I don't think it's so much that but the fact that he straight up said they don't look Asian unless they have small eyes.Who cares if someone thinks anime characters don't look Asian when most of them look like freaks of nature anyway? They don't look like any human, never mind Japanese.
I don't think it's so much that but the fact that he straight up said they don't look Asian unless they have small eyes.
I don't think people are so much hung up on that, but the fact that he straight up said they don't look Asian unless they have small eyes.
May I ask why you find this offensive? I personally find the eyes to be one of the most attractive traits of the Japanese.
May I ask why you find this offensive? I personally find the eyes to be one of the most attractive traits of the Japanese.
The whitewawshing in GitS has generated many interesting discussions.
Unfortunately the debate over whether or not drawn anime characters "look Asian" is not one of them.
I don't agree that my opinion on this subject is racist. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
And then double's down on it instead of taking it as a growth moment.
I don't think it's so much that but the fact that he straight up said they don't look Asian unless they have small eyes.
I don't really want to go back into this discussion, but maybe the fact that, that is pretty much a racist stereotype?May I ask why you find this offensive? I personally find the eyes to be one of the most attractive traits of the Japanese.
Because it's natural to make that go both ways, so that the smaller the eyes, the more Asian they look to you.And just to clarify, I never said they don't look Asian unless they have small eyes, I simply said the bigger the eyes, the more western an anime character looks to me. There are a lot of presumptions that go along with anything I say.
One of the key ingredients to insidious racism: lack of self awareness.
I don't care if it's weak to you, it's the truth. If none come to mind right now then none come to mind. I'm not gonna just post anything because you're trying to force me too.
I never said that and never will. You guys just try to twist me into something I'm not. Typical internet behavior. Really weak and mostly childish idiotism.
Asian, especially Japanese women are my favorites. Why do you think my username is Amaterasu? It's a fetish.
I agree with this. It was a good example to give for me, but I think I should've put a stronger caveat that we don't know for sure what the deal is with Death Note.Maybe we can wait and see before throwing Death Note under the racist bus?
I don't really want to go back into this discussion, but maybe the fact that, that is pretty much a racist stereotype?
I've already mentioned in a previous post that it's the epicanthic fold that gives most East and South East Asians their distinctive eyes, but that it doesn't necessarily make them smaller. It's only stereotyped as smaller because that's how it's portrayed. All. The. Time.
If you can't accept that point, then everything is lost on you.
Because it's natural to make that go both ways, so that the smaller the eyes, the more Asian they look to you.
I know myself better than some randoms on an Internet forum.
May I ask why you find this offensive? I personally find the eyes to be one of the most attractive traits of the Japanese.
Nobody here has to know you to know that what you're saying is racist. And you just defended it by fetishizing a racial stereotype. I don't know what you think about yourself, but assuming you're being upfront about your views here then it means that if you think you aren't being racist then you're not as self aware as you'd like to believe.
Stop. Oh, god stop. I didn't think you could make this worse but somehow you defied all expectations in the worst way possible.
Gotta distinguish between the three threads somehow. We've got a review thread that is about whitewashing, an OT that is about whitewashing, and this thread sourcing articles where they get the characters names wrong talking about whitewashing.
How was I fetishising it? By saying I find the eyes of Japanese to be one of their attractive traits? What's wrong with admiring a certain ethnic trait?
Can you just stop posting? You've been nothing but really aggressive and are adding nothing to this discussion.
JESUS CHRIST!!May I ask why you find this offensive? I personally find the eyes to be one of the most attractive traits of the Japanese.
I know myself better than some randoms on an Internet forum.
1. Not all Japanese people have such a trait so does that mean they are somehow less Japanese?
There I fixed it for you. You were mostly correct about the nature of this discussion except for the part where you were completely off.This is people annoyed at Hollywood continued insistence on forcing the hegemony of white actors and actresses down our throats based on vague and unproven notions of "star power sells", despite evidence to the contrary, and many people's refusals, from the executive level all the way down to the audience's, to believe otherwise.
We all know there is nothing more western than garfield...
and it got more western each time
How was I fetishising it? By saying I find the eyes of Japanese to be one of their attractive traits? What's wrong with admiring a certain ethnic trait?
Some of you are just so hyper sensitive and want to assume the worst out of everything. I'm not your enemy.
We all know there is nothing more western than garfield...
and it got more western each time
I have to respectfully disagree with you.I had a longer reply typed out, but I'm a bit confused with what we're spoiling and not spoiling in this thread so I'll keep it short.
This is people wanting to be annoyed because they wanted to be annoyed. The film makes perfect fucking sense, and it definitely doesn't make the whitewashing 'worse'. It was a simple way to illustrate a complicated theme, and I can't see any other similar juxtaposition that would have created any less manufactured controversy.
If you're complaining because this wasn't the frame-by-frame, word-for-word, remake you wanted it to be then be honest and complain about that instead. I'm not seeing any valid criticism of the changes as they apply to the film that they are in.
I mean, those are also not good movies.
Go see Get Out. Already seen it? Go see it again.
OG Garfield is awful
In so much as her current form was Dr Ouelet's creation, yes. But otherwise, no, not at all, LOL.Isn't Major supposed to be Dr. Ouelet's baby?
Regardless of our opinions on the degree of the whitewashing, it's really tone-deaf to ignore the criticism from your fans about a fringe subject and then push the topic center-stage in the final product.
Maybe they were hoping the potential controversy would draw more ticket sales?
Do you just want to argue that this version of the film shouldn't have been made at all?There I fixed it for you. You were mostly correct about the nature of this discussion except for the part where you were completely off.
I have to respectfully disagree with you.
1. The controversy isn't manufactured. There'll be people who complain regardless, but they could've gotten away with it if they film played out with Major being Mira Killian. I think the controversy would've eventually died out when most people just accepted their adaptation. Unfortunately, they just made it worse with the tone deaf way they steamed ahead with the idea they had despite being aware of the controversy. It was like a slap in the face of people protesting against whitewashing and I think it cemented the whitewashing issue as the legacy of this film will always have.
2. Nobody is complaining that it's not an exact remake, in fact, I don't know anybody who expected that. People would've been happy if they did their own take on it. Except they copied everything stylistically from its predecessors, and then replaced all the important characters with white people. The incidental characters could still be diverse. Just not the main ones.
You've obviously never experienced the pipe strip
No, not just. But that is one of my arguments yes.Do you just want to argue that this version of the film shouldn't have been made at all?
Okay? And I've been actually discussing this movie and how it's more insulting to Asian Americans than simply just transplanting the entire story to Neo York or whatever.It's valid point of view, but not what the thread is about. It specifically discusses the plot of the film that was made recently with Scar-Jo cast in the lead role, and not some imaginary fully Japanese live action production that we all might have liked to have seen instead.
The hypocrisy of the moral cliche "it's what's inside that counts" juxtaposed with "we have to cast a white actor to make money" is just staggering.
It feels like you've come in here to diss the naysayers by talking points that people aren't really finding issue with though.Do you just want to argue that this version of the film shouldn't have been made at all?
It's valid point of view, but not what the thread is about. It specifically discusses the plot of the film that was made recently with Scar-Jo cast in the lead role, and not some imaginary fully Japanese live action production that we all might have liked to have seen instead.
I think it'll make a good sum out of the international box office. But they didn't really need Scarlett to do that.It's a cheap cash grab, the shovelware of film adaptations, and it looks like it's not even good at grabbing cash.
I thought it was to make the whole thing even more controversial because not only did theystrip her and others of their identity, but their heritage, as well. I also took it as a jab at Hollywood's own portrayal of the "perfect" person throughout the years (white, incredibly attractive and a perfect physical specimen), but maybe I'm giving them too much credit.
This stuff needs to be discuss since it keeps happening.
I mean, naw man. Let this movie continue to be the focal point when it comes to the conversation on White Washing. It's a real conversation that needs to be had. Let's just not discount that conversation to be "scarjo was the major so the movie sucks." It's bigger than that.
My favorite Animorphs book.We all know there is nothing more western than garfield...
and it got more western each time