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God of War Ragnarök G|OT|Y


Home Cinema has a rule for 16:9 for movie consumption that kinda is a goto, some like it bigger some smaller but its a good middle ground.
Which is you should sit 1.3 times away from the screen width. Which should be a tad above 6 ft i think ( iam german )

So your probably in the perfect sweet spot.
Interesting, I did not know this, I have an 85 inch and sit 3.2 metres away which I think is fine but I always thought I could be slightly closer, everyone I tell thinks I'm sitting way too close but according to your calculation, my TV is 1899mm wide so 1.3 times I believe is 2468mm. So I could actually be sitting at least another 73cm closer lol.. I can't because if I move the front of the couch anymore forward it would be coming in front of the doorway but it's good to know.


Gold Member
Early exchange with that Boss made me think he was actually talking to me 😂
Thor: Come on old man, trying to remember your old moves
Me: "umm...yeah"

Yeah, no shit. Taking me some time to get the gist of this again. You are not going to just button mash your way through this game unless you put it on easy, I think.
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So with a 120hz tv and vrr, quality is still best way to play?
If 120hz and VRR are enabled on your PS5 and you select quality, it will be 40fps unlocked and it will include all the graphical details such as higher asset details, higher textures, additional shadowing and higher res reflections. If they are important to you then yes, probably the best way to play. Performance mode cuts those to provide higher frame rate as well as lowered resolution.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
55" and sit about 6.5 feet away.
I'm between 5-6 ft away most the time but those arcade machines was optimal for gaming.

Obviously this depends on your screen size.
But you shouldn't be seeing what's on the side or above your TV, if you can you're too far away


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Mini bosses are awesome. Starting to get the hang of the combat again. Haven’t played GOW since 2018.


Best Thor ever!

Outside the epic boss fight earlier in the game, the game starts really slow and visually not that impressive, but once you move to another realm, if you say this game is not gorgeous, you just trolling.

Exploration has been very satisfying with good level design on the enviromental puzzles.

Also took me some time to get used to the combat system again, but im now decapitating and spliting enemies in half all the time. So good.


Gold Member
Is it me or does this game have the worst inventory/menus or just the whole UI in general in years? I go to the inventory to equip something and the whole screen is just lit up with unimportant words. The map too is God-awful.
5 or 6 hours in and I don’t remember the last time an AAA title was this polished on release day. Seriously everything looks amazing, runs smoothly, sounds great. Mocap is top notch, voice acting is one of the best ever, the story is much better than the first so far as well. The side content is a blast to do on top of it all. All of it with barely any bugs if any.

This is one of those games i knew i was going to enjoy but for it to surpass my expectations is…rare. I’m 34 and can’t remember the last game i played that as soon ad i stop playing it, i wanna go back to it right away lol.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Is it me or does this game have the worst inventory/menus or just the whole UI in general in years? I go to the inventory to equip something and the whole screen is just lit up with unimportant words. The map too is God-awful.

may take a little while to get used to

but it does seem like a step down from GOW2018 in terms of UI. cluttered.


You are in the mines and you expect what?
Stupid complaint to begin with. Which makes no sense when the world is vast and open.
Worst than Ffvii what?
Used mines as an example because it's a dull environment so I paid more attention to this, but its noticeable everywhere. City of the dwarves, and even on the boat.

I was replaying 2018 recently and I swear that it didnt have this many gaps to mask loadings

And the world isn't "vast and open" at all. It has some hubs, but besides those hubs, it's "gap>arena with enemies>gap>arena with enemies"

So far, at least. I've just:

escaped with Tyr from its prison
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Only got to play a couple of hours today. First little bit with the tutorial is just okay but it quickly began ramping up when we get introduced to the new baddies. I don't know why but I loved the opening boss fight in this a lot more then in the first game even though they are practically similar. Don't know if it was the voice actor or what but this guy came across as a lot more intimidating then Baldur.


And the world isn't "vast and open" at all. It has some hubs, but besides those hubs, it's "gap>arena with enemies>gap>arena with enemies"
Dude what you talking. You literally at the beginning. I'm in alfhein doing a side quest. and the area you have to go around with those dogs to explore
Gow is arena combat always was what do you expect?
Developers already confirmed the gaps is to prevent the player to leave the combat area like literally every single action game...


So can anyone tell me who has swapped the (X) Action / (O) Evade buttons? It felt weird to have X as evade, and I swapped them but having X as action now also feels weird. I'm only at the start but now I'm struggling to know what feels more natural lol. I want to firm my decision before going too far into the game.
I did use X to evade even in the previous game, tough.


I did use X to evade even in the previous game, tough.
I've only played 1 hour before bed last night and i swapped it about 30 minutes in but I'll probably switch it back, the fact that it's a separate option to switch them says that most people are used to (O) to evade instead of (X) but I do prefer to play things the way the developer intended. I would of used (X) to evade in 2018 but that was back in 2018. I'm pretty sure 90% of games you (O) to evade. I'm so rusty with the combat lol
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Dude what you talking. You literally at the beginning. I'm in alfhein doing a side quest. and the area you have to go around with those dogs to explore
Gow is arena combat always was what do you expect?
Developers already confirmed the gaps is to prevent the player to leave the combat area like literally every single action game...
I'm at Alfhein now, doing main quest

Look, I'm not the first nor the last to critique this about the game (watch SkillUp review). As I said before, from my experience, it wasnt as present in the first game, so I noticed it.

About the bold part: yeah, Atreus telling you to move the train cart to the right or to the left during the dwarf realm was totally there because it's fun, and not to mask loading.

I dont doubt that sometimes its there by design, to guide the player to a cutscene or to a combat arena. But to say that its isnt used to mask loading times is just fucking bulshit.

As if FF VII Remake, for example, had so many narrow gaps because it would be such a cool gameplay moment.
Or so many freaking QTEs in Uncharted 4 to open doors or move crates because they were oh so fun.

Hate to break it to you, but devs lie. Why? Dont fucking know, but they have their motives.

Anyway, the combat really became something else now at Alfhein. These elfs are so much more fun to fight compared to dark elfs on the first game.
The "blue attack" adds even more to the combat. Everything combined makes it so fluid, versatile and fun.

This realm is gorgeous. Such a step up from the previous one.
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I'm at Alfhein now, doing main quest

Look, I'm not the first nor the last to critique this about the game (watch SkillUp review). As I said before, from my experience, it wasnt as present in the first game, so I noticed it.

About the bold part: yeah, Atreus telling you to move the train cart to the right or to the left during the dwarf realm was totally there because it's fun, and not to mask loading.

I dont doubt that sometimes its there by design, to guide the player to a cutscene or to a combat arena. But to say that its isnt used to mask loading times is just fucking bulshit.

As if FF VII Remake, for example, had so many narrow gaps because it would be such a cool gameplay moment.
Or so many freaking QTEs in Uncharted 4 to open doors or move crates because they were oh so fun.

Hate to break it to you, but devs lie. Why? Dont fucking know, but they have their motives.

Anyway, the combat really became something else now at Alfhein. These elfs are so much more fun to fight compared to dark elfs on the first game.
The "blue attack" adds even more to the combat. Everything combined makes it so fluid, versatile and fun.

This realm is gorgeous. Such a step up from the previous one.
Alright let's move on. There tons of open world games out there on ps4. Horizon forbidden west, red dead are just example. If you prefer believe that ps4 can't load a few small rooms. That's on you. You can't believe your conspiracy theory that makes no sense whatsoever


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Just got to the second area. Looks great but framerate judders are more present here in 40 fps unlocked mode? I don’t get vrr sometimes. I thought i paid thousands of dollars on a vrr tv to remove these judders?? Why does it only work sometimes?

Switched to 60 fps locked to get a higher resolution but it feels like it is lacking something. Like they removed some kind of post processing filter from it.


The non-stop Puzzle "hints" are honestly ruining the experience for me

The game is incredible, but Jesus...please let me have the option to turn these off. Less than a few seconds of trying to figure something out I hear Atreus say "maybe you should try xyz". Just blatantly solving it. It's happening so frequently that it's infuriating.

My biggest gripe is when games treat you like you have zero common sense whatsoever and require hand holding for everything. C'mon SSM


3D audio sounds terrible, it’s…soft and a bit muffled on the Pulse headset? Doesn’t seem loud enough

Does disabling it make it better?
if you have issues with pulse it sometimes is the USB port. Try the front usb if you have it plugged into the back. Do it with the system off and then start it up. Worth a shot


Just got to the second area. Looks great but framerate judders are more present here in 40 fps unlocked mode? I don’t get vrr sometimes. I thought i paid thousands of dollars on a vrr tv to remove these judders?? Why does it only work sometimes?

Switched to 60 fps locked to get a higher resolution but it feels like it is lacking something. Like they removed some kind of post processing filter from it.
Same here, sometimes after exiting the dwarves’ shop, it feels like the game is running at 30fps. It’s gotta be a weird glitch.

But man that image quality, pristine is the word that comes to mind…
Anyone else swap X and O buttons?

Feels wrong to “jump” with O and dodge/roll with X
X feels fine for me for dodge. I actually prefer it. But I switched all the context sensitive things like climbing and vaulting to just do it automatically with the left stick.
Pressing another button feels pretty unnecessary for the sake of traversal in a game like this. There's no stamina meter or whatever that would force that sort of engagement.


Jelly Belly
Just got into the first realm. The beginning of the game was amazing.
The fight with you know who was great but it did remind me a bit to much of the fight in the first game.


Gold Member
Played a couple hours feeling rusty and there's a lot to take in. Medium difficulty is fine to get to grips with it again and I beat the last game on give me god of war.
Mini bosses are awesome. Starting to get the hang of the combat again. Haven’t played GOW since 2018.
I've only played 1 hour before bed last night and i swapped it about 30 minutes in but I'll probably switch it back, the fact that it's a separate option to switch them says that most people are used to (O) to evade instead of (X) but I do prefer to play things the way the developer intended. I would of used (X) to evade in 2018 but that was back in 2018. I'm pretty sure 90% of games you (O) to evade. I'm so rusty with the combat lol
This is why I replayed the first game at GMGOW before this sequel. Combat mechanics could't be more muscle memory now and every bit of lore fresh in my head.

Ruining hours of your first playthrough by feeling rusty/not remembering lots of characters background/lore is not something I would do on such an anticipated game. Especially on this as the consensus is that it's what Kill Bill II was to Kill Bill, or Two Towers was to Fellowship.. you would not watch those four years after the first one.

Did the same with Horizon + DLC before Forbidden West and ended up loving the shit out of the sequel.

Yeah the elves are about to hand your ass over to you.
Fuck.. still starting at GMGOW though.
Just got to the second area. Looks great but framerate judders are more present here in 40 fps unlocked mode? I don’t get vrr sometimes. I thought i paid thousands of dollars on a vrr tv to remove these judders?? Why does it only work sometimes?

Switched to 60 fps locked to get a higher resolution but it feels like it is lacking something. Like they removed some kind of post processing filter from it.

40 fps unlocked mode makes no sense when you have VRR limit set at 48 fps on console.

You will constantly be jumping from VRR to LFC mode resulting in judder.


Finished it. Loved it. But didn't quite wow me the same way GoW 2018 did. Mild case of sequelitis.

What made me extra excited for this in the weeks prior to release was seeing Santa Monica directly addressing people's complaints about the variety of enemies in the first game. But after playing I suddenly got reminded of something else that really bothered me in the first game and only seemed to have gotten worse in Ragnarok. Which is how a lot of boss and sometimes even enemy fights naturally end up with everyone just endlessly smashing each other into the nearest corner of the area. I know this can be avoided but it's not what the game naturally drives players to do.

Breakable objects or even additional area's during boss fights that can be accessed as a way to mitigate this seems like an awesome upgrade for a true next gen sequel. Though I could totally see the challenges that would derive from this with the games focus being on smoothly transitioning between gameplay and cinematics.

That's the only major gripe I wanted to have off my chest rofl


The non-stop Puzzle "hints" are honestly ruining the experience for me

The game is incredible, but Jesus...please let me have the option to turn these off. Less than a few seconds of trying to figure something out I hear Atreus say "maybe you should try xyz". Just blatantly solving it. It's happening so frequently that it's infuriating.

My biggest gripe is when games treat you like you have zero common sense whatsoever and require hand holding for everything. C'mon SSM
If I remebre correctly there are options to tune those helping tips from obvious to none.


40 fps unlocked mode makes no sense when you have VRR limit set at 48 fps on console.

You will constantly be jumping from VRR to LFC mode resulting in judder.
I played for hours with no noticeable judder. It's overall very smooth and stable. Maybe depends also by tv vrr quality.
The non-stop Puzzle "hints" are honestly ruining the experience for me

The game is incredible, but Jesus...please let me have the option to turn these off. Less than a few seconds of trying to figure something out I hear Atreus say "maybe you should try xyz". Just blatantly solving it. It's happening so frequently that it's infuriating.

My biggest gripe is when games treat you like you have zero common sense whatsoever and require hand holding for everything. C'mon SSM
It's still better than HFW. One reason i quit HFW because of how annoying Aloy is.
I think you have option to have more time to complete puzzle.

Btw you guys should turn on the Navigation Assist. It's really helpful. Some area in the game is easy to get lost. I don't remember how long i just running around in a cave like an idiot lol.
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Moderated wildly
Is everyone OK with this mafia boss new York "y'understand what's going on here" dialogue and delivery? I'm not saying then performance isn't class but I'm trying to shake how jarring it is to me in this norse mythology.....

It's just grating me....hope I get past it.
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Moderated wildly
The non-stop Puzzle "hints" are honestly ruining the experience for me

The game is incredible, but Jesus...please let me have the option to turn these off. Less than a few seconds of trying to figure something out I hear Atreus say "maybe you should try xyz". Just blatantly solving it. It's happening so frequently that it's infuriating.

My biggest gripe is when games treat you like you have zero common sense whatsoever and require hand holding for everything. C'mon SSM
AAA games in a nutshell now, you gotta pander to the masses....but with all the accessibility options you think they would add some to turn these hints off. Patch will fix it like HFW.


Is everyone OK with this mafia boss new York "y'understand what's going on here" dialogue and delivery? I'm not saying then performance isn't class but I'm trying to shake how jarring it is to me in this norse mythology.....

It's just grating me....hope I get past it.

I was a bit surprised at first but I´m not gonna lie, I love it! The whole entrance of him was badass. The whole cast is knocking it out of the park so far.
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