Awesome update.
Hmm, that save randomizer system is cool. Still, this means the player can force certain things to appear in a way that's beneficial to them by simply saving repeatedly until they get their desired outcome. This stuff needs a cooldown timer.
Will the Devil Stalkers interact with enemies as well? Would make for an excellent showcase of their might to see one of them walk unhindered through some acid or other hazard. Or, maybe, have one slaughter a monster effortlessly after I have just battled another specimen of the kind in an extensive miniboss fight. Something jaw-hits-floor style would be neat.
...just for future reference, how far off the screen will the bullets fly? I just know I'll accidentally hit a Devil Stalker. Five steps before the save room. After not having saved for half a day. Wow, I'm already traumatized, and I haven't even played the game yet. Good job, Jobbs.