What the actaul fuck at that Black Mesa quick look!
I know right, can you believe they have never heard of Half life.
What the actaul fuck at that Black Mesa quick look!
What the actaul fuck at that Black Mesa quick look!
What the actaul fuck at that Black Mesa quick look!
mr freeman was mightily slighted
Alex is really articulate and insightful when he's relaxed - he nailed it with the reality of game criticism not yet being considered a real vocation as the root of so many issues (and the question itself). Glad he's now got a weekly audio only outlet to shine again - video has always held him back a bit.
Yeah Alex is a really articulate guy, and a really funny one too, I think.
When he mentioned on Bombing in the AM last year he almost got to interview the dev who made Big Rigs, and that it would have been the video game industries equivalent of the Frost Nixon interview, I laughed harder than I had in a while.
I finally watched that Black Mesa quick look. Then I skimmed through the comments on that video. A lot of them were angry.
I don't know if you guys remember that story Dan told a while back on a 2011 or 2012 Bombcast (where he was a guest) about pranking a bunch of dating site meatheads with a fake account he called "Heather Patton."
What I'm saying is all these folks the Black Mesa QL has angered are like guys in blue shirts standing on a bridge.
That solitaire quicklook is sensational.
This seems like the perfect moment to confess to this.
*nods to Alex
This game looks... It looks really good guys. I'm super tempted to play it.
Also Patrick playing Snakebird... What.
So, I might of missed something, but is the giantbomb crew moving their whole studio and office to a new part of that building.
They mentioned it on UPF.
this game looks pretty rad
I think changing floors. must be a pain for all the video guys
Yup they are gonna move down some floors then they are probably going to move vinny again to a smaller broom closet.So, I might of missed something, but is the giantbomb crew moving their whole studio and office to a new part of that building.
They mentioned it on UPF.
I hate watching people play puzzle games so much.
Watching Patrick and Ryan play Portal 2 Co-op is one of the most frustrating GB videos I have ever watched probably second only to Brad playing SOTC.
I regret nothing.
Solitair and Jane Austen.
It's like my two biggest enemies decided to collaborate.
Jane Austen sucks