Twin Tails
Quick Look: Homefront: The Revolution
VIDEO ON MAY 18, 2016 06:00 AM
VIDEO ON MAY 18, 2016 06:00 AM
I just played Doom on my Rift and it was awesome. It was also the first time I started to feel queasy in VR. I played the first 3 Doom 2 maps and that was all I could handle. I'll have to munch on some ginger before trying it again.
Wait, does it have native VR support?
Quick Look: Homefront: The Revolution
VIDEO ON MAY 18, 2016 06:00 AM
Gonna be interesting to see what Austin's review is like. Everything he's written for GB so far has been pretty positive (4-5 stars) and it sounds like this one is an absolute misery.
The more I play Uncharted 4 the less I actually like it...
The gameplay loop is SUPER repetitive. Climb from A to B... Surprise! The bad guys got to B before you... Gunfight.... Climb some more... Get to C... Surprise! The bad guys got to C before you... AGAIN...More gunfight... Rince and repeat for 15 hours.
Mixed in with super slow story exposition chapters.
The set pieces are still really fucking impressive and fun but the game in general is nothing to go crazy about...
I have like 80% of the game done right now so I'm gonna finish it for sure but at this point I just want to get rid of it so I can switch to DOOM.
I hope it is Austin explaining the game while Vinny plays it. Could be a fun one.
Quick Look: Homefront: The Revolution
VIDEO ON MAY 18, 2016 06:00 AM
Homefront is one of those games that I have no idea how it got a sequel.
You will need this:
Brad played some on UPF. He's more of a man than I am. He seemed unfazed, but I was definitely on the verge of getting ill.
I will be your CEO.Nobody asked for more Homefront.
It's called Dirty BombBut where's Brink 2?
Homefront was a big release at the time, it was fucking terrible though.
Was it really though? It was received mostly as a joke well before it came out, reviews were bad, and it bombed pretty hard, THQ didn't exactly need help but they took a huge stock hit after it was released.
It sold over a million.
Homefront is one of those games that I have no idea how it got a sequel.
Confession time! I kind of liked the multiplayer in Homefront. I liked the way the weapons felt, thought the vehicle purchase system was pretty good, I liked the weird bounty thing they did. Single player was pretty "meh" though.
you know what was a really good game? frontlines fuel of war. shame kaos got wrapped up in Danny Bilson's dream of beating call of duty
Was less of an issue in the Remaster. The fight in the cruise ship theater was still a clusterfuck tho. A death trap that I had to retry quite a bit.
You shouldn't tell lies, its not nice. Someone might believe you and go out and pick up a copy
I think I'm more excited for the mixlr drive than E3 itself. I wonder who Jeff will get to join him this year...
HOT THE POINT UPDATE: Kish was on scene at that Mass Effect ride thing and is apparently doing a video on it.
UC4 spoilersthe thing that bothered me about uncharted 2 and 3's supernatural stuff was that they never committed to any of it.
like, i'm down to get weird with that kinda stuff, but they always stepped back from it at the last minute in a really weird way. so it just became an inconviencnce to the gameplay and a cheap narrative trick?
also remember when they killed scully and immediately retconned it? or how chloe and that other guy just disappear. uncharted 3 was really cool with set-pieces and the desert stuff but was sort of a mess otherwise
UC4 spoilers
Which is why I like Uncharted 4. I think it developed the lost city the best and it's downfall was made more interesting even without supernatural elements.
i mean granted i was like twelve but i remember you could shoot guys helmets and they would fly off their head really dumb and the walls were destructible. i was pretty into it
i remember it came out right next to Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, which I was also really excited about. maybe I was just a dumb kid.
I don't remember which one Turning Point was, but man you're reminding me that I put up with some bad shooters in those early PS3/360 years. Frontline, Blacksite: Area 51, Timeshift, Clive Barker's Jericho, Turok, Legendary, Kane & Lynch, Saboteur. What the heck was going on back then?
I just played Doom on my Rift and it was awesome. It was also the first time I started to feel queasy in VR. I played the first 3 Doom 2 maps and that was all I could handle. I'll have to munch on some ginger before trying it again.