I don't think there is any high more reflective and clear high than the one you get by smoking a cigarette right after a bowl or two.
Such crazy clarity... I love it.
Usually only after I've already been intoxicated, be it weed, booze, what-have-you.do you smoke cigs regularly or only after doj? I don't smoke cigs but used to love having a cig every now and then getting high. Now cigs usually just make me feel sick. I want one now though cause I'm drinking some wine.
So guys, hash or weed?
And, marijuana = hash and/or weed? So confused.
Hash and weed come from the same plant. Weed is the plant itself (as in the bud from the plant). Hashish is the resin or trichomes of the buds/leaves/stems that is taken and compressed into blocks. Generally hash is more concentrated.
I don't know how it is where you live, but in my country (Austria, legal pot only for end stage cancer patients pretty much) it is virtually impossible to get good hash, it is always laced with who the fuck knows what. It's disgusting, hard as a rock and harsh as fuck. So everyone wants weed as it is rather hard to lace that.
The only grinder store you'll ever need:My grinder is starting to go out after 2+ years of us. Does anyone have a recommendation for one under $40?
The only grinder store you'll ever need:
SharpStone Grinders
I personally would go with a hard-top version, as the cranks can be unreliable in my experience.
If you want to save a few bucks, you can often find the knockoff brand SharpEdge at your local smoke shop.
The only grinder store you'll ever need:
SharpStone Grinders
I personally would go with a hard-top version, as the cranks can be unreliable in my experience.
If you want to save a few bucks, you can often find the knockoff brand SharpEdge at your local smoke shop.
Ate a tab today that is reportedly 25i.
I feel amazing. I don't know how to explain it.
Like ecstasy but better? More real feeling. I dunno its good. Music is heavenly!
Never doing tabs again
You guys ever fuck with antihistamines?
SharpStones are pretty true to their name... Incredibly sharp blades, my grinder pulverizes bud in just a couple twists - I love it.The best grinders I find are the cheap plastic ones. Yeah it doesnt collect the kief but it just means the kief from that bud you just grinded up comes out on the joint you're rolling anyway! and they just grind so much better.
SharpStones are pretty true to their name... Incredibly sharp blades, my grinder pulverizes bud in just a couple twists - I love it.
Any tips for quitting cold turkey after being a daily stoner? Also, happy early 4/20!
Gonna try out some gold fish cracker edibles with my brother in a couple of hours.
Gonna go smoke some, shoot some basketball.
popping in for your advice my fellow lovers. I smoke everyday basically. I have insomnia and its the only way I can sleep(sleeping pills make me feel horrid the next day so I hate them). anyways, I have to pass a drug test for my nursing position but I have no idea how to pass this. is the water thing true, and if not, are there any other ways. need your help!!!
This may sound weird, but if it's an unsupervised urine test don't worry about it. Drinking too much water will dilute your urine and make you look suspicious. Get a synthetic urine kit such as Quick Fix, you just warm it up,hide it in your boxers and pour it into the cup That's i, there is no trace of thc in there. I have successfully used this method as have countless people I know. You can also ask a friend for his urine if he doesn't smoke, you have to make sure to not get caught with this.
I drink a shit ton of water everyday as it is. aprrox. a gallon every day, my pee is almost clear and at my site they see me with my jug of water everyday, so would that raise suspicions still.? and im a girl, so I don't really have anywhere to hid the urine AND I don't even know where to buy fake urine. do you think ill pass?![]()
The only grinder store you'll ever need:
SharpStone Grinders
I personally would go with a hard-top version, as the cranks can be unreliable in my experience.
If you want to save a few bucks, you can often find the knockoff brand SharpEdge at your local smoke shop.
I'm new to weed so I'll ask.
Is this thing used to break your weed up? I do that by hand atm but I would like to get one of these things.
Is this cool? Link
There are some many I don't know which one to choose.
Also, should I get the MFLB being a newbie who doesn't even smoke?
I'm new to weed so I'll ask.
Is this thing used to break your weed up? I do that by hand atm but I would like to get one of these things.
Is this cool? Link
There are some many I don't know which one to choose.
Also, should I get the MFLB being a newbie who doesn't even smoke?
The FIRST thing I tell every young or beginning toker is to invest in a grinder. It will make your smoking experience so much better. No self respecting toker should be caught without their grinder. The one you linked looks fine, four chambers so you can collect the kief which I personally love doing.
And I'm pretty meh on a newbie buying a MFLB. Have any friends who smoke? My advice would be to try to find someone with a vape and give it a shot. Vaping feels a bit different from smoking. If I were you I'd just go to the local head shop, pick up a nice grinder and a bong (okay, bong is unnecessary, but I love bongs) and have yourself a real nice starting kit.
it's not quite odorless, but the odor is different (a bit like burnt popcorn, but not quite) and it fades pretty quicklyBought that grinder.
I only smoke with my girl when we see each other, so a few (less than 5) joints per week. I tried to roll my first joint yesterday but I did a mess, wasted tons of paper while doing it. Need to practice the art of rolling.
As of the vape, I don't really know who might have it, all my friends smoke and none have a bong. I'll read some more about the MFLB and later decide if I buy it or not. The thing that catched my eyes was that it's apparently odorless, I live with my parents so if can I get high in my room without them noticing that would be cool.