Mario Party Party 6
We've got a sun and a moon and a microphone. And chain chomps. Also cookies. Please come to our party.
might be the longest unchunked video on there?whoa, I don't think I've seen a 4:40 before...
Here's the good stuff:
Here's the good stuff:
Here's the good stuff:
I mean it would explain why Austin is so mean to Jeff BakalarI'd be all in for a full-fledged Drew vs. Austin series.
Also, holy shit did the comments on that quick look page go exactly where you'd expect. It's not a true comments section until you get to the accusation of Austin being anti-Israel.
Update to my ridiculous and unnecessary headphone purchase yesterday, I'm now researching amps to pair them with. I'm going to get a tube amp for basically no reason other than they looking fucking cool.
Idk wtf that is, but I want it on my desk.
Referring to himself in the third person. The kid has gotten cocky.
Well fuck it, I just bought Stelaris. Couldn't pass on the 25% off price.
Where is this sale price?
Update to my ridiculous and unnecessary headphone purchase yesterday, I'm now researching amps to pair them with. I'm going to get a tube amp for basically no reason other than they looking fucking cool.
Jeff Gerstmann - still hungry, still a said:The business end of this thing is pretty simple, really. We want to put the best, most popular thing we do in more places and expose more people to it.
Its a good show, its real big. Bigger than its ever been, actually. People should listen to it. I want to continue taking over the world with this thing. There seems to be a big and growing audience for podcasts on YouTube and other video-based outlets (stuff like YouTube Red and their music-focused endeavors seem to lean in our favor on this stuff, too), so were going to put the show there and put it in front of more people. Originally I thought about just running a black screen or a logo as the video, but thats shitty. We can do better than that. So were putting cameras up in there.
Hexk yeah they do.
I'm going to warn you though, this is a dangerous road that you're threading on.
So with live bombcasts, do we now have to spoiler bombcast discussion before wide release?
I'm looking at buying a Vietnam-era Tesla E88CC tube from Lithuania. This hobby is fucking crazy and I love it. Drew would be into this shit!
So with live bombcasts, do we now have to spoiler bombcast discussion before wide release?
Jeff Gerstmann - still hungry, still a threat.
(Full post here)
Well, as long as you were warned. Just make sure that the chase doesn't become the focus instead of a means to the end. I've seen people who just keep cycling through $1k+ products at an alarming rate.
Calling out Dan's small bladder shows favoritism toward Brad. I suspect Dan's crippling soda addiction has more to do with it in his case.
Also, ads on the premium live feed confirmed. Can't wait for the faux outrage.
I don't care much about the potential spoilers since this is already the case right now since not everybody listen to it the moment it goes up.
What really worries me is that they will do stuff for the cameras that won't work on the audio version. I'm sure they'll be careful about that but in the end I think that it's inevitable. That fucking sucks.
Suddenly feels like people who can't watch it on video are missing out on content and that's not fun.
Can I interest you in $700 worth of audio equipment?Maybe if I didn't use these shitty earpods daily,I could of been hearing the sound of somebody eating a tuna sandwich earlier..nothing else fits my ear holes :'(
Fuck.sick vape rig bro
I can totally see how that could happen. Been on a lot of forums today, and I see people buying $500 headphones even though they already own multiple $1500+ headphones just so they can check them out. That's insane.
With stuff like this I generally have a very fiery interest for a short time, then settle in and upgrade far more moderately over the long term. I had to get an aftermarket tube though, if only to give me a better understanding of how they can vary.
Lolsick vape rig bro
Jeff has previously talked about that as a potential problem with video podcasts, and I believe he`s said that that`s why he`s been sceptical about it in the past. So rest assured that they`re aware of it which will probably minimize the problem.