Back when I first started following gamespot I couldn't tell the difference between ryan and jeff
Remember when the first Dan/Jason podcast was posted and we couldn't tell who's who between the two of them? Fun times.
Back when I first started following gamespot I couldn't tell the difference between ryan and jeff
I knew that if we waited long enough, someone would find that silver lining. High five!The good thing about being stuck in the community ghetto is that anybody would bitch about the hire doesn't know we still exist.
Remember when the first Dan/Jason podcast was posted and we couldn't tell who's who between the two of them? Fun times.
You guys need to ask question to the crew on Tumblr so that mine isn't the top one anymore everytime I refresh the page.
"Dear Bret,
How do you feel about Megasoum being a shameless Habs fan who likes posting loaded questions to your tumblr? Habs sure sick, amirite?"
Leafs will beat the Habs on Saturday believe it.
It's gonna be a shitstorm no matter what. It'll either be "they hired this person to fulfill a quota" or "giant bomb hates minorities/women" whoever the hire is will undoubtedly be qualified and a good fit but they're going to have to wade through some serious drama their first week.
I kinda wantanother white male to be hired, if only see the lashback and drama it would create on the internet.
Is that wrong of me?
We are enemies now.
Carrie's still at EA
Whatever, you guys will be playing golf starting Sunday.
I kinda wantanother white male to be hired, if only see the lashback and drama it would create on the internet.
Is that wrong of me?
Why are you Anime jerks talking about real sports? this thread is a for sports entertainment and E-Sports only.
Why are you Anime jerks talking about real sports? this thread is a for sports entertainment and E-Sports only.
Does Formula E count as an E-Sport?
First, let's have the "Is racing a sport" discussion. That's always fun.
Max Paccioretty is the best mid player we have but he's having severe hardware issue these days preventing him from playing.
Anybody saying that racing is not a sport has absolutely no clue what the fuck they are talking about.
Damn right
also the only thing i know about hockey these days is that the mcdonalds has a hamburger called the Max 67 and that's fuckin weird
i wish the buns were the color of the Canadiens that'd be funny
That's some pay to win bullshit!I once managed to outbid someone on eBay with like 3 seconds left. eSports.
That's some pay to win bullshit!
The Escapist has had it's hooks into that demo for a few months now.I still say they should hire Anthony Cumia. They'd have the conservative gun guy trucker demographic on lock.
The Escapist has had it's hooks into that demo for a few months now.
Just hire Jose Canseco.
They already have a studio with this rad posterYeah, but Anthony already has his own studio in his basement in Long Island, Vinny and Alex could go out there for video and podcasts.
Just hire Jose Canseco.
Just do one better and hire the entire 1989 Oakland A's.
Why are you Anime jerks talking about real sports? this thread is a for sports entertainment and E-Sports only.
im still hoping jeff green gets hired
im still hoping jeff green gets hired
Lucky that they are hiring for the new york offices than!
New York to San Francisco is quite the commute for a dude who's back is all messed up.
I go away for a couple hours to get the family fed and ready for bed and I come back to this? Do I have to put you all in time out?
Y'know, looking at giantbomb's E3 2014 streams again, especially the microsoft one, and I realised that I'm just completely sick of games about killing or shooting other people, or just killing things in general.
The only game of that type that I want recently is bloodborne.
Y'know, looking at giantbomb's E3 2014 streams again, especially the microsoft one, and I realised that I'm just completely sick of games about killing or shooting other people, or just killing things in general.
The only game of that type that I want recently is bloodborne.
I go away for a couple hours to get the family fed and ready for bed and I come back to this? Do I have to put you all in time out?
It's just looking at stuff like call of duty and assassin's creed and I'm just like "Ugh, over it."
We're going to get more call of duty and Asscreed reveals this E3 aren't we.
It's just looking at stuff like call of duty and assassin's creed and I'm just like "Ugh, over it."
We're going to get more call of duty and Asscreed reveals this E3 aren't we.
Welcome to the future of gaming! surprise it's just like the past and present.We're going to get more call of duty and Asscreed reveals this E3 aren't we.
It's just looking at stuff like call of duty and assassin's creed and I'm just like "Ugh, over it."
We're going to get more call of duty and Asscreed reveals this E3 aren't we.
It's just looking at stuff like call of duty and assassin's creed and I'm just like "Ugh, over it."
We're going to get more call of duty and Asscreed reveals this E3 aren't we.