Ah man that's so true. Those games were panned so hard, but they certainly aren't bad at all. To be fair I'm only around 6hrs so far so I'd say pretty early on but its been fun. Luckily I haven't encountered any bugs or such things. The bike does seem to be a frame dropper but nothing I couldn't handle thankfully.
Agreed with both you and
. Those gamers were not that bad and gamres seem to exaggerate a whole lot of shit. I'm mad I even listened to any of that, I went back and played a lot of those about bought em used and realized they were no where near as bad as some tried to fucking make it sound like
Far Cry 5 is one of the best Far Cry titles, it wasn't no where near this nightmare that some tried to exaggerate, same with Mass Effect Andromeda, Destiny or Watchdogs or even AC Unity.
Meanwhile, these same reviewers ignored the issues in Witcher 3 and CP 2077, with a massive amount of crashes, removed content, the developer literally getting sued for lying, years later and still being patched etc. I think gamers simply love this shit of the perceived "good guy" saying nice PR shit, while trying their best to pretend issues don't exist, screwing consumers in the end as they read fake reviews ignoring all the issues and removed content.
In hindsight, our reaction to Watchdogs 1 isn't even near the level of CP2077 literally changing a genre, lawsuits, tons of removed features and years later waiting for AI to actually be patched in the game. Maybe that downgrade was not that bad considering at least Watchdogs fans got a functional game
So I don't think what people feel about Gotham reaches CP2077 levels of scams or something, if the game isn't for them, thats ok, but nothing I see here is them lying to people and saying it will be this or that or changing its genre or the game missing features shown or promised prior or something.
I wish folks would save that same energy for genre switching unplayable titles. I'm not buying Gotham, but I see nothing in the title that argues it even comes close to the issues we've seen in other more infamous titles with issues or deception or something.