Neo Member
Not a sub, 29. I got to the question about my likelihood of signing up and I put "not likely" because I figured it'd lead to some probing questions. The end.
You were outsmarted by a survey. Bopped.
Not a sub, 29. I got to the question about my likelihood of signing up and I put "not likely" because I figured it'd lead to some probing questions. The end.
Rorie's so mad, he really won't let this go https://vine.co/v/MdnWdImdbnu
You wanna talk about the new hire, Mac? Lets talk about the new hire, I've been dying to talk to you about the new hire all day
Pepe Silvia is the new hire?]
I won't. I just want someone thats good, I dont care what he or she looks like.
For me, good = bringing different points of view to the table. Another white, middle aged. middle class man probably wont bring that.
For me, good = bringing different points of view to the table. Another white, middle aged. middle class man probably wont bring that.
Middle aged, really? 30s is middle aged now?
Middle aged, really? 30s is middle aged now?
For me, good = bringing different points of view to the table. Another white, middle aged. middle class man probably wont bring that.
Middle aged, really? 30s is middle aged now?
But a hispanic/black middle aged, middle class man would be OK?
I don't get this viewpoint. They need to hire the best person for the job, no matter who he/or she is.
You wanna talk about the new hire, Mac? Lets talk about the new hire, I've been dying to talk to you about the new hire all day
I don't get this viewpoint. They need to hire the best person for the job, no matter who he/or she is.
How deep does this quinnspiracy go
I think all this hire speculation is really dumb. They'll announce who it is and we'll all be like "Oh, of course that's who it is."
Which video/s is that Sims/Lotion on my back with Alexis, Danny and Ian from?
For a job like this, there's no such thing as a "best person for the job." Is Jared Rosen (if he indeed is getting the job) "better" than, say, Cara Ellison at fucking around and talking about video games? There's no right answer to a question like that while I am quite sure that adding different racial or gender perspectives to the podcast/video content would have real benefits to the site.
For a job like this, there's no such thing as a "best person for the job."
Danny's Supply Drop Charity stream.
Sadly was not archived on Giantbomb proper but there is a twitch archive link in this thread somewhere.
For a job like this, there's no such thing as a "best person for the job." Is Jared Rosen (if he indeed is getting the job) "better" than, say, Cara Ellison at fucking around and talking about video games? There's no right answer to a question like that while I am quite sure that adding different racial or gender perspectives to the podcast/video content would have real benefits to the site.
Well, if it isn't Jared and he's trolling, I wonder if there will be any kind of backfire. lol
Well, just look at the cboat hate that happened here because he was like wrong about a couple of things.What do mean?
I took that Jeff post as an indication it's not Jared.Well, if it isn't Jared and he's trolling, I wonder if there will be any kind of backfire. lol
For a job like this, there's no such thing as a "best person for the job." Is Jared Rosen (if he indeed is getting the job) "better" than, say, Cara Ellison at fucking around and talking about video games?
I took that Jeff post as an indication it's not Jared.
Well, just look at the cboat hate that happened here because he was like wrong about a couple of things.
Exactly. That's why every single member of Giant Bomb is equally popular among its audience. Because it's impossible to be better or worse at fucking around and talking about video games.
Brad is bad at games.
Middle aged, really? 30s is middle aged now?
There's always a candidate who the people hiring consider to be the best. They have to pay the wages and/or work with them day in and day out and depend on them being able to produce quality content under time and other constraints.
You may as well claim that the site would be better if Brad and Drew were replaced by non-white, non-American non-males.
Danny is joined by Vinny as he plays the original Ghost Recon
"Need a refund? Fill out a refund envelope."
Vinny: What are the Irish Special Forces called?
Danny: The IRA!
I am Irish and I havent a clue. I dont think we have "special forces". Are army is basically the grown up boy scouts but with hilariously out of date military equipment.
Judging from his last video, Could the Angry Video Game Nerd be joining Giantbomb?????
Well, James Rolfe doesn't even like modern video games anyway.Judging from his last video, Could the Angry Video Game Nerd be joining Giantbomb?????
Well, if all you're doing is being coy because you're enjoying the spotlight and trying to get twitter followers when you know all along that you weren't even considered, some people might consider that a dick move. lolI don't think anyone is really invested enough to care that much. I assume it has to be pretty well understood that we aren't going to know until they decide to say something about it. I'm still excited and nervous at the same time.