I still can't believe GBeast committed themselves to playing through all the Yakuza games
Theres no drought of content now
you guys will be filled forever
its like star wars

I still can't believe GBeast committed themselves to playing through all the Yakuza games
This might be considered blasphemy, but I traded in my copy of Yakuza 0 today. I'm just gonna watch GBeast play though it.
There's so much charm on display, and the narrative presentation is near perfect, but the actual gameplay is way too stiff and "PS2"-like. I just don't have the patience for that right now.
Forgive me, I have sinned
I still can't believe GBeast committed themselves to playing through all the Yakuza games
It's nice to have at least one coast scheduling things, but...
all Castlevanias
all Megamans
both Shenmues
all Yakuza
all Fast and Furiouses
...I'm starting to think Beast is that guy who says I love you on the second date.
I've already fell off of Beast in the East
This thread will never be satisfied.
Its the weekend
I mean I'm super happy they play Yakuza because it looks like a game I wouldn't enjoy playing myself but that's really fun to watch. I don't think they'll start the next Yakuza this year (if they finish 0 this year that is) though
Yakuza seems like a series that will be better to play spaced out anyway. I'm playing the first and the combat is very similar and repetitive, but clunkier and you're in the same area as 0. I can see them having Yakuza overload.
For film and 40s I had the volume most of the way down and the subtitles on so I could hear GBeast tbh.
Yakuza is the only one that really seems like overkill, since everything else is relatively short.
Look, what we really want is Jeff and Vinny playing through all of Kingdom Hearts with weekly Lore podcasts. Is that really too much to ask for?
Honestly there's basically no reason to put on the actual movies at all instead of just listening to the GB guys. They were all terrible movies until they went full ironic with them and even then they were still only mildy amusing.
Eh, i dunno, then it's just random quips that have no context intersecting long periods of silence.
that's a funny way of saying the Japanese SMB2
Is malt liquor even a thing in the UK?
I disagree with them being worthless movies as well. They're all entertaining. 2 fast is bad but that's one out of seven.
The combat in 0 already looks super repetitive so I really hope they take a long break after 0.
I disagree with them being worthless movies as well. They're all entertaining. 2 fast is bad but that's one out of seven.
Dan's button mashing does not show off the combat well.
I've basically focused on Yazuka 0 the past three weeks and am about 75% completion so doing 2-3 hours a week is gonna take forever. Then again I'm trying to 100% it because I am a maniac.
And then there's like five more of these games? Yikes.
Tokyo Drift is fantastic, what are you even talking about.
This might be considered blasphemy, but I traded in my copy of Yakuza 0 today. I'm just gonna watch GBeast play though it.
There's so much charm on display, and the narrative presentation is near perfect, but the actual gameplay is way too stiff and "PS2"-like. I just don't have the patience for that right now.
Forgive me, I have sinned
Yeah I had an inkling that I was able to do that, but also solving the puzzle the normal way isn't that hard. Still, fucking love the sandbox nature of puzzle solving in this game.
Though the tweet replies mention that you can use a lightning weapon and I'm slapping my head for not thinking of that. What a game.
I don't blame you, I sold mine about halfway through the game. It was enjoyable up to that point, but the very long dialogue sequences and long droughts between fighting were finally beginning to wear me down; once I started just mashing through them, I knew it was time to move on. Are all the Yakuza games as long as this, or is this extra long because of two playable characters?
Ah man, looking forward to BITE tomorrow! Let's check & see what the thread's talkin about!
*people complaining about too much content*
I don't blame you, I sold mine about halfway through the game. It was enjoyable up to that point, but the very long dialogue sequences and long droughts between fighting were finally beginning to wear me down; once I started just mashing through them, I knew it was time to move on. Are all the Yakuza games as long as this, or is this extra long because of two playable characters?
Ah man, looking forward to BITE tomorrow! Let's check & see what the thread's talkin about!
*people complaining about too much content*
I mean there isn't actually that much content.
Yeah. It's just 90 minutes of fun and flash style. I'd rather watch a f&f movie over some award winning art house drama any day.
I just wrapped up Nier Automata. I hope Alex likes it as much as I did because I need someone to go to bat HARD for that game come GOTY.
Brad needs to play through the Mario Galaxy games
Brad needs to play through Ace Combat 4