Any tips on making just the cannabutter? I was thinking of trying new cooking methods, particularly with ABV. Only problem is figuring out the dose.
I usually don't do the proper straining method, which can take many hours. Instead I just cook it with the ABV since its only like a 30-60min process.
I essentially use a variation of this (without the crackers):
1. Get a wad of Nutella/PeanutButter put it in a muffin cup
If you don't have one of those lying around you can use parchment paper:
2. Mix/Stir the ABV into it for a minute. The idea is to get as much ABV covered by butter as possible. Sorry I don't have exact measurements but I roughly do about 3 or 4 pinches (1g?) of ABV per tablespoon.
3. Cover the cup completely with foil, airtight but obviously not crushing the butter.
I use a toaster oven since its quick and easy. Since its hard to estimate how much hotter it gets in a more enclosed toaster oven I usually do that 250degrees at about 10-20min depending on how much you are making.
4. ENJOY! You can put the cannabutter in or on pretty much anything. I've used it in milkshakes, Ice cream, PBJ.