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Google's jab at the Xbox One X and PS4Pro shows they don't understand the industry and have no interest in learning.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Taking jabs at two consoles that are about to be put in the backseat in favor of their successors. I think both next-gen consoles will hit 10TF and without the latency...




Above is a picture of Google showing their lack of understanding of the Video game industry and they made similar comments post conference.

And below is a video showing Microsoft's "lack of understanding of the Video game industry". 6 terraflops to an E3 audience no less.

Google doesn't care to learn or understand the industry and is entering with bags of cash and name. No infrastructure, no studios, few partners, etc:

No infrastructure? WTF are you even talking about? They just have the best and fastest network in the world.

A. Google literally just looked on a website about what the latest consoles are and saw the One X and Pro. Their words indicate this because they focused exclusively on teraflops and nearly nothing else.

You mean how like MS just looked at the PS4 Pro and then decided to create the Xbox One X just to have the most powerful console at 6 terraflops?

B. A company seriously entering the industry and using power as a primary reason to use their platform, would not be stupid enough to advertise a 10tf platform a year before new consoles more powerful that that come out...Except Google.

What makes you think the new consoles will even have 10tf? Additionally, if you watched the presentation they mentioned that games will have the ability to use more than the 10tf of processing.

C. They literally pulled Stadia game studios out their ass live on conference to say they had a first-party. While I'm sure they will move current staff to this studio, hiring and career positions related to Stadia didnt show until this morning.

Are you for fucking real? Why would they advertise positions for their new studio before their announcement? Wouldn't that ruin, you know, the actual announcement?

D. They basically have zero Dev partners and are funding no TP games (like Dead Rising 3 and MS or Sony and SFV). For a company dropping the retail aspect for a gaming platform they will need a lot of content. Which they dont have.

Did you even watch the presentation? Didn't they mention the following were partners?
  • Unity
  • Havok
  • Audiokinetic
  • Umbra
  • Silicon Studio
  • AMD
  • Vulkan
  • Cryengine
  • Simplygon
  • Improbable
  • Ikinema
  • Face FX
  • Visual Studio
  • RAD
  • Enlighten
  • EPIC
  • id
  • Ubisoft
  • Q games

E. Stadia itself is not even finished. They say there's tests for 120fps, 8K, Dolby Vision, multi GPU rendering, and more, saying they have the centers to make this possible. But the best example they can push on stage is a compressed 4k 60fps game with no HDR with input lag???

So because it won't launch with 8K support and 120 FPS it's not ready? Is that what you really think? You're grasping for fucking straws if that's the best you can do. They'll support 8K when the market is ready for it. Which is basically what they said had you watched and understood what they were talking about.

F. They didn't show one game that you can't get on all or almost all their competitors.

It was a developer event. Why would they announce exclusives at GDC? They said they would have more info at their I/O event. Besides, the best stuff always comes from third parties and the ability to not have to install games and constantly patch them makes it a compelling service.

I've looked at the conference again and read the new info coming out and post-conference interviews. Google isn't even trying.

This thing is likely DOA if they launch this year like they claimed. They aren't even ready. This seems like a desperate reactionary move to get devs and investors to put in on this idea and make it grow.

It's bizarre how you can you've "looked at the conference again" and then proceed to post bat shit ignorant things about it.
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