It's like Dota but with base building and controlling more than one unit.The mention of Warcraft 4 on upf reminded me that I have no idea what kind of games Warcraft actual are.
It's like Dota but with base building and controlling more than one unit.
It's like Dota but with base building and controlling more than one unit.
had a bunch of dominos for dinner and i am PRETTY sure i am feeling the early onset of food poisoning and this is what i get for eating dan food
Sleepy Brad returns.Hope Brad resurrects Breaking Brad and plays DOOM on hardest difficulty.
Hope Brad resurrects Breaking Brad and plays DOOM on hardest difficulty.
Finished MPP6. Definitely the least exciting. Perhaps a fault of the map choice?
Austin said he liked True Detective Season 2 and I was like "of course thats a thing Austin Walker would do."
Finished MPP6. Definitely the least exciting. Perhaps a fault of the map choice?
Bought UFC 2 in a sale and trying to make my game face except it says "generating game face, please don't close your browser" and has been for a few hours? What do?
I`m watching the Peachy Printer Kickstarter stuff that they talked about on the Beastcast. What a bizarre fucking thing.
Doom looks like some nice Doom for the current gen, I'm actually pretty impressed.
Although watching Vinny play is a real test of my patience.
I need help. I really wanna watch the Mario Party video on a plane trip I'm taking but everytime I try to copy it to my Android tablet it says "file too large for destination file system".Is there an easy way to split the video into say 3 parts?
I need help. I really wanna watch the Mario Party video on a plane trip I'm taking but everytime I try to copy it to my Android tablet it says "file too large for destination file system".Is there an easy way to split the video into say 3 parts?
ffmpeg -i C:\in.mp4 -c copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_time 3600 out_%03d.mp4
Uncharted 4 is an A+++ videogame you guys. It's probably the Dark Souls of Citizen Kanes.
Really? I thought it was one of the better ones
This WWE game looks fun, I never thought I could write fun and WWE, in a positive way on the same sentence.
All Stars is a great time. Like Jeff said, it's really what WWE games should be because it emulates the absurdity that you want out of a wrestling game rather than the realistic sim thing.
DOOM's map design really is on point. Damn this game is solid.
This was one of the calmer MPPs but I would hardly call it bad. Magical ending.