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Goldeneye hype thead!!


i loved this game with every fibre of my being but i really can't see myself going back to it, even for a nostalgic playthrough.
Probably the game that started my obsession for good hit reactions\gore\meaty combat in videogames.

I though medal of honor 1 was the first one but goldeneye relased like 4 years before that one.

There was something so crunchy and satisfying in using that damn silenced pistol.

I would endlessly replay the snow mission with the sniper rifle just to see the various hit location and death animations.
I'm pretty sure this was the first fully 3D shooter I played. Going from 2d sprite enemies with canned death animations to this was really something back in the day. I mastered the single player campaign and spent a billion hours playing splitscreen, it was awesome.
When Perfect Dark came out I was mad hyped. Somehow I missed the fact that you needed the ram cart..... I was only able to play multiplayer without it. The first level of the campaign actually would load and play, but it would inevitably lock up within a few minutes of playing. I STILL want to play Perfect Dark, but I haven't owned an Xbox since the release of the remaster.


ChatGPT 0.1
Biggest FPS from the 90s when I played it for the first time I played the campaign and won multiplayer matches vs friends and family.

jimmy fallon n64 GIF by Supercompressor

Power Pro

Maybe I'm wrong, but wasn't this supposed to be out in 2022?

Please be true!!

Hoping you have to unlock all the stuff again, as I think that would be a ton of fun (but was never able to fully do it back in the day). Hoping 60FPS and modern controls will help me out this time.
Agreed. While most people have fond memories of the multiplayer, most of my time and memories of Goldeneye was spent playing the single player, trying to unlock all the cheats. Some of them were so damn hard, and I'm pretty sure I still never got the Invincibility cheat.
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While most people have fond memories of the multiplayer, most of my time and memories of Goldeneye was spent playing the single player, trying to unlock all the cheats. Some of them were so damn hard, and I'm pretty sure I still never got the Invincibility cheat.
Honestly, the devs morphed it into a puzzle game trying to beat their times, and extended the single player aspect indefinitely, since some might obsess over beating their own times. A brilliant addition other FPSes might look into.


If the reason why this hasn’t dropped yet is because of Russia v. Ukraine, then that is pretty damn absurd. We had plenty of middle eastern conflict games releasing while our boys were coming back home from that region in coffins or with limbs missing.

And I’m pretty damn sure the Ukrainians don’t give shit whether Advance Wars or Goldeneye get released or not. If you’ve ever met a Ukrainian or Slavic person in general, they could not give less than a fuck about these kind of gestures. These corporations are applying anglosphere sensibilities to a region that has way more to worry about than perceived “bad optics.”


End of January ? I'll believe it when i see it, wasn't it supposed to be on gamepass as well as rare replay ? Have they annonced it for gamepass this month ? Why is it taking so long ? 🤔


End of January ? I'll believe it when i see it, wasn't it supposed to be on gamepass as well as rare replay ? Have they annonced it for gamepass this month ? Why is it taking so long ? 🤔
Doesnt run well on Switch I guess… so Microsoft isnt allowed to release it. Launch of both versions must be same day.
Industry is in shambles.

I don't even say that ironically.
I agree. It's a bit of a state and these announcements with no extra details are just annoying at this point. Don't announce anything unless you can put a relatively accurate release date on it. Anyone who knows something about video games knew this has been in the works for a looong time!


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
13th September 22 this was announced as 'coming soon'.

4 and a half months later and we still have no info.

I just don't understand.
Seems like Microsoft and Blizzard does fit perfectly together after all.

For people not getting the joke, Blizzard is well known for using the term "soon™" alot, meaning literally nothing eta wise.
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I recently tried Perfect Dark remaster and shut it off after 10 minutes. If that's the kind of gameplay I can expect from the fabled Goldeneye, then I think I'll pass. People clamoring for this remaster are clearly blinded by nostalgia.


Probably won't because it could be exclusive to Nintendo.
Nintendo is adding online themselves, no idea if you've played prior Nintendo classic titles online, it is essentially split screen but online.

It's pretty disappointing, then again I'm sure others will be more than happy with that.
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Gold Member
Nintendo is adding online themselves, no idea if you've played prior Nintendo classic titles online, it is essentially split screen but online.

It's pretty disappointing, then again I'm sure others will be more than happy with that.

The HD remaster had multi already baked in, since that games been scrapped and we're just going to a HD port at this point it's safe Microsoft didn't have any say in getting this over the line in the end with Nintendo wanting what they want. I'll put that down to why we still haven't seen this game yet due to the stupid switch drops, this game would be more than ready to go on all systems at this point.


The HD remaster had multi already baked in, since that games been scrapped and we're just going to a HD port at this point it's safe Microsoft didn't have any say in getting this over the line in the end with Nintendo wanting what they want. I'll put that down to why we still haven't seen this game yet due to the stupid switch drops, this game would be more than ready to go on all systems at this point.
We just getting a 4k hd/60fps version of the n64 game? And not the cancelled Xbox 360 version? I wonder if this is the compromise that had to be made to get this game out. :/

Isn't the scrapped Xbox 360 version complete as well? Or am I remembering wrong?


I recently tried Perfect Dark remaster and shut it off after 10 minutes. If that's the kind of gameplay I can expect from the fabled Goldeneye, then I think I'll pass. People clamoring for this remaster are clearly blinded by nostalgia.
Really? I thought Perfect Dark was an excellent remaster. Moreso than Goldeneye, it was held back by the N64s limitations and it really shines now on xbox.

I recently replayed goldeneye 64 and stopped on the train level. Leaving it now until the remaster. It holds up really well even at 20fps on svideo cables. The core game is still fun. I think your expectations maybe a bit off if you come away dissapointed.


I played through Perfect Dark on Xbox One. It was fun to see how far and not far games have come since then. If Goldeneye ever comes out on modern consoles, I will definitely grab it.


I recently tried Perfect Dark remaster and shut it off after 10 minutes. If that's the kind of gameplay I can expect from the fabled Goldeneye, then I think I'll pass. People clamoring for this remaster are clearly blinded by nostalgia.

you're one of those who only play homogenised and dumbed down modern AAA games that all have the exact same control scheme I assume?


GoldenEye is likely the greatest James Bond game to have ever existed in the history of the franchise....the last semi-great Bond game was Bloodstone which is on my list to check out....(backlog list I should say along with Alpha Protocol) If you were going to bring out a new James Bond game, I would use the Splinter Cell series as an inspiration ...
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