Dan Ryckert tweeted about looking for a new apt... But didn't say in which city he was looking... Must be SF because he is the new hire! ... I wish....
Dan Ryckert tweeted about looking for a new apt... But didn't say in which city he was looking... Must be SF because he is the new hire! ... I wish....
Then they'd just need to hire Tim Turi as well for the celebratory Cyberia Hard Mode Endurance Run.Dan Ryckert would be the perfect addition to Giant Bomb. But I would miss his Replays with Tim Turi if he were to leave Game Informer.
Er, is it normal for there to be a 24 countdown to Unpro Fridays?
Why would 24 countdown to Unprofessional Fridays? It airs on Fox, not CBS.
Second floor is where the money people are. So of course THEY get the cold soda.
Oh, and Carrie really would be the perfect hire! She is hilarious, has a relationship with the crew already and also has editor experience. It almost makes too much sense.
The new Giant Bomb editor is clearly Pope Francis.
Obviously he's talking about the Giant Bomb Offices.
gamertag pontifexThe new Giant Bomb editor is clearly Pope Francis.
Obviously he's talking about the Giant Bomb Offices.
Then they'd just need to hire Tim Turi as well for the celebratory Cyberia Hard Mode Endurance Run.
Dan Ryckert tweeted about looking for a new apt... But didn't say in which city he was looking... Must be SF because he is the new hire! ... I wish....
The new Giant Bomb editor is clearly Pope Francis.
Obviously he's talking about the Giant Bomb Offices.
Operation Play Every Single Dubious Survival Horror Game Ever.Oh man. Turi and Ryckert could be the official ER guys. Cranking them out non-fucking-stop.
I want this to happen.
One would assume she was on a decent whack at EA. Definitely more than one would be paid without tenure at a media outlet. Would she take a cut?
I couldn't help myself, there's only one way Rorie's vending machine beef can end:
Carrie lives across the country and is married. Ain't happening.
My fanfic says otherwise.
It's not the weekend yet.
It is kinda amazing that Giant Bomb has generated a community that cares so much about another person working at the site, but on the other hand holy shit this speculation stuff went way overboard ages ago and has only gotten worse and oh god I want to light myself on fire now.
It is kinda amazing that Giant Bomb has generated a community that cares so much about another person working at the site, but on the other hand holy shit this speculation stuff went way overboard ages ago and has only gotten worse and oh god I want to light myself on fire now.
Hopefully, because holy shit east coast game dev seems to be getting absolutely butchered.so any word on if Carrie was moved to another studio?![]()
It is kinda amazing that Giant Bomb has generated a community that cares so much about another person working at the site, but on the other hand holy shit this speculation stuff went way overboard ages ago and has only gotten worse and oh god I want to light myself on fire now.
Hopefully, because holy shit east coast game dev seems to be getting absolutely butchered.
So i wasn't around when Patrick was hired, what was that like? I understand people didn't like him at first?
So i wasn't around when Patrick was hired, what was that like? I understand people didn't like him at first?
Death threats, people making fun of his father dying, wanting him to leave...
You know, the usual stuff.
Why do people keep saying Danny? It aint happening.
People still don't like him.
This transition is going to be rough. Unless it is Danny. He is literally the only person that would make for a smooth transition.
Drake would come close. But still be rocky.
But the bitching that is coming. Oh man, the bitching will be insufferable.
Death threats, people making fun of his father dying, wanting him to leave...
You know, the usual stuff.
I don't think that shit started until he started posting "SJW" articles. Those first couple of months it was more tempered.
Why didn't people like him at the time? He seems pretty inoffensive to me.
People hate change. Adding a new personality to a site/podcast like Giant Bomb is a big change.
Rorie just tweeted this:
Project Beast??
Rorie just tweeted this:
Project Beast??
Ah, i see. He was already there when i stared paying attention to them.
Danny is there so much he doesn't even need to be an official member IMO
I know it isn't happening, just saying he is the only one that would fit in fairly seamlessly without major annoying outbursts.