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Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People

I never said they had to be. Look at my addendum on the post above.



People have been asking the past few months why the GB guys have been mostly quiet on gg everything except for passing comments, some reserved, a few like the one mentioned.

Always thought it'd take some sort of Pearl Harbor type direct attack to unleash a nuclear response. Next couple days will prove interesting if those folks are even contemplating kicking the GB hornet nest.

If even half of what Patrick and other Bomb Duders have said they've gotten in their few direct comments on that are true, then it's understandable why it's so difficult for them.


If these GamerGate people really are fighting corruption or whatever it seems a bit stupid to go after the man who got fired for not bending over for advertisers.

And that was an actual serious instance of a major games media outlet bowing down to a big publisher. Kind of a bigger deal than a few game journalists giving favorable reviews for niche games created by a single person.
From that Reddit thread:

"This derives mostly from the SJW obsession with labelling every last detail of a person so they can quantify everything in their lives. They want to be able to define every person by a set of easy labels and then neatly categorise all social interactions through those values.
Normally SJW's just grossly overuse a label
like "Transphobe" or "Ableist" until it pretty much loses meaning..."

Oh my god, the irony is too much.


The sad thing is there are some reasonable people on there, they just get downvoted and drowned out by the hyperbole. The other side is that way too i suppose, this whole thing is just toxic.
Giant Bomb Pax Panel: "Most people that identify as their hobby [gamers] are assholes. 'Hey let's go be gamers' -- I never wanted to be that. People out there that identify as that, grow up."

They want to go after the Giantbomb advertisers.
I don't know anything about a reddit thread, but I remember hearing this when I was listening to the PAX panel and thinking it was a little pompous. What's wrong with identifying with your hobby?
I don't know anything about a reddit thread, but I remember hearing this when I was listening to the PAX panel and thinking it was a little pompous. What's wrong with identifying with your hobby?

I think he means people who solely identify with it. Like, it's their whole life, and stops them from talking with people who don't play games.

I know people who literally won't date someone unless they play games. Things like that seem to take it too far, in my opinion.


I don't know anything about a reddit thread, but I remember hearing this when I was listening to the PAX panel and thinking it was a little pompous. What's wrong with identifying with your hobby?
It's interesting, but we see it time and time again in other areas of society. When, for example, sports fans become irrationally violent at their team's loss. That kind of visceral reaction is symptomatic of folks who attach far too much weight on a group and use it as something of a substitute for their own identity.

What Jeff is talking about is not people who simply identify with a hobby and enjoy it, but the extreme cases where people go a step further and attach themselves to the 'label' or 'stereotype' and everything takes on a personal stake whether it truly affects them or not as an individual.
I don't know anything about a reddit thread, but I remember hearing this when I was listening to the PAX panel and thinking it was a little pompous. What's wrong with identifying with your hobby?

Saying that your most defining trait, or how you want to be perceived as, is something trivial like (video games, sports, movies.....) is kind of sad. You should never let one aspect of your life define you as a person.

I play video games but hold no attachment to the term gamer. I dont get offended when someone says gamers are x, y or z, because you cant pigeon hole me into a category.


People have been asking the past few months why the GB guys have been mostly quiet on gg everything except for passing comments, some reserved, a few like the one mentioned.

Always thought it'd take some sort of Pearl Harbor type direct attack to unleash a nuclear response. Next couple days will prove interesting if those folks are even contemplating kicking the GB hornet nest.

Nothing about any of that nonsense is interesting and I'm sure they will continue to ignore it, as they should.


I don't know anything about a reddit thread, but I remember hearing this when I was listening to the PAX panel and thinking it was a little pompous. What's wrong with identifying with your hobby?

I don't think it's inherently wrong. But it's just like Jeff said:

One, "gamer" started out as a marketing label, so you're kind of putting yourself out there as easily susceptible to marketing if you label yourself as a gamer. And given how intimately "hype" (read: aggressive marketing campaigns) is tied into hardcore gaming culture, that's probably not too far from the truth.

And two, people who are obsessively passionate about one thing tend to lack perspective. The guy who asked the question at the PAX panel is a good example. He's worried that his 2 year old will be ashamed to call himself a gamer, as if it's a sexual orientation, a race, or a profession.
I don't know anything about a reddit thread, but I remember hearing this when I was listening to the PAX panel and thinking it was a little pompous. What's wrong with identifying with your hobby?

The idea is that when you are talking about something as personal as self identity, you probably shouldn't rely on things so completely out of your control. It's very easy to be preyed on by shitty marketers or fall down a tribalism hole.

If you tie your identity to external things then when those things get attacked you feel personally attacked. It can become difficult to be objective.


I just spent a little bit of time in the reddit thread and I just don't believe that those people are real.

I can believe that there are some lunatics out there. They're talking about spamming advertisers so they pull their support. I'm been mostly ignoring this Gamersgate stuff but if some fucking assholes start doing that and hurt Giant Bomb in the process then that would make me extremely pissed off.
The multi-cam rollercoaster video is great. I was kind of hoping the original video had some of that but the raw synced video is even better.


Lol, if the gamergate people are really going after Jeff (they will probably move on, that thread goes from person to person with startling pace) and GB, then they have truly lost all perspective. In the beginning of gamergate, Jeff was held up as one of the martyrs of the movement, the only confirmed victim of "corruption" in the gaming media. And this is all it takes? Lol.

That said, the PAX Prime '14 video on YT only has about 100 more dislikes now than I remember, so I doubt this'll turn into anything. Maybe it gives GB some more clicks too? :p It's also pretty funny that it took them this long to react to what Jeff said; I remember those comments being discussed in this thread at the time, and the video was heavily downvoted by people on YT because of those comments by Jeff.


the holder of the trombone
Gamergate has turned into such a circlejerk and frankly an increasing non issue that it's not really worth discussing anymore.


Gamergate has turned into such a circlejerk and frankly an increasing non issue that it's not really worth discussing anymore.

True enough. And looking at that thread on Reddit, it has under 200 upvotes and not that many people discussing (I found "stop giving them views!" pretty funny, good to see that some of them are a bit self-aware). Compare that to the clusterfuck that was the Reddit thread about the issues surrounding GB's hiring situation this summer. Some disgusting comments about Jeff in there and people discussing why they now think Jeff is corrupt (we shouldn't "give him a pass" anymore based on the Kane & Lynch thing) and hates his audience. But I would be shocked if this turns into anything, 216 comments in 14 hours is nothing for those kind of threads on Reddit, and it has already moved far down the list in that subreddit.


This just in, angry little boys are angry.

Kinda glad that nasty little circle jerk are going after GB, it proves they're dying out and flailing in any direction they can.

But don't worry guys, I'm putting the finishing touches on my No Girls Allowed treehouse in case GamerGate takes out CBSi.


I almost started posting about Gamergate too, but I'm going to vote we just not talk about it here. No matter your personal feelings, eventually someone will show up who thinks the opposite and it's just going to get messy, and there's enough of that everywhere else on the internet.

I do think it's interesting they're reacting to a video from a month ago... Or PK, who everyone knows is one of the guys they label as "SJW" It's not like it's anything recent. IT seems like they're just trying to find new targets.


I almost started posting about Gamergate too, but I'm going to vote we just not talk about it here. No matter your personal feelings, eventually someone will show up who thinks the opposite and it's just going to get messy, and there's enough of that everywhere else on the internet.

I do think it's interesting they're reacting to a video from a month ago... Or PK, who everyone knows is one of the guys they label as "SJW" It's not like it's anything recent. IT seems like they're just trying to find new targets.
That'll be fun to watch, I imagine Emcee's patience for it will be nonexistent.

This isn't CNN, we haven't got to pretend there are "two sides".


I'm not saying there are two sides, imaginary or otherwise, just that I'd rather it happened somewhere else. I've read so much on it It's past being funny to me.


Uh oh, the gamergate community on Reddit is mad at Greg because they just now saw what he said at PAX.

You know, when I first heard about gamergate I thought "That sounds pretty neat, I like the idea!". Yet the more and more it festers it's like a rotting piece of meat. It might have once looked tasty and fresh but it's molded and stinks now and begging to be thrown in the trash. It's just a bunch of angry, bitter nerds and how many of them react only reenforce what they're "fighting" against.


You know, when I first heard about gamergate I thought "That sounds pretty neat, I like the idea!". Yet the more and more it festers it's like a rotting piece of meat. It might have once looked tasty and fresh but it's molded and stinks now and begging to be thrown in the trash. It's just a bunch of angry, bitter nerds and how many of them react only reenforce what they're "fighting" against.

It started as a bunch of assholes bullying people and it still is the same under false pretense. There was never a time when it sounded "neat".


That'll be fun to watch, I imagine Emcee's patience for it will be nonexistent.

This isn't CNN, we haven't got to pretend there are "two sides".

fucking this. #gg is a bunch of manchildren bullying women into not touching their precious toys. literally, the core concerns of this movement at this point seem to be: 1. harassing female journalists and female indie game devs 2. targeting websites' ad-revenue who air views they don't agree with(corruption????) 3. make up insane conspiracy theories that use far-right terminology and memes


Naruto is never really gonna end. It's gonna be like Kiss with a reunion every two months.
If it proves to be as culturally defining as Dragon Ball expect it to have a long tail pushed along by other media outside of the anime or manga, especially if it is what many folks grew up on.


If it proves to be as culturally defining as Dragon Ball expect it to have a long tail pushed along by other media outside of the anime or manga, especially if it is what many folks grew up on.

nah, it hasn't reached that level of popularity in Japan. One Piece on the other hand...


It started as a bunch of assholes bullying people and it still is the same under false pretense. There was never a time when it sounded "neat".

Well the way I first heard of it was people basically saying not everyone is a white male sexist and gaming is full of diversity which I thought was fine. I think there are some sites and specific writers who really hit hard with the "feminist" stuff to an absurd point. Like saying Lords of Shadow 2 implicates rape and sexual abuse because Dracula bites a woman's neck for her blood. I saw it as a reaction to those shitty articles. Then I saw it became about calling some sleazy girl who developed games a whore and bitch because she cheated with a bunch of guys then after that I have no idea what the fuck was going on. Something about journalism corruption and hating shit.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Brad's stream was so chill last year. Is he doing a solo one again?
Man, the Giant Bomb Extra Life team has already raised almost $10k so far. Extra Life is gonna be some hype shit, can't wait to see what Dan does with a 24 hour live stream.
I was planning to take part in this year's Extra Life (in the GB team of course) but there's a cool party on that weekend so I'll have to skip it. Maybe next year :/
Brad's stream was so chill last year. Is he doing a solo one again?
He's said that he'd like to, nothing confirmed yet.


This year it's 27th of November.

it's the 4th thursday in November each year.

I wonder if this time the discount will also apply to monthly subscribers.

There have been multiple membership sales during Thanksgiving.

IIRC they didn't have a membership sale last Thanksgiving, but there were sales in both 2011 and 2012. So it's not a sure thing.

Cool, thanks.

Feels a little weird not having my subscriber videos available right now, but there's so much content right now that I can probably survive until nov
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