Millions of people, myself included, played GTA and other games of equal mature content at a very young age.
Turned out fine.
Why not let the parents decide what their kids can handle?
How can you pick a different response when replying to an email/text?
Almost more realistic now. The cops cone search for you and the car you are in and have "vision cones" that shows where they are searching. If you avoid the searches you get away.
I'll be able to test out the PSN version on a 7200 drive when it unlocks in a couple of hours. It should definitely make a difference.
How's the frame rate for the 360 version? Any better than the ps3? (legit question.. Not trying to start a flame war)
How's the frame rate for the 360 version? Any better than the ps3? (legit question.. Not trying to start a flame war)
More realistic. Line of sight is important as hellAnyone,
is the dynamic wanted level music as awesome as I want it to be awesome.
I watched streams and it was pretty awesome. SO AWESOME.
Same, 80GB PHAT running like a champ in both TLOU and GTA5. I'm proud of ya son.
I still don't get why people love that game so much. I mean I enjoyed it and thought it was good, but I was wondering if all of the people raving about it were playing the same game I was playing.
More realistic. Line of sight is important as hell
Anyone else overwhelmed with how big in scope this game is in every facet. Almost can't be bothered playing haha.
I only played for a few hours last night. Already it's a massive improvement over IV. Aiming and driving driving are objectively better. Much smoother and more responsive. Stop being terribe. For a game on old ass consoles, it looks great. And yes, I play games on a high end PC. GTA V looks fine. People have ridiculous expectations or awful eyes
Played a couple missions, cruised around, awesome.
Tennis is AWFUL though, almost couldn't believe it.
I hope the other activities are way better.
People have ridiculous expectations or awful eyes
So I played for 30 mins lunch time .. Can't find any option to save my game. Just assumed it would progress save me. Finished the intro, attended a psychiatry session, walked up the board walk.. Where the game changed me to two new characters. I couldn't find any option to save the half hour progress so I assumed it had had a checkpoint save system. Quit to dash, then started game just to see.. And I have to start right for the beginning again. New to gta and hear it uses a safe house save system or whatever.. Am I to understand you need to play at least 45 mins or something to reach first safe house?
Any word on this? Due to a slip up, I've got a disc coming despite having pre-ordered the PSN version. If it's bad, I'll keep the disk.
Los Santos is overwhelming. The map is so big I don't think I'll ever be able to learn where to go without using the pause menu
Little of both tbhDynamic music...while having two, three stars.
Or you answered my question and line of sight plays a role in the music which is playing?
I played a 3 set match, and it was awesome better than VT or Top Spin.
Oh I like the sound of this.
Tell me more.
There are trade offs. Overall, you will get a better frame rate on the PS3 during the actual game. 360 has better frame rates during cut scenes. Either way the difference is fairly minimal. Check out the digital foundry thread:
I guess we expected it to be similar to the gameplay trailer Rockstar put out, the one that Rockstar said was taken from the PS3 version. How silly of us.
game is too ambitious IMO
tried both ps3 and xbox 360 versions, both look identical to me (the DF ground texture issue is irrelevant to me since both have poor IQ and framerate)
an amazing achievement on current gen, the world detail is stunning. but if you need 30fps+ wait for the PC and next gen
No. Wasn't bad for what it is (well, the framerate was while playing at Michael's house) but come on.