You're right that the most tense moments happen within the more dense camps, that's where a good number of mission took place though. I did upload some not so interesting clips early on when I first started playing but most of my videos are still raw 10 min chunks that I would need to cut down to the moment that I hit the record button for. I posted a video earlier in this thread showing off the D-Dogs stun attack and how it made taking down pairs more interesting. It's not the most exciting or tense moment but it's better than the early stuff I uploaded.
The game I'm worried about not getting enough attention come GOTY is Her Story. Such an incredible experience that only takes a few hours, but nobody from GBWest seems to have played it and it likely won't break the top 10.
remember when somethingawful was good, you guys
Anything decent come out of the LA podcast thing?
Now they're talking about Jeff's porn room when he lived as a dirt bag.
Sounds like they're still thinking of game of the generation.
Edit: That was easily one of the best live shows they've done.
This La podfest podcast is really really great.
The end of Alex's Until Dawn playthrough was hilarious. I'm glad some stuff played out differently from Mary's run. I'm hoping they'll give Until Dawn it's fair praise in the GOTY stuff. I don't think anyone on west coast bomb played it right?
The end of Alex's Until Dawn playthrough was hilarious. I'm glad some stuff played out differently from Mary's run. I'm hoping they'll give Until Dawn it's fair praise in the GOTY stuff. I don't think anyone on west coast bomb played it right?
Swery's Twitter background is pretty cool.
Remember, the audio of the Podfest Bombcast comes to the regular feed within 1-2 months.
why the long wait?
So it turns out Dan Ryckert is the least psychopathic person at Game Informer![]()
It's a business, man
bad business you mean
I bought an online ticket for LA Podfest but couldn't watch the Giant Bombcast live. Is there a way to watch the archive?
Apparently the archive will be up... after a month.
So I wasted my money on the online pass?
I don't think the load times have been praised enough on MSGV - even going to Afghanistan etc it stills takes maybe 10 seconds
Licensing it out would be a good decision and Konami isn't in the business of making them any more soIs the fox engine going to be used by anyone else or are Konami just letting it die
They'll use it for the next couple of Pro Evos.Is the fox engine going to be used by anyone else or are Konami just letting it die
I don't think the load times have been praised enough on MSGV - even going to Afghanistan etc it stills takes maybe 10 seconds
So let's agree on decently-hidden background loading![]()
The online messages at start-up are atrocious.
i realise there's no video player out there that's gonna deal great with videos over 2 hours in length but yo gamespot player you're seriously messing with my enjoyment of this until dawn playthrough
Youtube's player does fine.
So I wasted my money on the online pass?