DenogginizerOS said:It depends on how bad they want to give up Metal Gear Solid 4, GT5, Final Fantasy XIII, and perhaps Resistance 2. It also depends on how much the DLC for the X360 version adds to the overall GTA IV experience.
And don't call me, Shirley.
Unfortunately, because Microsoft is spending millions to promote the X360 version of GTA IV as being the superior version, there are two versions of this game. I don't care about the DLC as much as I care about having a fun game that runs smoothly on the system I prefer to play it on.
As far as GTA IV is concerned as a game, I am really interested to see how Rockstar makes this game more than GTA HD. I love the dialog in these games and the production values. Do we know yet who the voice actors are?
Only speculation, so far. Kyle MacLachlan was pegged by some as a possibility, but no one knows for sure.
Also, if Gears is announced next week, there's a game for the opposite side of that equation in the first paragraph. I don't doubt MS knows they need to have more compelling exclusive content to woo those who have yet to jump into Next Gen. It's why I'm sure they wish it really had come out in October 2007.