Infinite Justice
Danny O' Dwyer
Gamespot guy but pretty much Giant Bomb's sixth ranger
GB's new crew member, resident Irishman and Cricket Expert, Danny O' fucking Dwyer.
That's a really good point, an appropriate soundtrack can make all the difference.Kinda sucks without a pumping soundtrack. I assume it'd feel better if it was Jet Set Radioing all over the place.
Danny O'Dwyer, dude from Gamespot. H's been in a ton of GB content the last few months, but I guess it's mostly been Premium stuff.
Danny must be depressed as fuck. Arsenal is already down 2-0, 8 minutes into the match.
Danny must be depressed as fuck. Arsenal is already down 2-0, 8 minutes into the match.
Some charity 24 hour thing, first 12 hours with Rorie, then 12 hours with Danny and whats the deal with this stream?
Some charity 24 hour thing, first 12 hours with Rorie, then 12 hours with Danny and friends.
I hear there's some Hearthstone planned later.
You know, that's the first time I've ever seen anything from The Lobby (I don't know why, that's just facts), but I like what I see and I am totally down for more of that shit.
You know, that's the first time I've ever seen anything from The Lobby (I don't know why, that's just facts), but I like what I see and I am totally down for more of that shit.
I've seen some episodes of it now, and it's pretty enjoyable. Still too much of the awful "#winfreestuff #thelobby" that sites like GS and IGN love to do and a few akward GS people, but for the most part a good show (and that's mostly because of Danny's hosting, to be honest).
Literally the only Gamespot content I'm watching is the one with Danny. I've tried to watch some of their other shows but most are pretty awful. The Point and Random Encounter for me.
Have you watched that show where they read some comments on their articles in a mocking voice, and that's the whole show? It's the worst shit I've seen on GS at least.
Feedbackula? That finished a few months ago. I actually enjoyed that from time to time. I do enjoy random Encounter, and The Lobby is sometimes entertaining.
Danny O' Dwyer
Gamespot guy but pretty much Giant Bomb's sixth ranger
What games has Rorie played so far? Just NN2 and now Aliens?
I think Rorie is a pretty decent solo streamer. No screaming or freaking out, no blaming the game when he screws up, and he has a good deal of chatter. Oh, and puppies.
I think Rorie is a pretty decent solo streamer. No screaming or freaking out, no blaming the game when he screws up, and he has a good deal of chatter. Oh, and puppies.
He just seems like a really, really nice guy. That helps when he does something stupid or repetitive, unlike most youtube streamers who after a couple seconds you just want to scrape their face off with a machete.
Rorie is about to play a very good game.
Rorie is about to play a very good game.