Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Jeff is wrong, Donkey Kong Country is amazing.
It really is.
Also I'm gonna say it: It has better music than Mario
Jeff is wrong, Donkey Kong Country is amazing.
Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!
Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)
Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.
You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM
Is there no video archive of the aftershow?
Is there no video archive of the aftershow?
Jeff is wrong, Donkey Kong Country is amazing.
It's no Metal Gear Rising.I'm always surprised to hear how they dismiss F-Zero X
I thought that was an amazing game back then
Edit: Final Fantasy VI has the best opening of any game ever and I will fight you if you disagree.
Is this a snes was never a good console quick Look?
Does anyone know why the latest beastcast is premium only?
Here is another hot take: The american SNES looks like fucking garbage.
Is this a snes was never a good console quick Look?
I don't understand how GB has 2 fighting game guys that don't really play or follow fighting games.
I thought hot takes were supposed to be old code takes at this pointThat is a 25+ year old cold take.
Here is another hot take: The american SNES looks like fucking garbage.
Smh at the bag discussion on the bombcast. Dont people in the US own backpacks or boxes?
Jeff's opinion on Super Metroid having a map being too much is insane.
I know, right?That horrendous thumbnail prevents me from clicking.
Abby will leave Giant Bombto go into rehab for her gambling addiction after playing poker
GBE Field Trip: Atlantic City
I enjoyed the raid stream but it was baffling to me Brad didn't just tell them what to do. They should go in and have a look around, maybe one or two runs with fresh eyes, then Brad should bring them through what to do. There is really no need for 5 hours of pain on one encounter.
I played Donkey Kong Country for the first time yesterday and it just looked disgusting to me.
I mean even when brad told them what to do it took them 3-4 hours.
I mean even when brad told them what to do it took them 3-4 hours.
ideally he would have told them proper gear and perk set-ups too instead of ending up drip feeding them the info run by run. I enjoy the blind run though and I'm sure they like solving the mechanics but a lot of deaths could have been solved by proper load outs and positioning getting sorted from the start
Yeah, they would still have fun IMO as the first few runs would be a mess/still figuring it out.
Anyway part 2 should be good, going to watch it while playing the SNES-mini!
YesSteampunk is cool ok.
The Wario Party/Marioware email made me realize that it's been 11 years since the last proper Warioware game and that's a tragic thing. It's a bummer Intelligent Systems is stuck in Fire Emblem anime hell
The Wario Party/Marioware email made me realize that it's been 11 years since the last proper Warioware game and that's a tragic thing. It's a bummer Intelligent Systems is stuck in Fire Emblem anime hell
Man, 3 QLs in one day?
Been awhile since that happened.