i just noticed that jeff only has four fingers on one hand in my linework.
Knowing Drew, it's probably for charity or something.
I did not notice until you told mei just noticed that jeff only has four fingers on one hand in my linework.
I mean, that's probably a pretty apt characterization of the lives of many people in the Assassin's Creed factory, to be fair.The cutscene they showed early on in the video felt like it was done by people who never get out of their office and when they do spend all their time online. I don't care, live however you want, but maybe find someone with a little bit more to say to write your characters and story.
Right, watching UPF now and Drew mentioned this briefly. Apparently it's for MS research, so a very worthy cause indeed -- Drew has a page about it where you can donate to support.Knowing Drew, it's probably for charity or something.
Haha, Drew's look straight into the camera as Dan refers to Sweden, Finland and Denmark as "the dong countries".
Eh, I think that's also slightly different, insomuch as Corvo as a character and Corvo's motivations aren't at odds with violence as a way to achieve them. The game is sorta trying to tell you "hey mass murder is bad" but nothing about Corvo is explicitly like "life is sacred and I must shed as little blood as possible"
The stuff in Watch Dogs 2 is jarring. Its at odds with both the character and the supposed narrative
IIRC Drew also had a fantastic camera look when Rorie said people with MS aren't much into bike riding. Confusing MS with scoliosis is peak Rorie.
Haven't watched UPF yet, but is something Rorie said wrong? My grandpa and an aunt both have MS. My grandpa lost the use of his legs long ago and my aunt usually needs the assistance if a cane to get around.
He said his dad has very bad MS, and continued to ask "That's the thing where your spine bends right?"
Definitely was thinking of scoliosis.
Haven't watched UPF yet, but is something Rorie said wrong? My grandpa and an aunt both have MS. My grandpa lost the use of his legs long ago and my aunt usually needs the assistance if a cane to get around.
Where are the vhs pause menus?but bayonetta 2 doesn't have references to outrun or space harrier
Drew is very quick on his feet in a conversation.Definitely was thinking of scoliosis. Drew's response was great, he used it to plug the charity and said If you'd like to educate Rorie about Multiple Sclerosis, you can donate at tinyurl.com/drewbikes
The ask is me. I think the parody in Watch Dogs is actually fine; just was unhappy with Jeff's comment which seemed totally out of character. Seems his Tumblr followers don't like me thoughI found the watchdogs 2 quick look a little unsettling, and someone who works for Google sent Jeff a question about it on his tumblr: http://jeff.zone/post/150849300101/long-time-listener-and-also-one-of-those-google
Its sort of like the weird situation where the guy was trying to reform as a criminal in GTA4, but did so by going around murdering hundreds of people.
In this, its a cringey story about the typical 'wake up sheeple' anonymous hackers taking on Facebook and Google, except instead of just DDOSing a website for ten minutes the guy suddenly pulls out an assault rifle and starts mowing down cops and civilians. Its sort of implying that whatever issues people might have around privacy and Facebook or the Google bus is worth resorting to blowing people up over.
Possibly if Ubisoft handle it right it could be ok, but I really can't see them doing that, and the hacker group comes across as exactly the kind of thing you see from 4chan and Lizard Squad and all that bullshit in real life.
Ranking of Mario Party Parties
2 > 3 > 1 > 4 > 6 > no content > 5
Reads like a scientific list to me
You have so much to live for. Please get help.I'm playing the new Mario Party on 3DS right now.
The idea of a portable Mario Party has always been mildly horrifying to me
I'm playing the new Mario Party on 3DS right now.
You a Shenmue fan or something?I didn't even know until those damn cynics at Giant Bomb started playing them that people don't like Mario Party. That's crazy. The N64 and early GC Mario Party games were some of my favorite games to play with friends and family growing up. I loved that series. It still boggles my mind that they dread it so much and whine and moan while playing it about how bad it is. Still looks fun to me.
What's this about? Do you not really see the other after the opening or something? I haven't been keeping up.I was excited when I thought Dishonored 2 was going to make the relationship between Emily and Corvo a major focus of the game (not for any particular reason mind you just hoping), but it looks like that's not happening.
You a Shenmue fan or something?
You a Shenmue fan or something?
What's this about? Do you not really see the other after the opening or something? I haven't been keeping up.
I didn't even know until those damn cynics at Giant Bomb started playing them that people don't like Mario Party. That's crazy. The N64 and early GC Mario Party games were some of my favorite games to play with friends and family growing up. I loved that series. It still boggles my mind that they dread it so much and whine and moan while playing it about how bad it is. Still looks fun to me.
What do you mean "until GB did the streams"? Nothing in the MPP series has given you any reason whatsoever to revise your previous impression.lol
i was literally about to post the total opposite:
until GB did the mario party streams, i had no idea anyone liked those games. besides little kids
i always thought they were pure garbage and assumed everyone else thought the same
I can understand why they would do that but it's still disappointing that they might not have many interactions. Ah well.After an opening scene, something happens and you have to choose Emily or Corvo, and Harvey Smith has said that the one you don't choose isn't seen for the rest of the game. Kind of a bummer, but I'm curious to see how it turns out.
There was a way to get the whole game from the demoI've only played the best Mario Party, Crash Bash.
You have so much to live for. Please get help.
don't do anything rash
i'm sure there are probably some people who care about you somewhere
Today's Bloodstained update is faaaaantaaastic. I'm so excited for this game.