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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network


had my first hangout today with 7 friends at one point

definitely worked well for the most part. bit of an echo at times, but i think that was mainly from their own mics. video quality while not the best was still very serviceable. the youtube thing was a bit janky too. sometimes it would load a video sometimes it wouldn't but overall this is an amazing alternative to skype or other videochat clients.

good times, this definitely sold me for sure.


atomsk said:
Went back a few pages and didn't see this posted...

Google+ begins massive cull of perceived 'real name policy' violators

Google Plus Deleting Accounts En Masse: No Clear Answers

As someone who only keeps social networking accounts to promote music, and has no desire to use my real name because I'd rather my internet life and real life be separate, this is kinda fucked up.

Why? There are plenty of places for you to still do that, this just happens to not be one of them.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Good. Less spam from garbage bands no one has heard or cares about.


There are official business profiles coming and they look pretty cool. I'm not bothered with them deleting unnecessary accounts.


Enco said:
There are official business profiles coming and they look pretty cool. I'm not bothered with them deleting unnecessary accounts.

Ya, I'm very interested in these. Google has a serious opportunity here. With hangouts and huddles (while terribly unprofessional names) they have created excellent (and free) productivity tools. If they can get this to be a decent social media hub for businesses and are able to tie in (and continue improving) Google Docs...they suddenly have a very compelling enterprise productivity suite on their hands.


_dementia said:
Anywhere I can preview these?
I'm on my phone right now but you can try google it.

Come to think of it, I'm not sure if the picture was just a mock up. It's what you would expect though. They're definitely coming so you dont have to worry about that.

Edit: yup, there's a lot of potential. All I want now is for the app to work on the iPod touch for friends, access to huddles through the website and Reader integration.

G+ is also a brilliant emailing system for those who don't have an account. I love how they get emailed my posts. I just have to make sure not to spam them.


Party Pooper
Enco said:
There are official business profiles coming and they look pretty cool. I'm not bothered with them deleting unnecessary accounts.

So you're ok with them revoking access to *ALL* Google services because someone might want to use a nickname instead of a real name on the G+ account?

Ok then.


Prodigal Son
Treefingers said:
It's in the links he posted, some people can't access any Google services.

Which IMO is kinda fucked up.
Could they be deleting Google accounts in general and not just g+ ones? This is a terrible rule for a Facebook competitor. It's bad enough that I have to share my real name, something I was reluctant to do in the beginning. Thank goodness GAF is a great community.


Treefingers said:
It's in the links he posted, some people can't access any Google services.

Which IMO is kinda fucked up.

Huh, ya, that is really stupid. How difficult is it to just delete the Google+ account and leave the other stuff alone? Doesn't seem terribly difficult.


Hail to the KING baby
this is from some googler post. guess you know a product is successful when the fud starts getting out of control:

Signal-boosting one of +Michael Hermeston's comments (from https://plus.google.com/111091089527727420853/posts/aUHFm3Q69uw ):

"When an account is suspended for violating the Google+ common name standards, access to Gmail or other products unrelated to the Google+ profile are not removed. (Of course there are other Google-wide policies (e.g. egregious spamming, illegal activity, etc) that do apply to all Google products, and violations of these policies could in fact lead to a Google-wide suspension.)

It is not our intention to shut off access to all Google services when an account is suspended for violating our Google+ common name standards. This is a misunderstanding, and I wanted to clarify it. If that has happened, then it has happened in error and it is our intention to correct it."

Feel free to tag him if you are aware of a case where an individual was suspended from G+ for a names violation only and lost access to products other than Profiles, G+, Buzz, and Picasa.



eznark said:
fucking NAZISS!!!!!!SSS!!!!!

Just got this message while clicking the Surplus extension button:

As much as I hate to infringe on this valuable screen estate, I feel a need to bring attention to what I consider an important issue. My Google+ account, along with the accounts of many others, has been suspended on the grounds of merely using a pseudonym. If you can do anything about this, not only to rectify this one profile but to correct this ludicrous policy, I urge you to do so. Until then, I can no longer support the Surplus extension.



SimleuqiR said:
Just got this message while clicking the Surplus extension button
I'm getting that too. Is G+ still officially beta? If so, I can understand them wanting to ensure people are using it in a certain way (specifically the way most standard users use FB).

Is there any news on being able to exclude circles from your main stream? I have a new photography circle (which is awesome) but it dominates my stream completely, to the point that I seldom see anything else.

Dr. Malik

So why is my pic showing up as others profile pic when I am looking at the circle page

and whats this about real names? I'm keeping mine as it is


^^ I've noticed that in a few places as well. No idea. :/

Marius_ said:
and whats this about real names? I'm keeping mine as it is
Google have been removing G+ accounts that aren't using real names.


OH NOEZ!!!! I can't keep my precious internet anonymity by using a fake name!! Woe is me, death to Google+!!

........ c'mon, SERIOUSLY?!


Terrell said:
OH NOEZ!!!! I can't keep my precious internet anonymity by using a fake name!! Woe is me, death to Google+!!

........ c'mon, SERIOUSLY?!

nothing stopping you from using a fake name, not just a nickname or company name


gcubed said:
nothing stopping you from using a fake name, not just a nickname or company name
Oh, you misunderstand. I was being derogatory towards the people who are upset about this.

Seriously, I don't understand this "separation of internet and reality" bullshit people spout on about. And it's not like your name isn't being tossed around amongst people you don't know already. Can someone explain why this is so damned important to people? Do you have some belief in ancient Egyptian nomenclature magic and think that people have mystic power over you if they know your true name or something?


Terrell said:
Oh, you misunderstand. I was being derogatory towards the people who are upset about this.

Seriously, I don't understand this "separation of internet and reality" bullshit people spout on about. And it's not like your name isn't being tossed around amongst people you don't know already. Can someone explain why this is so damned important to people? Do you have some belief in ancient Egyptian nomenclature magic and think that people have mystic power over you if they know your true name or something?

oh i know, i was just adding more. You can use a fake name, just not theworldismyoyster as your name


Terrell said:
Oh, you misunderstand. I was being derogatory towards the people who are upset about this.

Seriously, I don't understand this "separation of internet and reality" bullshit people spout on about. And it's not like your name isn't being tossed around amongst people you don't know already. Can someone explain why this is so damned important to people? Do you have some belief in ancient Egyptian nomenclature magic and think that people have mystic power over you if they know your true name or something?

You want someone to explain privacy to you?


joelseph said:
You want someone to explain privacy to you?
I want someone to explain why something you give to people freely in the real world is somehow verboten on the internet where you actually have MORE control over the spread of your information.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I wonder why Google doesn't simply allow people to create a username for certain circles? Have your username be default and enabled permanently for circles that would make sense (family, friends, etc.) while allowing users to create a nickname for circles where anonymity is more desired (the GAF circle for instance).

I would also suggest that Google allow your username to be searchable instead (or in addition) to your actual name for G+ and that you be allowed different profile pics depending on the person being allowed to see your actual name versus your username but I am pretty sure most people would feel that would be too complicated. It's also most likely outside the scope of what Google wants.


Party Pooper
Terrell said:
Oh, you misunderstand. I was being derogatory towards the people who are upset about this.

Seriously, I don't understand this "separation of internet and reality" bullshit people spout on about. And it's not like your name isn't being tossed around amongst people you don't know already. Can someone explain why this is so damned important to people? Do you have some belief in ancient Egyptian nomenclature magic and think that people have mystic power over you if they know your true name or something?

Do you know any musicians?

Do you know any victims of domestic abuse/stalking?

Do you know anyone who has always used another name? (I knew a girl whose crazy mom changed her name legally when she was 12, she still goes by her original name)

I know, I know, it's *just* a social network, you can always opt-out. And at the same time I *just* don't need my family privy to my online activity. Yes Grandma, I wrote a tongue-in-cheek song about tentacle monsters...

Or are you the type of person who sided with Blizzard during the whole RealID fiasco?


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
atomsk said:
I know, I know, it's *just* a social network, you can always opt-out. And at the same time I *just* don't need my family privy to my online activity. Yes Grandma, I wrote a tongue-in-cheek song about tentacle monsters...

You can still limit who sees what so I don't see an issue in this instance (because either your Grandma is in your family circle and you keep that song away from that circle or she's not and you just don't make that song public so only people you want to see it, see it). Unless I'm missing something...?


Party Pooper
Shrinnan said:
You can still limit who sees what so I don't see an issue in this instance (because either your Grandma is in your family circle and you keep that song away from that circle or she's not and you just don't make that song public so only people you want to see it, see it). Unless I'm missing something...?

The part where once she knows the name I release music under, she can easily check out my website...

Hell, I released an EP last year chronicling the lowest point in my life, and I don't need family telling me I should go "seek help", because the catharsis was in writing the music.

It's bad enough my dad's side of the family knows and now thinks I'm somehow going to magically make money because I played 2 local shows last month


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
atomsk said:
The part where once she knows the name I release music under, she can easily check out my website...

Hell, I released an EP last year chronicling the lowest point in my life, and I don't need family telling me I should go "seek help", because the catharsis was in writing the music.

It's bad enough my dad's side of the family knows and now thinks I'm somehow going to magically make money because I played 2 local shows last month

Oh, I see now. I'm not sure if making your profile unsearchable would fix problems like this. I would love for Google to adopt a real/username combo system like I mentioned above but I doubt it will happen.


atomsk said:
Do you know any musicians?
Yes I do. She performs under her legal name. And she's on Google+ with no hesitation. If you're talking about groups or stage names, they should have waited until the terms of service were more favorable toward them. Can't feel sympathy for someone who agreed to terms and violated them knowingly. And if they didn't know those terms, they didn't read them, and I have equally no sympathy for people upset at their own ignorance.

Do you know any victims of domestic abuse/stalking?
Yes I do. Using a fake name doesn't make a damn bit of difference, since either way, you can lock out all your personal information from these people, make yourself unsearchable and start posting only to people you have in circles. What name is shown makes no difference. A stalker would find you under your pseudonym by seeing who you're friends with anyways. Just lock your stuff down if you need to.

Do you know anyone who has always used another name? (I knew a girl whose crazy mom changed her name legally when she was 12, she still goes by her original name)
If she's over 18, she's able to change it back. And if she's not, she's violating Google's terms of service. See above.

I know, I know, it's *just* a social network, you can always opt-out. And at the same time I *just* don't need my family privy to my online activity. Yes Grandma, I wrote a tongue-in-cheek song about tentacle monsters...
Privacy controls via circles. If you're not using them, that's your problem, not Google's.

Try again please, your arguments have too many inadequacies.


1) It's a beta
2) It's been open for less than a month
3) They have plans to allow Organizations/Companies/Etc.
4) Chill out.


atomsk said:
You skipped the last question about Blizzard, but whatever.

Do you defend all other ToS no matter what they say?

It's an agreement between two parties.

What's to defend?


atomsk said:
You skipped the last question about Blizzard, but whatever.

Do you defend all other ToS no matter what they say?
If I don't agree to them, I don't agree to them and don't use the free service provided.
You agree or you don't. There's no grey area and you have no high ground to be mad when the agreed-to terms are enforced BECAUSE you agreed to them. If you didn't, shouldn't have said you did. Simple as that.


er don't facebook also not allow this? i'm pretty sure you can't use an obviously not real name. like i couldnt create a facebook account with my name as panda21.


atomsk said:
You skipped the last question about Blizzard, but whatever.

Do you defend all other ToS no matter what they say?
I can handle this one. There's a HUGE difference between what Blizzard was doing versus what Google+ is doing.

Do you ever go read the World of Warcraft forums? Do you ever see all the trolling by users? What about all those times users say "Oh yeah, I've skipped work 50 times to play WoW all day." If they suddenly changed all their names to show their real names, bosses would be able to see all that shit, and they would get fucked in the ass with a rusty chainsaw and probably lose their job. Not only that, every single thing they've said is now tied to their real life identity automatically and there was nothing they could do about it.

Google+ on the other hand went with this from the BEGINNING, and even so, made it optional to actually share your posts, etc. with the entire world. You don't have to. The only reason they make you have your first and last name out there is so people can find you, which is good, because it's a SOCIAL network. Unless Death Notes exist, there is nothing anyone can do by seeing only you name, gender, and possibly a picture of you. You are probably thinking "Yeah, but they can use that to search me elsewhere." The fact is, they can already search you wherever "elsewhere" is, so that is in no way Google+'s fault.
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