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Giant Bomb #7 | Hey There, Small Business Owner!

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mediocrity at its best
I like how the developers thought " hey, so many JRPGS have just worthless writing, I bet we can make it even worse!'.


mediocrity at its best
I forgot the person who wrote the horrible stories for Uncharted is now writing a Star Wars game. That is going to be bad.


mediocrity at its best
yeah because star wars stories not named kotor were soooo good

You are correct that before KOTOR they were terrible, just like the movies. But there is plenty of room in the universe to tell great stories. I don't trust the person at the head of UC3 to tell a good story.


Unconfirmed Member
Wait.. so I just heard something on bombing in the AM.. Vinny is leaving cali to goto NY full time?

If this is the case... Im not sure what to think of the podcast anymore. :(

Im gonna get real for a second and write a bunch of shit that no one will probably read anyway... so hate me if you want... but this has been something that has been on my mind for awhile now. And as fans of the website, im sure others have felt the same:

Ive been listening religiously for the past 2 years or so and Vinny is by far the best part about GB. Even if he doesnt bring the best game analysis, he brings the fun to the cast. Him not being in California anymore with the rest of the guys will do nothing but hurt the site/podcast. There is no positive side to this, other than him getting to work in NY on the other show. Which, lets be honest, is the least watched show on GB regardless of how good it is.

Personally, Jeff has been getting on my nerves lately. Last weeks cast where he wasnt on the show was actually a blessing. The entire tone of the show was upbeat, funny, and informing. No drama. No tension. It was like an actual podcast..

Jeff seems like he is always trying to prove Brad wrong for what ever reason, and he rarley brings any actual analysis to current games. Brad seems like he is the only one who is up to date with recently released games, while Jeff is always playing some old shit that only a minority of people care about.

Granted, Jeff does talk about new games from time to time, but I feel like before Ryan passed he was much more analytical and focused more on bringing a fun personality to the show. I understand his change in personality could have occurred because of the tragic events and I dont blame him for that at all. Losing someone so close to you can really put you in a pretty shitty mental state and he may not have fully recovered, and maybe he never will. But Ive seen him in a much more chipper state and Ive seen the "old" Jeff shine through on UPF and other casts.

Honestly, I think this "epiphany" for me occurred after the whole Plants V Zombies argument between Brad and Jeff. Ever since then, the two seem to just be at each others throats constantly, with Jeff being the instigator.

Sometimes, I can literally FEEL the tension through just listening to the podcast. It makes it super uncomfortable to sit through. Even this current cast that is out, Jeff is trying to argue about the Beatles singing German songs when they were first becoming popular. First of all, not only does Jeff have no clue what he is talking about, he is trying to defend his stance that is CLEARLY wrong. Is it to just push Brad's buttons? Is he trying to be funny? I dont get it...

If Vinny is really leaving... the podcast will have some GIANT shoes to fill. Vinny was a mediator of Brad and Jeff and he always knew how to lighten the mood or get things back on track.

I honestly fear that the podcast is about to be Jeff and Brad butting heads for 2 hours each week.. something that Im not sure I can handle much more of.

So Brad is leaving...in a coffin because Jeff kills him without Vinny.

edit: Oops, missed the last page.
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