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God of War Ascension |OT| Gods up, Foes down

Eeeek!! Just managed to get the Fully Loaded trophy with only 70 orbs in it. But I'm chuffed I got it on my second play through on Hard mode. Saves me having to do another run.

But just got the Platinum. YEEHAW!!!

The trials again were tough. Took me several attempts. But once I managed about half health and some magic into round 2 it's was a breeze. Ironically the 3rd phase is the easiest. Definitely gets easier as you get through the rounds. The first being the toughest due to those wenches who spam lightning.

I have to say I think I was being a little too quick to write the game off on my first run through. But i had my disappointments with it regardless. My second play through on hard made me appreciate the game more. There's still niggles and questionable design flaws but overall a very solid game. But still the weakest console entry for me.

I think I'd end up giving it an 8. I haven't played the multi yet. I might have a swing of it tomorrow. Least they didn't go the trophy route with this part. Praise Zeus.


I certainly hope so, that means only the dedicated true servants of the gods will be left and I won't be surrounded by these idiot peasant farmers who pledged their life to Zeus/Ares/Poseidon/Hades just so it can fucking rain. Wouldn't know what an objective is if it flew through their window and kicked them in the dick. May the Furies wrath have no mercy on them.


Dude no, I still don't want them all gone! Not until I am capped :| I need fodders for now!

Does anyone want to do gaf matches? Just all gaf members fights. FFA, team favors, etc.

Holy shit I am having a blast with multiplayer. If anyone is interested in some GAF-team play send me a PSN invite. My ID is Helscream

I will see if I can make a list. Mine is Sorral.
This game is awesome. Its a lot more fun when you ignore the Rage meter

Can someone give me a breakdown of what exactly is going on in Trial of the Gods, and effective ways of extending the time limit? Cheers

Still think the hammers attack too quickly.


Finally got the game and I'm loving it. The sound issues appears to be minimized when using the Sony pulse headset but still present :/

I just got the Ares flame powers and using the magic is just glorious and really liked the fight against the Hecaton and how you kill him, the camera pulling in this fight was annoying. No way this intro is better than Poseidon but I still liked it alot

rdrr gnr

Who the fuck thought giving a kill to an opponent for taking damage elsewhere independently was a good idea? Just_Tank should be frequenting this thread and explaining why such decisions exist. SSM should stick to what they do best -- SP.


Who the fuck thought giving a kill to an opponent for taking damage elsewhere independently was a good idea? Just_Tank should be frequenting this thread and explaining why such decisions exist. SSM should stick to what they do best -- SP.

What do you mean? by taking damage by traps?

In my opinion the MP in this game is amazing, I love all the different armors, weapons, magic, and items. The MP has a lot of depth and the map design is one of the best I have seen.

I love the fact that you can change the material (Color) of your armor and your character's race, there is a lot of variety.


I'm just at the very start of the game but I thought the opening minute was brilliant. After that things settled down and it was a bit anti-climactic. Didn't rival the Poseidon opening as many others have observed but it was decent. I popped in GOW 3 just to hear the brothers of blood track and nothing is going to top that opening. :O
One thing I don't understand about the story, it never gives a proper reason for why Kratos wants to break his bond with Area's. Also you find out at the end of the game,
that Kratos didn't have memories of killing his family


trial of Archimedes was nowhere near as bad as it was made out to be.

I only played the game on normal, but I agree, it was not nearly as hard as people made it out to be. When I reached that section of the game, I was going to take a break to prepare myself for inevitable frustration (I consider myself bad at these type of games), but tried the battle and got it on what I recall being the fourth try. Came down to making sure you extract whatever heal/magic from each creature you kill so that the next one you face would not be so bad. Of course, I can imaging the fight on hard level being crazy, but that is why you select that difficulty level.

Some other thoughts:
- Loved the journey sense the game by exploring a few locations in detail, but the story itself is not very well told.
- Enjoyed the combat, seemed that all battles were very slightly tougher. I thought it was smart to concentrate on the blades, but I did miss the Cestus from GOWIII (would be great in the tight spaces).
- Extremely beautiful game, and the last sequence is jaw dropping (but maybe a little too easy).
- Multiplayer is extremely enjoyable. If I was more a multi guy, I would totally play more of this, but I'm already onto the next single player game. The map designs are strong in how they control the flow of confrontations, and the game is really accommodating to players who may not be as strong at one-on-one combat, but play smartly in other ways.
- I wish there were more enemy types in the game, and wished there were more puzzle using the heal/destroy thing.
- Missed being able to save my game. There was a section that branched into two ways, and I went down the main path of the game, and before I knew it, was unable to go back and get the stuff on the other path. It didn't matter in the end because I had enough gorgen eyes and phoenix feathers, but I otherwise would have reloaded my save to get that stuff when I realized it.
- Many camera movements were awesome to see the beauty of the area you are in, but can distract from the actual battle taking place.


The trial really isn't that big a deal. Use Orkos whenever he's available. For the time he's on screen, it's almost like having another person fighting alongside you.

The combat shines beautifully when using Orkos in big battle areas. Him controlling a bunch of the crowd while you're fighting others close by.


I played it on normal and the trials were no trouble at all. If people are having trouble on hard then they pretty much asked for it by choosing that difficulty and don't have much room to complain. Nerf patch that is only changing the balance for normal difficulty reinforces that view.
Who the fuck thought giving a kill to an opponent for taking damage elsewhere independently was a good idea? Just_Tank should be frequenting this thread and explaining why such decisions exist. SSM should stick to what they do best -- SP.
Yeah I agree it's silly when I accidentally jump off the map, the game awards the kill to the last player who hit me, even if he was long gone by the time I fell to my death, and he didn't directly or indirectly cause my fall.

What do you mean? by taking damage by traps?

In my opinion the MP in this game is amazing, I love all the different armors, weapons, magic, and items. The MP has a lot of depth and the map design is one of the best I have seen.

I love the fact that you can change the material (Color) of your armor and your character's race, there is a lot of variety.
Really digging the different armours/weapons designs and customization options, so many varieties, I haven't seen two persons looking the same on one map, which is an achievement all in itself. I wish they would let us change the gender of our warriors though, we have plenty of female enemies in the game, why not let us play as one (well I guess it would screw up the little connection to the main story if our warrior is female). Or even better, let us play as the enemies, kinda like COG vs Locust in Gears of War multiplayer.

rdrr gnr

What do you mean? by taking damage by traps?

In my opinion the MP in this game is amazing, I love all the different armors, weapons, magic, and items. The MP has a lot of depth and the map design is one of the best I have seen.

I love the fact that you can change the material (Color) of your armor and your character's race, there is a lot of variety.
No. What the poster said above. If I suicide 30 seconds later -- it gives him the kill.


Yeah I agree it's silly when I accidentally jump off the map, the game awards the kill to the last player who hit me, even if he was long gone by the time I fell to my death, and he didn't directly or indirectly cause my fall.
I guess it's to stop people from running and killing themselves while low on health to avoid giving the person that did the damage his kill, and the other team their points.


The MP in this game would be my favorite non-shooter MP in quite a long time if the matchmaking didn't suck so much. It seems to be better when it's just myself, but when it's a party with just my other friend, it matches us up and then boots us out as the countdown begins for like 10 times, and then we'll finally get lucky and get into one.

We also sat in a room with some other people that had mics and were really nice, but we ended up waiting there for 7-8 minutes and it never put anyone into our lobby. We eventually had to part ways and keep trying again.

I've never had so many problems with matchmaking like this since early this generation and it's killing my experience of a MP that I absolutely adore otherwise...
so no one has answer to my story question regarding why Kratos wanted to break the oath to Ares in the first place?

Ares shrouded him with madness, and lead him to take his men and kill a village...which his wife and child were in. Kratos slew them himself. I think it was always just assumed out of sadism, but they give it more reason here. Something about an old lady laughing and tattooing their ashes to him happens too haha but I can't remember that bit well. Basically his grief consumes him over this and it's what pulls him out of his bloodlust for glory and makes him look at what he had become.I think the end is just trying to give us the genesis of his re-occurring visions. It's not jus that he knows, he has to relive it in his mind all the time due to the old ladys curse or something something. Again, I could be wrong there. He trades one illusion for an even worse one, a constant dream of something that did happen.
They do mention bits of this, although not entirely indepth since the storytelling is kind of poor. I guess their side will be "It's a prequel but we expect you to have played the others, so we didn't want to get bogged down re-explaining things".

I had to come back and edit this about three times to get things lined up in my own mind, and I'm someone who thinks it all makes sense haha. So it is pretty confusing and convoluted, whether there's a plothole there or not. Like I mentioned elsewhere, they have a good story with GoW, they just never tell it very well. Nothing, nothing, short cutscene that doesn't entirely explain everything and then move on. The only form of storytelling they provide on the move and actually within the game play is the mythological books. They really need to look at their storytelling methods next gen.
I guess it's to stop people from running and killing themselves while low on health to avoid giving the person that did the damage his kill, and the other team their points. I think its necessary. Committing suicide while low on health should give the person their kill. If not, people would just be killing themselves all the time to respawn with full health.
Hm valid point. I have to admit, chasing people down when they can't take the beating and start to run away, then you see them miss a jump and fall to their death and you get the kill, it's absolutely hilarious. Perhaps it could be better implemented, take into account the players proximity and how long ago he was hit by said player.

The MP in this game would be my favorite non-shooter MP in quite a long time if the matchmaking didn't suck so much. -skip-
I have the same problem too, it's so frustrating when you finally have 8 people in the lobby and just a few seconds before the match start, one person suddenly drops out and you have to wait all over again. But once you get a game going, people usually stay for a few matches before we all part ways.

so no one has answer to my story question regarding why Kratos wanted to break the oath to Ares in the first place?
The player controls the protagonist Kratos, the former servant of the God of War, Ares, who tricked Kratos into killing his wife and child. Kratos renounced Ares, breaking his blood oath to the god.

In the series, Kratos embarks on a series of often forced adventures in attempts to avert disaster or to change his fate.


So I finally beat the game. For the trial of Archimeades (and not to sound elitist or anything), but I don't know where the bitching is coming from? It is a little bit challenging, sure, but I beat it on my first try and never going below half Mana because I was saving it for the hard part. I don't know, seemed to be way blown out of proportion. Especially that review that said it took him 7 hours.


benevolent sexism
Umm... have you played God of War? Ares completely fucks him - it's the genesis of the entire series.

I might have interpreted it wrong, but maybe he was asking why Kratos wanted to break from Ares if certain relevant memories of his had been suppressed (as we learned at the end).

Even without those memories, he probably just wanted to be free or whatever. I don't know, the story really didn't come close to living up to the creativity I had imagined.


Same here. I just started today.

Its cool how they worked in that guy from the prison. I figured there was something special about him and the way he just seemed to vanish.

haha yeah that was definitely a nice touch. I was wondering wtf happened to him during the SP campaign


normal. funny thing is I was actually super hyped when the title "trial of archimedes" popped up because I was like OH SHIT this part
I think it took me something like four tries. The first time I didn't even get past the first wave, got utterly housed when the sirens and gorgons were both coming at me. The second time, I tried to get a feel for the where and when of parrying -- thanks to a poster who corrected me on the button presses -- so it was kind of sort of just practice. On my third try, I barely got by the first wave and died within 30 seconds (had a sliver of life left). And on the fourth, I got through it all with probably a third of my life bar to spare. I had a shaky moment or two in the final stretch -- missed a few QTEs -- but I'm just glad I got through. Finished the rest of the game after that.


Beat it, really enjoyed it. This got a lot more shit than it deserved. Other than a few qualms with the combat (if you're rage capped, you lose your rage abilities if you're hit once, never giving you enough time to explore those abilities and combos), and narrative (convoluted, disjointed) it's still quintessentially a god of war game. The spectacle, visuals, and gameplay that are synonymous with the series are still Ascension's bedrock.

Anybody got any tips for someone who's never tried multiplayer?
The Trials are kicking my ass.

Mine too. Got to the last round and died on the last enemy. FUUUUUUUUCK! :(

The first round is the toughest. I sometimes manage to stay above more than a half of the HP bar, but mostly i'm getting raped.

I read Fire of Ares is the best weapon of choice. Is this right? I had more luck with Hades and Zeus. Especially the magic.
The player controls the protagonist Kratos, the former servant of the God of War, Ares, who tricked Kratos into killing his wife and child. Kratos renounced Ares, breaking his blood oath to the god.

In the series, Kratos embarks on a series of often forced adventures in attempts to avert disaster or to change his fate.[/QUOTE]

Umm... have you played God of War? Ares completely fucks him - it's the genesis of the entire series.

I understand this, and I've played every GoW game. At the end of Ascension, you find out
that Kratos had no memory of killing his family until the end of the game.
Seems like a plot hole to me.


bish gets all the credit :)
Lovely my game is totally broken. The camera is stuck on that bridge you have to rebuild right before you meet the Oracle. Restarting does nothing. Just great.

That's two glitches thus far in 3 hours. I love broken games.

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