Be prepared for a much different experience from smoking. I mean, first time around make sure you have absolutely nothing important to attend to as you could very well be a write-off for the next several hours. That said, it is great fun, but it lasts a lot longer than smoking.
Do not use buds for this, ask your dealer if they have clippings or bottom-of-the-bag stuff as it will be far cheaper and the difference in effect will be negligible.
Do not make butter, that is a waste in my opinion. Follow this guide and make canna oil instead:
It is a lot more involved than making butter in a crock pot or something, but it's a fun activity and worth the time invested as you'll end up with a far better ingredient.
I always make canna coconut oil and then cookies. It's a perfectly fine substitute for butter in recipes like that; but as you can see from her post, you can use several different kinds of oils depending on what type of edible you want to make.
That thread and the Grasscity forums are a fantastic resource for this kind of stuff, but I'd be happy to answer any other questions. Cheers.