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Granblue Fantasy |OT| English Translation available as of 2016/04/11!

I think I've spent about 60~70+ AP pots on trying to get a 4th fire sword and 4th light gun from the event in the past couple days. Still no drop on either. If I'm assuming the trophy requirement is correct, I've done 126 battles against Kamui so far.

I can finally get MVP on my Colossus raids but still no staves :/

Is it worth spending 1000 renown on a moon??

From what I've heard from others, yes. 1 Gold moon can buy 2500 CP and CP is what bottlenecks class progression as a beginner.

At the very least, buy a Bronze and Silver Moon per month esp. Silver since it basically means 30 AP pots every two months.
I am getting kinda pissed at the boss of this event. There is some annoying shit to deal with here. Especially since you have to farm a particular element for a specific drop.


I hate this game so much sometimes. Hosted another 9 omega raids today. MVP on 4 of them. Not a single SSR weapon. That makes around 30 hosted raids this event and nothing to show for it but a couple SSR summons.
I know this pain. Hosted and MVP 3 and assited and MVP another 9 (we did friends runs) - and game was so generous to drop me a lot of silver animas I will probably never use again. 2 silver animas in 2 red chests is infuriating.


I know this pain. Hosted and MVP 3 and assited and MVP another 9 (we did friends runs) - and game was so generous to drop me a lot of silver animas I will probably never use again. 2 silver animas in 2 red chests is infuriating.

You need 100 silver animas for GW character! Though I suppose it's not what you are looking for at the moment.


I feel so offended when I go into a raid and come out with only only [1] chest filled with a garbage scroll.
Get to rank 30 (unless you are there). Join the "real" Omegas (not the normal / hard ones). And then you usually get 4 chests, sometimes more, sometimes only 3.

This event is driving me mad. The light gun drop rate is extremely low
For the sake of sanity, I only did every maniac once (used total of 6 elixirs). Then moved to Omegafest. It seems to be right choice for me.
I hate this game so much sometimes. Hosted another 9 omega raids today. MVP on 4 of them. Not a single SSR weapon. That makes around 30 hosted raids this event and nothing to show for it but a couple SSR summons.

Still no light gun drop either. 0 for everything this event.
Cause, dropluck in this event has been fabulous for me.
Celeste has dropped me already these ssr:
- Only one summon (kinda surprise, would only reduce them anyways)
- 1x Harp (fodder, I like fodder)
- 1x Axe
- 2x Spear (mlb now)

In Omegafest other elements have given nice amount of fodder and few keep ssr (Ygg staff, Tia glove). Then these have happened me, yesterday it was Colos turn again.
Been so busy irl that I still got almost same amount of pots (210) & souls (315) than when Omegafest started. Yesterday I hosted 18 Omegas, got 4 ssr, took about 2h time, mvp:ed Lumis and some of those other omegas. Lumi is the only Omega in this event that hasnt dropped single ssr (I can mvp every Lumi I summon) but thats ok, not in a hurry with Lumi weapons.
I know this pain. Hosted and MVP 3 and assited and MVP another 9 (we did friends runs) - and game was so generous to drop me a lot of silver animas I will probably never use again. 2 silver animas in 2 red chests is infuriating.
I "like" when you are vice mvp in raid and get 5 gold chests, one chest is that Blue cube, 4 chests are Exp fodder :p. I rather get silver animas from red chest than exp fodder. Ok granted, been leveling my units. Fed around 200 exp fodder to Altair yesterday and got it to 60 -> 76.


You need 100 silver animas for GW character! Though I suppose it's not what you are looking for at the moment.
I farm Yggdrasil for omegas and go for Light/Sorn for GW, so those Ygg silver animas will not be used for a very long time.

I "like" when you are vice mvp in raid and get 5 gold chests, one chest is that Blue cube, 4 chests are Exp fodder :p. I rather get silver animas from red chest than exp fodder. Ok granted, been leveling my units. Fed around 200 exp fodder to Altair yesterday and got it to 60 -> 76.
My Cagliostro eats a lot, so I always know where to spend my exp fodder. Usually feed her 100 archangel weapons at time only to get less than half a level.


I farm Yggdrasil for omegas and go for Light/Sorn for GW, so those Ygg silver animas will not be used for a very long time.

It doesnt matter if Song is light. Only weapon element is important. So if you will make Song bow earth you will need ygg silver anima.


My Cagliostro eats a lot, so I always know where to spend my exp fodder. Usually feed her 100 archangel weapons at time only to get less than half a level.

Yeah I rather fed those AA's to my 4* units than to Vira (93) & LadyG (94). But obviously after everything has been max leveled its 5* units turn :p.


It doesnt matter if Song is light. Only weapon element is important. So if you will make Song bow earth you will need ygg silver anima.
Bow is also light already, I am past shop upgrade stage.
I aim for earth team as mid-term goal (Sara+Cagli+Eugen SSR) and Light team as long term goal (Jeanne+Io SSR+Sorn). So I farm Ygg which I can MVP and leech Lumi which I can't MVP.


Bow is also light already, I am past shop upgrade stage.
I aim for earth team as mid-term goal (Sara+Cagli+Eugen SSR) and Light team as long term goal (Jeanne+Io SSR+Sorn). So I farm Ygg which I can MVP and leech Lumi which I can't MVP.

Nice but I think gw bow is pretty mediocre in any element.


Nice but I think gw bow is pretty mediocre in any element.
It has a best ATK (2555 atm) across all of my weapons and already SK10, so I will keep it for a while at least as a stat stick. Eventually I will replace it if I find something better.
Not that I have a lot of light weapons to choose from anyway. And bow is a must for Sorn and Sorn is strong.


It's a very long (till end of July) and very small (there are only 10 rewards)
Although you can win Cagliostro and Danua body pillows in arcades (in Japan obviously)


So the katana and light gun can only drop from specific bosses? I'm farming the wind one on extreme and haven't gotten any drops yet
Okay boys listen up

As you might know already, the next Guild Wars (Water bosses) is coming up soon (23rd), because of this I'd like to give a word about our plans and current status.

First of all, the four NeoGAF guilds are in this awkward position where good players are spread over all the guilds, this basically lowers the chances of one guild qualifying.

Since all of us are relatively new, we decided last night that we want to avoid taking any chances this month, which means that the plan is to gather all the strong players in one guild (GAFCypher). After all, one guild qualifying is better than no guilds qualifying.

To get to business, GAFCypher wants to qualify this time, we'll need to be one of the top 2400 after the first day of the event. With the general cutoff point being around the 250.000.000 mark, we decided that aiming for 300 million points will be our target. So 10 million points per player


To keep it short:

Our goal this Guild Wars
- We want to qualify

How will we do this:
- Every player needs to get at least 10 million points


The general strategy is to kill the Extreme boss, it drops around 0.5 million points so you'll only have to kill 20 of them to do your part. Killing the easier variant of the boss will also give a bunch of points, but it will require a lot more time and resources to reach the requirement. If you have some EP to spare you can also team up with someone else in Discord and try to gain your points that way.


So you might have already gotten the feeling while reading this, but not everyone will be able to achieve his share, while it's rough, we will have to do some roster changes to make everything work out.

What should you do right now

1) If you're in GAFCypher and are confident that you'll have the Time(!) and ability to get 10M points, please let me know.

2) If you're in GAFCypher and already know that you won't be able to get the points, also let me know (you can do it via PM if you want to)

3) If you are not in GAFCypher and think you can get 10M points and want to help us out, also let me know.

Based on the responses I get here and in Discord I'll try to optimise our squad. If you're a GAFCypher member please give at least some sort of reply, because if I have no insight in what your plans are, I might just look for a safer bet.

At the end of the day, nobody here will blame you if you can't do the GW, so you don't have to feel bad, it's just a game after all.

Any comments or advice are appreciated~


Stuff I'm actually glad to hear

I said this a few days ago, but I won't have the time to participate this month. I don't mind leaving the guild to make room for the better players, so just let me know when you are about to begin moving players (I imagine I'd be moving to one of the other guilds instead of staying guildless).


Hmm. Damn. I'm in GAFcypher. I was able to do the 10mil quickly last event but it was a wind friendly event. An earth one I'm not sure. I'm still midgame quality at best IMO.

I'd like to try but I can't guarantee I'll be able to pull my own weight. Time isn't an issue but last GW was the first that I was soloing extreme with no problems. Not sure if I'll replicate that with a water boss. So I guess if there's someone stronger than me that might give gaf a better shot, they can take my place.




1) If you're in GAFCypher and are confident that you'll have the Time(!) and ability to get 10M points, please let me know.

2) If you're in GAFCypher and already know that you won't be able to get the points, also let me know (you can do it via PM if you want to)

3) If you are not in GAFCypher and think you can get 10M points and want to help us out, also let me know.

I choose option 4-- I'm not in GAFCypher (GAFantasy represent woot woot), and I cannot hit that goal, not yet at least. best of luck everyone!
What should you do right now

1) If you're in GAFCypher and are confident that you'll have the Time(!) and ability to get 10M points, please let me know.

2) If you're in GAFCypher and already know that you won't be able to get the points, also let me know (you can do it via PM if you want to)

3) If you are not in GAFCypher and think you can get 10M points and want to help us out, also let me know.

Based on the responses I get here and in Discord I'll try to optimise our squad. If you're a GAFCypher member please give at least some sort of reply, because if I have no insight in what your plans are, I might just look for a safer bet.

At the end of the day, nobody here will blame you if you can't do the GW, so you don't have to feel bad, it's just a game after all.

Any comments or advice are appreciated~

I guess my time in GAFCypher comes to an end then, the only developed pool I have is Fire and with the next GW being Water I don't see how I can make that work.


is it 10m for the whole event? i got around 3-4m just doing it casually on the last GW, i think it's possible to push for 10mw

edit: what do you get for qualifying for the main event?


is it 10m for the whole event? i got around 3-4m just doing it casually on the last GW, i think it's possible to push for 10mw

edit: what do you get for qualifying for the main event?
Time limit to get that 300m pts (10m per players) is 1-1½ days (prelims) where quild needs to get enough points to advance to guild wars stage (where you fight against other guilds).


Time limit to get that 300m pts (10m per players) is 1-1½ days (prelims) where quild needs to get enough points to advance to guild wars stage (where you fight against other guilds).

holy shit, i guess im not qualified then lol, i might be able to grind if it's a weekend, but 23rd is on monday and it's a work day. good luck to those participating tho!


I know, I just love the shit-eating grin she has in that artwork, hah.

Oh yeah, it's great! lol.

How's the event going for you? Are you hunting for the weapons? I've been doing the fights for easy experience, but don't really need the weapon elements. Thinking of buying them for SSR fodder though.


On the topic of GW, I don't really know what to aim for this time around:

- Dagger seems like a really good weapon*.

- Uno seems good for endgame content with all that damage mitigation, but I'm not at that point yet.

- Esser seems okay, but although I do have decent fire characters, I lack the weapon pool to justify grinding for her.

* Quatre is... ugh. He has this amazing potential, since he uses dagger and the best Leviathan weapon is a dagger (he is an Erune though, so the Baha dagger doesn't benefit him), but his skillset is a bit dissapointing.

What is everyone going to grind for? Hoping to get some ideas before I completely switch to serious mode (studying) and pick whatever.


I'm going either harp or dagger for the weapon, not the char. I'm already working on siete for the char.

Not sure I'm up for the certificate grind again to change another weapons element though.


Seriously how rare is this fire Katana from extreme. :(

Max my 4 staff jobs from I and II and still havent got it,
Already bought the 3 copies from shop.

I could get 10m GW points.... During the whole GW period :p
Gonna skip this one as i only have fire team.
Good luck fellow gaffers!
On the topic of GW, I don't really know what to aim for this time around:

- Dagger seems like a really good weapon*.

- Uno seems good for endgame content with all that damage mitigation, but I'm not at that point yet.

- Esser seems okay, but although I do have decent fire characters, I lack the weapon pool to justify grinding for her.

* Quatre is... ugh. He has this amazing potential, since he uses dagger and the best Leviathan weapon is a dagger (he is an Erune though, so the Baha dagger doesn't benefit him), but his skillset is a bit dissapointing.

What is everyone going to grind for? Hoping to get some ideas before I completely switch to serious mode (studying) and pick whatever.
I'll either go for Sorn/Song or Esser.
Oh yeah, it's great! lol.

How's the event going for you? Are you hunting for the weapons? I've been doing the fights for easy experience, but don't really need the weapon elements. Thinking of buying them for SSR fodder though.

I got my MLB Fire Katana, after that I did a bit more grinding to buy some more Champion Merits and then went back to grinding Magnas/Baha. Need like 18 more merits for my GW Harp.

On the topic of GW, I don't really know what to aim for this time around:

- Dagger seems like a really good weapon*.

- Uno seems good for endgame content with all that damage mitigation, but I'm not at that point yet.

- Esser seems okay, but although I do have decent fire characters, I lack the weapon pool to justify grinding for her.

* Quatre is... ugh. He has this amazing potential, since he uses dagger and the best Leviathan weapon is a dagger (he is an Erune though, so the Baha dagger doesn't benefit him), but his skillset is a bit dissapointing.

What is everyone going to grind for? Hoping to get some ideas before I completely switch to serious mode (studying) and pick whatever.

No idea honestly, I got the Harp last GW so I won't be picking that one up again. Maybe the gun for the inevitable Wind team I'll be building, but I wouldn't go for Esser either. Sword for Siete would be another option for Wind.

Fall-back option is Axe for Sarasa.

Oh, and keep in mind that Erune do eventually benefit from the fully upgraded Baha dagger.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Okay, the grind from 80 to 100 is real. It's going to take forever. Even feeding all my exp weapons to my Yuel, it's barely moving. Oh well, best to start on that now I guess. My fire team of Yuel/Perc/Clarisse is almost ready to roll.

One day there will be a wind GW event, and it will be glorious for my fire team.

Every time I look at the mats needed for a GW character, I just want to put that GW character on the back burner. It's going to take months and months of farming, and while I'm sure the GW characters are good, I'm not sure it's worth 3 months of boring farming the same stages over and over again. I'd rather farm different stages over and over again :p


Okay, the grind from 80 to 100 is real. It's going to take forever. Even feeding all my exp weapons to my Yuel, it's barely moving. Oh well, best to start on that now I guess. My fire team of Yuel/Perc/Clarisse is almost ready to roll.

One day there will be a wind GW event, and it will be glorious for my fire team.

Every time I look at the mats needed for a GW character, I just want to put that GW character on the back burner. It's going to take months and months of farming, and while I'm sure the GW characters are good, I'm not sure it's worth 3 months of boring farming the same stages over and over again. I'd rather farm different stages over and over again :p

Is Yuel a critical ally to have next to Perci?


Just got to level 50! Woo! I'm complete out of CP. So far I've mastered Dark Fencer, Hawkeye and Sidewinder. Probably gonna switch back to FF until I have enough CP to work on Holy Saber


Damn, I am having some serious regret about trying to mlb this event Katana. Probably would have been better to have three times bonus, than just one katana.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Is Yuel a critical ally to have next to Perci?

Yuel and Clarisse both go well with Percival. Yuel, at level 100, greatly increases the party's fire damage (20%) while Clarisse allows Percival to land his fear more reliably. You are going to want both of them if you are making a fire team. There are other good fire characters too, but those 2 are the main support characters. You could probably go with superstar MC instead of Clarisse, but I don't think what Yuel brings can be replicated. Fire's biggest "problem" is damage output because of the low attack stats of Fire's omega weapons, so Yuel becomes even more important imo. Just be prepared for a long, long grind to 100.
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