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Ghost Recon 2 pics


As much as I want to hate this game for becoming 'R63-ized', I'm a sucker for pretty environments. These are multiplayer maps.

soulja224466 said:
i played gr and island thunder on xbox to death. but i haven't been keeping up on gr2. In what way is it becoming "R63-ized"?

I think he means that GR2 is getting a full-on console-ization...(i.e. simplified). GR and GR: IT are pretty close to the PC games, while RS3 was greatly simplified from the PC version. I, for one, liked the changes made to RS3 on XBOX, even if it made it closer to CS than the slower, more realistic and deeper Raven Shield on the PC.


Looks like they finally are gonna make the series fun again. Not to say it wasnt before, it just kind of got boring for me after RE6 came out. I'll have to check it out when it comes out.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher

OK, now THAT almost looks like a fighting game arena in terms of quality. That just seems too good looking...

If they pull off visuals of that quality throughout these large levels, though, I'll be amazed...


Tag of Excellence
You know what, I'm a fan of the PC series and it was really disheartening to hear about it being dumbed down for the consol audience. After reading a few interviews and seeing this batch of pictures I'm starting to get a little more optimistic. They seem to be really taking it seriously and it might be a fresh re-imagining of the series.


soulja224466 said:
i played gr and island thunder on xbox to death. but i haven't been keeping up on gr2. In what way is it becoming "R63-ized"?

Like Rainbow Six 3, you now have only one team of three instead of two teams. That alone limits the tactical opportunities you had previously, and the three (or is it two?) guys you do have can't be directed around a map with waypoints; again like R63 you can only direct them using line-of-sight commands. This is, according to Ubisoft, to "keep you in the action".

Musashi Wins!

well...I feel sorry for the dissapointed fans, but this will draw me in. It used to be very ugly and wasn't that fun to play. Now their making it over the shoulder/3rd person and having a ton of great online features (my biggest interest) including full co-op. It may very well be dumbed down, but for me it's gone from no interest to pre-order. Granted, I was not a player of the PC version.


I was joking Cath,Im online daily :p

And anyone who could prefere split screen to online needs their head checked.No sarcasm included.


Ramirez said:
And anyone who could prefere split screen to online needs their head checked.No sarcasm included.
Online play is great and all, but I've never had as much fun with a multiplayer game as I have at a Halo LAN party with a bunch of friends. I'm sure we'll have a great time with Halo 2 online, but having all 12 to 16 people in the same house is tons better, splitscreen or no.

Anyone who thinks that sitting alone in their house/apartment/room/whatever playing against mostly strangers online is better than being with all of your friends talking trash and playing together needs to have their head checked. Seriously, no sarcasm included. Sitting around eating pizza between rounds talking about how you hit your buddy in mid-air with a rocket is way fucking better than coming onto the GAF and bragging about your rank on Live.


not an idiot
whoa... check out how you can shoot in these pics...





WOW! That's actually a damn neat idea!

Now this shot just really does it for me... this is fucking sex...


Those are from the Lone Wolf mode, you go through the levels solo with super high tech gear (like the gun with a camera in it, so you can shoot around corners).


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
playing it for review right now. the AI needs quite a bit of work. :) but these kind of games aren't really made for single-player, are they?
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