as hell from edibles.
That's really not very much, looks like maybe you've got 2-2.5 grams there? As I mentioned above, I'm using about 14 grams in 3/4 of a cup of oil, so I'd recommend scaling the amount of oil you use accordingly, otherwise it'll probably be too weak. In your case, what you'd come out with you could maybe use to cook up some eggs or some other small recipe. It would likely not be enough to make a batch of cookies or something ike that.
Hope that helps.
nah bro, why completely rule out edibles when you clearly said you overdid by having 2 brownies? NExt time take it and easy and trust me you'll be loving it. I find edibles to be a way more 'clean' buzz than smoking.Thanks for the response, albeit just one evening too late!
We tried it with just a simple oil recipe and brownies. This is the third time I've tried marijuana, with the first two being smoking with my girlfriend. It always seemed like it had a huge effect on me, and none on her. I was convinced she wasn't inhaling, but now I think I'm very sensitive to it, and she isn't.
I had one small brownie and then another one after an hour of feeling nothing (definitely should have waited 2 hours for the first to kick in). By the second hour I was clearly high. My limbs were all tingling, I was incredibly thirsty, and my mind was racing to the point where speaking was difficult because my mouth couldn't keep up with my thoughts. When making decisions I would quickly think about every solution and then it would be impossible to decide. By the third hour time was going so slow and I was slipping in and out of a dreamlike state every few seconds. My breathing felt abnormal, and when my eyes would close I felt like I was falling rapidly. Waves of nausea started to hit every 5 minutes. I then got sick and lost most of the chinese food I had for dinner. I felt that I was unable to move due to lethargy and feeling of heaviness. Finally by the fourth hour I got in bed and thankfully fell asleep and woke up with a headache and dry mouth, but back to normal otherwise.
All in all, it was very unpleasant, and for an hour there quite scary. The first two times that I'd smoked it was fairly good, though I don't like the feeling of being high only because of the lack of control I get. But this time it just went so far past what I'd felt previously.
And my girlfriend had the exact same amount with the same amount of food later and was barely high. She apparently gets very introspective, but still outside of a heavy feeling, she felt nothing like I did.
I'm not sure I will be trying it again. I'm glad I did, but even when it wasn't scary, I still don't like the feeling no control (I'm similar with drinking, can only stand a buzz, nothing more). A big part of it could be that it was just me and my girlfriend. Maybe with a more experienced and relaxed group of people I'd enjoy it.
Oh well, thanks for all the advice guys!
Edit: For reference I used maybe 2 grams of Blue Dream for half a recipe of brownies.
Thanks for the response, albeit just one evening too late!
We tried it with just a simple oil recipe and brownies. This is the third time I've tried marijuana, with the first two being smoking with my girlfriend. It always seemed like it had a huge effect on me, and none on her. I was convinced she wasn't inhaling, but now I think I'm very sensitive to it, and she isn't.
I had one small brownie and then another one after an hour of feeling nothing (definitely should have waited 2 hours for the first to kick in). By the second hour I was clearly high. My limbs were all tingling, I was incredibly thirsty, and my mind was racing to the point where speaking was difficult because my mouth couldn't keep up with my thoughts. When making decisions I would quickly think about every solution and then it would be impossible to decide. By the third hour time was going so slow and I was slipping in and out of a dreamlike state every few seconds. My breathing felt abnormal, and when my eyes would close I felt like I was falling rapidly. Waves of nausea started to hit every 5 minutes. I then got sick and lost most of the chinese food I had for dinner. I felt that I was unable to move due to lethargy and feeling of heaviness. Finally by the fourth hour I got in bed and thankfully fell asleep and woke up with a headache and dry mouth, but back to normal otherwise.
All in all, it was very unpleasant, and for an hour there quite scary. The first two times that I'd smoked it was fairly good, though I don't like the feeling of being high only because of the lack of control I get. But this time it just went so far past what I'd felt previously.
And my girlfriend had the exact same amount with the same amount of food later and was barely high. She apparently gets very introspective, but still outside of a heavy feeling, she felt nothing like I did.
I'm not sure I will be trying it again. I'm glad I did, but even when it wasn't scary, I still don't like the feeling no control (I'm similar with drinking, can only stand a buzz, nothing more). A big part of it could be that it was just me and my girlfriend. Maybe with a more experienced and relaxed group of people I'd enjoy it.
Oh well, thanks for all the advice guys!
Edit: For reference I used maybe 2 grams of Blue Dream for half a recipe of brownies.
im never mixing weed and alcohol again. was pretty drunk and decided to smoke some loud and then I became motion sick or something. anytime I moved I ended up throwing up. I had to lay in the grass and was dry heaving for like an hour... awful experience lol. couldn't think straight about anything.
yeah i got bodied by the weed/alcohol combo last night too. usually it goes well but we decided to do bongs instead of bowls lol.
yeah i got bodied by the weed/alcohol combo last night too. usually it goes well but we decided to do bongs instead of bowls lol.
for sure. a nice cross fade is one of the best thingsman, you guys gotta learn how to get proper faded. There is a sweet spot you need to find.
I wonder if I'm the only one who looks for out-of-the-way spots in open world games (like Skyrim) to hide in and toke up.
I wonder if I'm the only one who looks for out-of-the-way spots in open world games (like Skyrim) to hide in and toke up.
Man i can't roll for shit.
Pipe recommended? Need to stay pretty stealthy.
Let it heat up or a few sexonds, and Inhale SLOW. That's really the only trick. If you're not feeling it, you're not inhaling slow enough.Just bought a MFLB
Can anyone give me any tips before using it?
Just bought a MFLB
Can anyone give me any tips before using it?
Just bought a MFLB
Can anyone give me any tips before using it?