Death Metalist

The best opening to a videogame sequel. It won't be topped.
Listening to the Beastcast, it's kind of funny how Jeff talks about running straight in to Zelda combat and using weapons to murder enemies instead of cooking up murder schemes and then immediately complains about his weapons breaking too quickly. I think the game's trying to tell him something about how it's balanced, and he's just not hearing it.
Giant Bomb won't hire anyone unless they're 6'+. That's why it's taking them so long to hire a woman.I forget how tall Jeff is until I see him talking to random people and he towers over them.
Yeah, if it wasn't for all the people telling him he should play more Zelda, he would've stopped. That's kinda the odd thing about him. He wants everything and he wants it immediately. On the macro and the micro level. Which funnily enough is exactly what Zelda offers after finishing the tutorial section on the macro level. You can go straight to Ganon. On the micro level however Jeff doesn't want to deal with stamina and other annoyances. Those annoyances are what make the game great though. I've never played a Souls game but to me it seems like Zelda traversing is what fighting is in Souls. An intricate system that offers you the freedom to tackle it however you want. Planning my route and reaching my destination is super satisfying to me. Maybe in the same way beating enemies in Souls is.I got that vibe from the horse stable discussion. Jeff mentioned that the game didn't explain how to register a horse. When someone told him to talk to the guy behind the counter, Jeff's reply was something like "Nope, I don't want to do that".
I'm using two small audio boxes this way for Zelda and it's super good. Nice little feature. 🤗Whoa... I just found out that you can still use the headphone jack on the Switch while it's docked...
Not as good as a jack on the controller like every other consoles released since 2012 but at least that means I can have sound while using my computer screen.
Listening to the Beastcast, it's kind of funny how Jeff talks about running straight in to Zelda combat and using weapons to murder enemies instead of cooking up murder schemes and then immediately complains about his weapons breaking too quickly. I think the game's trying to tell him something about how it's balanced, and he's just not hearing it..
Man every time I think of Zelda I just want to go off on how good everything in it is. And play it.
It's a tough life.
I just got the game yesterday and played for an hour. Any cool things to do besides pushing rocks from above onto them, bombing them, shooting arrows, or using the magnet to throw metallic things at them? Game mechanic spoilers are fine.
Anyone ever notice that Tails from Sonic's real name is Miles Prower, which sounds a lot like miles per hour? Weird. Wonder if it's intentional.
I think the most important "small thing" that Zelda does differently is not marking shit on your map if you climb a tower.
It kinda changes everything.
Remember We Happy Few?
Remember We Happy Few?
I see you like the old games.
Giving every NPC some level of personality might be my favorite thing about Zelda honestly. Minor, inconsequential spoilers below:
When you first arrive at the Zora's Domain there's a couple of guards standing out front. I talked to them on a whim, expecting some line like "Welcome to the Zora's Domain, don't touch anything" Instead he goes "Link!? Is that you? I used to watch you while you trained! But you're still young and I'm so old, how can this be?" and then the other guard says "Stop joking granddad, the legendary hero hasn't been seen in a century"
It's my favorite moment in the game so far, just for how much it caught me off guard
Oh the story is great. I'm actually shocked. I went from not caring about any Nintendo game story (except Xenoblade) to the newest Zelda game having what might be one of my favorite game stories ever. It's fairly safe in terms of character archetypes I suppose, but it's commitment to it's premise, to how it all went right and then not flinching away from how it all went very very wrong, is just...There's a memory you find, with Zelda, right after it's all fallen apart, that I just loved, because you don't see what happened, but you see their reactionYeah, I actually agree with Jeff on the point that the story they do in it is really cool. Like, it's a Zelda story, you're not gonna confuse it with the Last of Us or anything, but it's cool. I haven't finished the game, but they do some really cool things with the fact. Plus, I think thethat Link was around 100 years ago and the interactions that causes with people who remember him and people who have only heard of himare a cool story mechanic. The VO is bad, but the scenes are cool. And because you can see the story in any order, it gives it an almost Tarantino vibe where you have to put it together chronologically.memories
so stealing Nick and Griffin from Polygon is pretty much the consensus best-case scenario right
I just got the game yesterday and played for an hour. Any cool things to do besides pushing rocks from above onto them, bombing them, shooting arrows, or using the magnet to throw metallic things at them? Game mechanic spoilers are fine.
It hasn't hurt my enjoyment of the game much, but I kind of understand the durability complaints with Zelda. Even at end game you can easily burn through 3 high-tier weapons against one strong foe. It doesn't matter much because of how many weapons they throw at you, but I'd rather weapons lasted a bit longer and were less plentiful. There's just no value to any weapon that isn't the master sword because of how expendable they are.
Giant Bomb won't hire anyone unless they're 6'+. That's why it's taking them so long to hire a woman.
The NPCs might be my favorite thing about Zelda honestly. Minor, inconsequential spoilers below:
When you first arrive at the Zora's Domain there's a couple of guards standing out front. I talked to them on a whim, expecting some line like "Welcome to the Zora's Domain, don't touch anything" Instead he goes "Link!? Is that you? I used to watch you while you trained! But you're still young and I'm so old, how can this be?" and then the other guard says "Stop joking granddad, the legendary hero hasn't been seen in a century"
It's my favorite moment in the game so far, just for how much it caught me off guard
Giant Bomb won't hire anyone unless they're 6'+. That's why it's taking them so long to hire a woman.
That's what you get for being a heel.
But 5'10" in normal person height is like 6'1" in wrestling height. That's why Dan had to become a professional amateur wrestling manager.They were just recently talking about how Dan is 5'10, though!
I can assure you that there is another step past that.The worst feeling in the world is being too depressed to play video games.
I think that, by far, the thing that annoys me the most in Zelda is the fucking rain...
Sure it looks cool but it happens every 5 minutes so it's really fucking annoying when you'Re trying to go somewhere that requires you to climb (which is pretty much anywhere in Zelda). I've had to wait for the rain to go away so many times over the week-end ugh
Jim Sterling's site is getting DDoS'd because of that review..
I remember when people were telling me it was their highlight from E3. Those were fun 5 minutes, before they watched gameplay.
USA is crushing Canada right now in the World Baseball Classic (score is currently 7-0).
Yeah. Very similar to Martyr Logarius in Bloodborne, which was another boss I had trouble with.Is Pontiff a Dark Soul 3 boss?
I ask 'cause, Partway through Dark Souls 2 and forever after, Souls bosses have kinda blurred together for me.
Pontiff Sulyvahn can eat my ass
It speaks volumes that I paid the $13 for Tokyo Drift so I could stay on course with the Film & 40s schedule.WTF, you can't rent Tokyo Drift on the usual stores, yet all the other movies you can.
I really like Zelda's character in botw, but having voiced cutscenes - however weird - really makes mute link seem even more like a psycho.
Hope they get a better voice director the next time around. Though I think individual performances are fine the real problem is that none of it seems to fit what's going on most of the time
WTF, you can't rent Tokyo Drift on the usual stores, yet all the other movies you can.
Though I think individual performances are fine the real problem is that none of it seems to fit what's going on most of the time
Jim is single-handedly destroying the Switch's chance of being a commercial success. One man should not have so much power.